Okay so a very late update, had a broken, still have a broken tibia, but been trying to walk yesterday and transplanted them plants into there 5 gallon homes. I mixed in three parts perilite to seven parts hp promix yesterday.
Fed them to run off, ec is 612 and ph at 6.8 at run off. Photo of run off nute water.
So what I did after mixing up all the soil was waters the soil down like 3 or 4 times the containers size in this nute water over and over again. Put the plant in and water down 2 more times all the way through. Took forever to do with a broken foot. But should be better in two more weeks hopefully.
Here’s the biggest plant might be a male
Here’s the one on the left.
And the on the right
They be 4 weeks old now.
And then there’s this hydro baby, nine weeks old finally growing normally woot
And then there’s my new flower plant. At idk lost track of time four weeks ago with my grow journals with my inability to walk.
but I am guessing she be 4 weeks into flower by now though lol so another 4 to go probably let’s call her week 14 should be a sibling to the previous dispensary sativa dom hybrid I harvested last month. So I’m like this one for sure.
family photo,
and two more seeds that got put in soil today, they were showing tap roots. One is a girl scout cookies Bastard and the other a blue dream bastard lol. You know in the term that it is a blue dream, but not purely blue dream. Think game of thrones here.
as John snow I guess is a stark bastard. And look how great he turned out. So these are my John snows lol.
What do you think
@MrSauga and everybody else who cares to visit this journal.
boy four weeks is quite awhile. I gotta be more careful not to hurt myself again. Sucks having to rely on others for stuff like a glass of water and a plate of food. Pathetic.
and my plants got neglected. But looks like they fared it pretty well.