RQS Creamatic, Sundae Driver And Epsilon In Coco

I just read through the whole journal and I have learned a ton after all. Looking back I can see where I was struggling to learn the new light. It’s somewhat hot and I not as forgiving as the vsa200se from vovosun. I was having watering issues a couple places. I was not consistent with calmag and I feel like it almost caused a big problem with the creamatic.

The auxiliary lights I put in half way through the grow are great. I’ll get more so both tents can have it. They are ten watts per bar so it’s not a huge deal, but if you put the on the sides the plants love the extra penetration. That’s my theory and sticking to it!

I should have listened to Roy and Bill when they graciously informed me the correct way to add calmag every water every day. I started skipping calmag when the plants were looking a little too green for my liking and I never resumed in time. Next coco grow will get calmag and water daily.
It took me a while... Hi :)
Hey, Carmen, never a bad time! Glad you made it.

Everyone is more than welcome to hop in any ole time and throw me under the bus for something stupid I’ve done to these precious plants.
Nice just saw you posted this figure I say waddup. I forgot you in Maine in my neck of the woods dealing w the same winter I am! How you making out w the winter grows ? The plants look great 👍 I bet you figured out the new england winters by now but this year has been unnaturally warm!! We finally got some luck lolol. So what's the story with the bud knot shaped like a pyramid lmao looks sick af!! Also those spots you seeing look alot like water droplets magnified the light n burnt the leaves ? Have you misted or wet them recently? No other symptoms ?

I’m starting to think it’s a fungal problem on that plant. It’s what it’s starting to look like. Now there’s like 8 leaf toasted. One had a dry spot that I cracked the leaf.


Not many but it comes hard and quickly to the leaves it’s affecting. Don’t want it to be a bad fungus problem but at least maybe that leaves me in the clear as far as my lack of proper care and neglect.
I’m starting to think it’s a fungal problem on that plant. It’s what it’s starting to look like. Now there’s like 8 leaf toasted. One had a dry spot that I cracked the leaf.


Not many but it comes hard and quickly to the leaves it’s affecting. Don’t want it to be a bad fungus problem but at least maybe that leaves me in the clear as far as my lack of proper care and neglect.
Yea it's def a strange look,I just keep seeing water drop magnification? Have you accidentally got water droplets on the lights them selves ? Any at all even mist? I wanted to ask if you tried removing affected leaves ? If you pull all leaves w that brown spotting at once ? Once you remove damaged leaves start starting n watching, see how n where it shows up first,is it on outside or inside of leaf ? Does it show up in new growth old growth or random growth? How long does it take after removing all leaves affected,for spots to show back up on plant? Have you tried Neem oil ? Neem oil is a insecticide, pesticide and a fungicide!! You should be adding Neem oil to your plants and soil every 2 to 4 weeks as a part of ipm n health. Sorry to machine gun you my friend lol
I have sprayed the walls of the tent and the top of the light with plain water. It’s possible the lights underside got water on it. Wouldn’t that be so nice if it was just that. Let us hope!

I’ll answer what you asked down the line.

I’ve removed all the leaves with any spots as if this morning and half yesterday.

It’s on the middle randomly not around the leafs edge. I wasn’t sure if you are asking inside the leaf or not. As far as I can tell there’s nothing physically on the leaf aside from damage, not sure if anything is inside like that either.

It’s only on older growth as of yet. The less healthy leafs.

I think it shows up within 24 hours on a leaf. Now I e removed all affected leaves I’ll be able to monitor when and where it comes back.

No neem this grow haven’t had a need until perhaps now.

I don’t mind answering what I can, if it may shed some light onto any solutions. I appreciate the help man, I’ll post a picture or two of some leafs I took
Is there an issue with phosphorous uptake?

I guess there could be. But it’s not showing all the symptoms just a few. I don’t know how I’d raise phosphorus with what I have on hand.

Phosphorus makes sense when I look at some of the problems it causes. But it seems like it skipped everything and went right to necrotic spots and leafs dying out.

I think it’s fungus related but will not rule out anything and will try to determine if it’s a phosphorus deficiency and if so figure out why.

Also took a brix reading of creamatic on a very healthy looking leaf and I tried it on the worst leaf I could find on the epsilon.

well the creamatic was sitting firmly at 8….. ok 👌

But the ragged completely yellow leave from the epsilon was at 15.

It boggles the mind but I guess maybe those leafs are trying to ferment in place or something. I don’t know and it makes nonsense.

I’ll test again an hour before lights out to get a true reading.

Trust me I know brix isn’t going to save the day with these plants, or the creamatic. The epsilon is being mistreated until she’s harvested.


I think two to four more days and I’ll take half for the cob cure. It’s ungodly sticky, I held the whole kit and caboodle on one finger with just the resin. Smells awesome. Nothing like it did a month ago unfortunately but still outstanding to my nose. You can’t miss it in my bedroom where the closet is.

Small plant but I think maybe an ounce+ still.
Alright curiosity got the best of me and I tried to measure brix from a bud that’s drying of the sundae driver.

