Scroggin In The Greenhouse Blueberry OG Kush, WW, Scooby Snacks #1

Welcome Johnny, and thank you. The shows about to begin with most in the flower stage now. I may have to go find a dead skunk to tie in a tree if the funk gets to funky.
Thank you for the warm welcome Jim! Its gona get heavy, both in smell and weight! Youve got me locked in forsure @JimJonesJr :bongrip:
Thank you for the warm welcome Jim! Its gona get heavy, both in smell and weight! Youve got me locked in forsure @JimJonesJr :bongrip:
It's not a problem yet but the coming smell concerns me. I have no way of filtering it from the gh. It's big and not sealed up. I've never had the room to grow this many plants indoors so these numbers are a new ballgame for me. I live in a rural area but my road is a main drag connecting to another. Gh sits roughly 120' from the road. As if I didn't have enough already I've added another 21 clones to the mix yesterday. They won't get big but they will add to the aroma. I may have to convert to finding a roadkill skunk and hang him from a nearby tree September thru end of
Oh my, look what I found today. One of the largest and healthiest Scooby Snacks. Everybody else seems to be okay but this seemed to happen overnight. I'da swore she was fine yesterday but then again I was pretty busy with other things in the gh. Damn...I hate loosing pretty plants but have no problem tossing bad ones. I suspect its the temps but I'm hoping its just a genetic signs on the other ss yet but I now have to watch even closer now.
On the bright side I ended up with 21 rooted clones. Normally I would let them rest and gain a foothold with a little veg time but its off to flowering or nothing. Whoever makes it...makes it. If I can get a lb or two by the end I'd be happy. Hell, any added weight is a benefit.
Oh my, look what I found today. One of the largest and healthiest Scooby Snacks. Everybody else seems to be okay but this seemed to happen overnight. I'da swore she was fine yesterday but then again I was pretty busy with other things in the gh. Damn...I hate loosing pretty plants but have no problem tossing bad ones. I suspect its the temps but I'm hoping its just a genetic signs on the other ss yet but I now have to watch even closer now.
Look at what we have here a scooby snack pollen sack
Look at what we have here a scooby snack pollen sack
Sheeeet I gotta say it really surprised me. She/he was a strong plant. Oh well....onward we go.
Clones look like the will be strong!
Fingers crossed. Some don't look so good. Most had a great root ball but some I had to replace due to a cat just had a few hairs. They may take off but if they don't I can live with that. Thanks for stopping in Johnny.
Sheeeet I gotta say it really surprised me. She/he was a strong plant. Oh well....onward we go.
Weird too because it often happens to the best of plants @JimJonesJr, excited to see how the colas pop out on the other one though & curious on what smell shes going to bring to the table
Weird too because it often happens to the best of plants @JimJonesJr, excited to see how the colas pop out on the other one though & curious on what smell shes going to bring to the table
I still have a few of the ss1. I'm hoping it was just a genetic fluke. They are all flowering and I'm checking daily for balls now. I've never grown this stuff before. Thought it may help the wife's ailments and mine.
One of them that was sick has seemed to show signs of bouncing back after a pH issue. I hope it does. It's a nicely developed plant. She'll give some good bud but that ph issue will prob knock off some harvest weight.
I still have a few of the ss1. I'm hoping it was just a genetic fluke. They are all flowering and I'm checking daily for balls now. I've never grown this stuff before. Thought it may help the wife's ailments and mine.
One of them that was sick has seemed to show signs of bouncing back after a pH issue. I hope it does. It's a nicely developed plant. She'll give some good bud but that oh issue will prob knock off some harvest weight.
Really weird becaue the stress factor seems little to none as well but what can ya do :rip:
What is the cross for ss1 again? Hopefully shell pull through and beef up. Ill keep my fingers crossed for ya :goodluck:
Really weird becaue the stress factor seems little to none as well but what can ya do :rip:
What is the cross for ss1 again? Hopefully shell pull through and beef up. Ill keep my fingers crossed for ya :goodluck:
Platinum girl scout cookies/Face Off OG is what the description says. I've never had either but with luck I get to try their Prob going to be a couchlock strain....indica dominant.
Love seeing these little ones reaching for the sky. Looks like their taking hold. Even the iffy ones seem to be a lot more perky today. No water needed yet. Bags are all still pretty heavy.

All of the White Widows are doing well. One in particular is way ahead of her sisters. I'm guessing she may be ready by late Sept or early Oct.

This girl....she's taking off like a rocket. I'd forgotten how wonderful a widow smells...delicious.

She's not very big. I think the late start and lack of veg time kinda stunted her a little but she is a welcome site to see. I know I'll have some nice bud to puff on while the rest finish up.
I have two sick ones left. I see improvement in both. The ph got a little outta wack obviously. After a few treatments with properly ph'd water and a little food they both are showing signs of healing. I'd hoped to get this fixed before they started to flower but hopes aren't always granted.

This is a BB/K she got pretty screwed up. Instead of very pale thin growth coming from the center out. I now see more green flowing into the leaf. I'm sure this will effect the harvest but maybe by catching it early I can still get something decent from her.


This is the Scooby Snack sicky. She took a lot of damage and I thought about just removing her but patients has paid off so far. She appears to be coming back slowly. These are various shots of her forming flowers. Some don't look so good but they do look better than a week ago.


The BlueBerry/Kush scrog is chugging along. It has just started to flower so we shall see what happens. I'm not going to mess with them much. I'll do a little managing of the branches as they stretch but for the most part I'll leave them alone. I dunno this strain so I don't really know how much it will stretch. I'll know
Here is another BB/K which has since been taken out of the sick bay. I'm pleased with her recovery. She is the tallest of all the free standing ones I had to the side. I may end up with a 6' plant with this one. She's just starting to flower and stretching nice and even. I expect some heavy bud from here.

So here we are again... damn it! Lost another Scooby Snack today. This must be a genetic thing or they just don't like heat. I've read where they can be a picky grow. Oh well, and then there were 10. So glad I started those clones.
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