Seed To Harvest 2.0. Iced Out & Mandarin Cookies

These plants are looking lovely:thumb: Growth has been good despite the cold. Checking back on my picture log, the plants were fully sprouted on 15th May so we just got into day 16.

Plants received their first watering with the enhancer, other than that just Water and misting sessions.

Babies are just chucking out new shoots and big fans daily, really amazing to see them flying and dreading topping this growth but in the pursuit of a strong mom it will be done.

Iced out beaming along

M.cookies showing off natures symmetry

So its that time to attempt rooting the tops which will be taken today. Plants were sprayed with seaweed extract over the weekend. Last look at them before the surgery,

Inhouse Ladies, two chubbys and mutey


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still a bit uncertain about topping the mutant but will make the call with blade in hand

Ethos M.cookies a bit shorter and bushier. Lower growths catching up a bit faster

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Wish i didn't need to cut em but searching for a strong mom
So just before the top and clone attempt i ran into an issue. Initially thought it was a watering issue or light being too close as i never raised it up from the seedling stage. However found that plants were all root bound, no roots were showing through the holes so this fooled me. Unhappy ladies below
I immediately mixed up some coco and got them into 10L pots. The roots looked good but i have made a note to transplant at day 20 if i repeat the same methods. The seeds outgrew their 5L rather quick.
Iced out

M.cookies below


I made another vital mistake and didn't prune the roots enough before transplant so they took a while to start feeling the extra space. There has been a slight improvement


Once they back to 100% i will proceed with topping
Some updates, proceeded to top the plants after they recovered and moved them into a slightly bigger space (1.2 x 1.2M), now using a 480w quantum board dimmed to about 200w.

After the topping

The mutated Iced out after topping and in the new spot


thats one of three phenos im growing but genetics pretty stable with only slight differences. that particular one smelled exactly like grape candy but smell has changed abit and cant identify it 100% at the moment but its pretty loud
Time for an update

The plants outgrew my propagation tent and got moved into a 1.2 x 1.2M Tent. Running a 480w quantum board and 6" Inline fan for exhaust with small fan for wind until i find something a little bigger.


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After moving them over I now had some room for larger pots and went with 20L fabrics.


From here I picked up an issue with Magnesium deficiency, so after trying cal mag feeds the plants would not correct and opted to flush the medium with some water followed by a drench of cal mag solution at 300ppm.


Uptake after the flush was very slow but after a day or two i gave the plants foliage a spray with a light mix of epsom salts. After another day or 2 I saw a bit of recovery and looks like girls are now back on track and need to be opened up with LST.


Will post some more updates if i see anything worth posting about but for now ill just let them grow out with a bit of LST when needed. The rootbound issue brought in so much more issues as a result of throwing my usual feeding schedule out, hope to avoid this issue next time but for now its still time to enjoy the rest of this grow
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