Seedling not shedding shell

You can mist it lightly with water with a spray bottle (it will help soften the shell/husk), or can use a toothpick to see if it is loose enough to help it along (just have to be gentle as don't want to rip the leaf off). Usually they will manage on their own, but occasionally you will get a stubborn one you have to help a bit with above methods.
My OCD wouldnt allow me to leave it, but the sooner the better.
Back after I posted my last message I went and sprayed it and pulled it most of the way off with tweezers, it seemed stuck to the leaf so I left it, I came back to this about 12:30am. Hooraah.

Thaank you all as always. Now I gotta boost its height up so its closer to the light to slow the stretching.

This is Day 6

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