Well-Known Member
MI-Grower, always glad to have ya onboard bro. You know for sure I will be there for yours. Yea for Michigan Dirt Farmers...lol. Say, at one time I remember reading that the definition of a hillbilly was "A Michigan Dirt Farmer". I used to rent in Hudsonville, west of Grand Rapids, and the sign on the road side read "Welcome to Hudsonville, Salad Bowl of West Michigan". Some of the blackest soil I have ever seen. All post-glacial sediment deposits. Every time drove thru the valley, I could only think of how big MJ plants would get if grown there.
Hell ya Michigan does have real good growing dirt...Why didn't you stop and get some then...Shiiiitttt I know I would...lol...
I would have to agree with SettingSun. Or maybe transplant them. Just my two cents though bro..
Everthing else looks good though