Drum roll please……

All I got now is a couple quarter that I can’t get apart. No juice.

I picked the larfy piece I could find, it seems almost dry already. It was sitting next to the rest of the plant as it hangs drying. So it’s a lot drier than the rest.

Don’t ask me what I was going for I don’t know. Just wanted to see. With a little more heat I may have squeezed out a dab. I squeezed the hell out of it.
The rest of the plant still turning out lots of bad leaves?

Will update on that tomorrow when I see if there are more coming. At the moment I’ve taken all the bad leaves I could find. It’s really only been doing this for a week. I’d guess it’s ruined about twenty leaf so far.

Today o woke up to three leaf with issues. But they may have been there since yesterday and I missed them. I videoed the leaves yesterday after plucking all I saw. So I’ll have a look.

I’ve looked at the video and I think if it’s still developing these leaves it’s slowed down or takes 2 days to show. There are some small spots here and there.

I don’t think it’s fixed but it’s not showing a lot to go on.



I know she’s looking crazy, I haven’t messed with netting or tucking since she fell ill.

Today o woke up to three leaf with issues. But they may have been there since yesterday and I missed them. I videoed the leaves yesterday after plucking all I saw. So I’ll have a look.

I’ve looked at the video and I think if it’s still developing these leaves it’s slowed down or takes 2 days to show. There are some small spots here and there.

I don’t think it’s fixed but it’s not showing a lot to go on.



I know she’s looking crazy, I haven’t messed with netting or tucking since she fell ill.
Idk you may have missed them yesterday,just pull them and keep watching,I would also let it dry way back when you can. She looks almost suffocated too with the slight clawing droop ? Did you do heavy watering ? Did you water at all before pic? before pic ?
Idk you may have missed them yesterday,just pull them and keep watching,I would also let it dry way back when you can. She looks almost suffocated too with the slight clawing droop ? Did you do heavy watering ? Did you water at all before pic? before pic ?
No I didn’t water today. Those claws were from earlier in the grow, the watering issues was that she was starting to want to get watered twice a day a few days and I stopped it by not watering a day and then going back to watering normally. Have t misted anything in days.

I did t take a picture before and that was stupid. I made a video instead and that’s not easy to share here.
So I got the cob in the dehumidifier to sweat. Next it’ll stay in the dehumidifier but at the very lowest setting. It’s been about 97f for a few hours. I woke up and everything seamed normal but the clocks were all blinking and wrong on microwave and stove. So power went out last night. In doing so the humidifier in the dry closet went off.

And because of this I grabbed some bud and did the cob right away. The plant in the dry closet is not really worse for wear from it though the rh went down in the low 30%s for 6ish hours. Ive rectified the rh in the dry room and the buds still smell incredible and not dry yet. so it didn’t ruin the dry/cure luckily.

Did a “dry run” a week ago to make sure I could hold the two important temperatures in this method and found the dehumidifier was my best bet. I tried an oil filled space heater with a pot on top of it with the cod bag on top of a piece of wood inside, it worked as well but dehumidifier way easier.

Wasn’t thinking and now I’ll have to wake up at 3am to switch to fermentation at lower temp.

I’m really excited to try this curing method.

Also btw, tried to tuck the creamatic better but her branched and not bending at all so she will just have to figure it out herself from here out as far as canopy goes. I may take to net since it’s not doing anything.
I guess there could be. But it’s not showing all the symptoms just a few. I don’t know how I’d raise phosphorus with what I have on hand.

Phosphorus makes sense when I look at some of the problems it causes. But it seems like it skipped everything and went right to necrotic spots and leafs dying out.

I think it’s fungus related but will not rule out anything and will try to determine if it’s a phosphorus deficiency and if so figure out why.

Also took a brix reading of creamatic on a very healthy looking leaf and I tried it on the worst leaf I could find on the epsilon.

well the creamatic was sitting firmly at 8….. ok 👌

But the ragged completely yellow leave from the epsilon was at 15.

It boggles the mind but I guess maybe those leafs are trying to ferment in place or something. I don’t know and it makes nonsense.

Always trying to figure it out. Two things here…

The phosphorus could have taken a big hit when my temps plummeted. That would lead into the next phase of trouble. *** Edit, wasn’t clear how it let to the next problem.- Because I raised the heat which caused……***Low humidity. And I mean low. At best with towels and humidifier on full tilt I get around 30% rh. So my plants have been in overdrive moving water and are dehydrated probably severely.

And couple all that with my poor performance keeping the calcium magnesium in the plants regiment and you can see where it’s led me. I started to chase down different ideas that were off base. Such as roots being bound.

Anyway that’s my final conclusion thus far. More to come as it developed 🤣

The other thing in that post that caught my eye after realizing just how dry my grow space was, is that the brix reading in the yellow leaf was showing me that the sugars are concentrated because the leaf has very little moisture. Like if I was to boil the water off some honey for a reduction. There’s not more honey, honey. There’s just less water.
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