Super Lemon Haze #2
The phenos of this strain differ, at least in appearance. Of course I won't know if they differ in effect until later.
As you can see in my previous post from last week, SLH #1 of this year is fairly tall, is now about 5.5 feet in a 7.5 gallon pot and still stretching, and has large, long, slender lush green leaves. SLH #2 this year has attained only about 3.5 feet despite the fact that she has had more sun and heat, which this strain is known to need and respond to. She is shorter, squat, bushy (even before she was topped last week), and has shorter, smaller leaves that had yellow veins all over her leaves, with a skunky aroma even as a seedling. (Just for an additional comparison, the SLH in my 2020 grow -- from the same 5-pack from GHS -- got at least 10 feet tall in a 15 gallon pot and was tolerant of heat to a large degree.). So phenotypes galore is what to expect with SLH, so far I've grown three out and each time a different-looking plant emerges. I have to add each plant was grown in a different place and climate.
I topped SLH #2 about ten days ago, taking about four inches from the top. She's started to flower and I want to keep her short for stealth reasons. After topping, she bushed out as the side branches got longer, but her vertical growth has slowed but not stopped. After the top-dressing yesterday (overall NPK of the mix is 3-9-4), her leaves became deep green (some top leaves clawed a bit) but the yellowish markings in the leaves seem to have become greener like #1's. Maybe the yellowish veins was due to a deficiency that has now gone or been ameliorated with the feeding. Who knows?
Top Feeding for Flowering in "Haze Light" Soil Mix
It being now the start of flowering, the plants needed to be fed. For the first time in this grow. What you say? So what better time than now to talk about soil and feeding.
Yesterday's top feeding was mainly to add additional P and K, and to give a slight nitrogen kick. This was especially needed for the haze plants because they got very little N at the start of the grow and have had none since. So I gave all plants, pure sativas and poly-hybrids alike, a big push with 5 teaspoonfuls each of a mixture containing Flower Girl (3-9-4), seabird guano (0-11-0), fishbone meal (3-18-0), crab shell meal (3-3-0), kelp meal (1-0.5-2), plus some oyster shell and malted barley, all topped off with a nice cool drink of seaweed (0-0-4.5) watered in spread out over an hour or so. So total Nitrogen in this first top feeding since the start of the grow was at most 3, probably less; P & K are obviously more plentiful than N in the mix.
The NL#5xHaze plant below is not in haze light soil but there is a before and after the feeding to see. First photo was taken Aug 8, the second photo the day before the feed, and the third photo today after a second watering to reach the roots.
At the beginning of veg in late May, the pure sativa or "haze" plants in this grow (SLH, Purple Haze x Malawi, Michka, and Malawi) were all up-potted into "haze light" soil. So they have not had much N during the whole grow so far. Apart from the 5 tsp of above mix given yesterday, the pure sativa plants since the start of veg got no more N than I included in the "haze light" soil mixture I prepared over the winter (spreadsheet coming).
They have had epsom salt foliar applications for magnesium and mild seaweed concentrate for potassium every 2-3 weeks. I've sprayed also with neem + safer soap to keep the bugs away. Climactic differences exist, and the grow zone is cooler on average by about 9 F/5 C, which can be critical in a heat wave.
Super Malawi Haze #2
Super Malawi Haze (ACE) was said to be "hungry" so I did not plant her in haze light soil. SMH is also not a pure sativa but a poly-hybrid. Her father, the Super Silver Haze, is a Jack-Herer-like hybrid and so some indica genetics are in there, typically NL#5 and/or Shiva Skunk. It's just a small percentage of indica, but that bit of indica surprisingly makes a big difference not only in shortening the long haze flowering time but also in the amount of nitrogen she can safely consume and use. SMH, Durban-Thai HighFlyer, and NL#5 x Haze are this kind of poly-hybrid and have been in full nutrient soil with more nitrogen from the beginning of veg.
NL#5 x Haze ("Hazy Pheno") in full nutrient soil (spreadsheet coming)
A few from the last days. She is now in flowering. As you can see in the last photo.