RQS CBD Auto, Stress Killer, DWC Hydroponic, Tent Grow, Royal Cheese Auto On The Side


Well-Known Member
This is my second grow.
Just gone in tent/reservoir today after germination

What strain is it?
Stress Killer
Growth Stage
Seedling Stage
1 x Citizen CLU048 1212 Gen 6 COB LED in 3500k, 60w with 155 Lumens Per Watt with 90 degree glass lens
Light Schedule 24/7 (Full Fry Mode)
Indoor Tent
Temp of Room 22 Deg C
Relative Humidity - Don't know yet - have a humidifier on - device to measure on order
Lights - Growth Media
Hydro DWC - currently in a DIY seedling setup for later transfer to a 100l DWC tank in a larger tent. Air pump bubbling 24/7
PH of res = 5.72
EC of Res = .73
RO water
Nutrients Added
CANNA Start nutes added at recommended dose
CANNA Calmag Agent added at recommended dose
CANNA Rhizotonic added at recommended dose
Used some Ph Up and Down to get the PH to settle which also bumped up the EC
Whilst I was setting up my tent and reservoir, my dog robbed one of my sprouted seeds so I have stuck a fresh seed in a new Root Sponge and slapped it in the top left net pot shoved well down the sponge to see if it will sprout. Hoping to end up with 6 healthy seedlings.


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Swapped light to a Quantum Board (qb288 board with lm301b chips in 3500k 130w draw from wall) on about 40% power as was worried about light being too close (it is a 70cm high tent) and the COB light has no dimmer switch.

Added a ceramic heating element to heat tent as I was worried about damping off because 1 seedling died to it and all the rooting sponges are too wet. Turning it on and off manually as I don't have a second controller to use.

Growth Media
Added the hydroton pellets to the net pots.

Added 2 more Royal Cheese Automatic seeds to rooting sponges to replace the 2 failed Stress Relief seeds/seedlings that have failed to germinate/thrive.
Added an oscillating fan but only putting it on a few hours a day as it feels a bit strong.
Growth Media
Added 20ml of CalMag (as a response to leaf issue on 1 seedling)
Ph 5.8 EC of 1.5 (10/6/19)

Doing well considering.

New lower watt QB is on the way

Currently one seedling with leaf spots etc


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switched to - 60w QB65 unit is for the micro growers out there, it features 65 leds, samsungs LM301b (v2) cob leds with 2 row of epistar 660nm far reds to aid flowering At 6" or 150mm it delivers 720 u/mols in the center Foot print is 50x 50cm - On at about 60%
Made a fan from a computer case fan and a 5V adapter and this is enough to move the seedlings and circulate air around them without blowing them over which is what the other fan (20V oscillating Monkey Fan) was doing !
Growth Media
Added RO water to drop the EC to 0.91 and PH is now 5.9


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Moved to a work in progress veg tent

switched to a Citizen CLU048 1212 Gen 6 COB LED in 3000k, 155 Lumens Per Watt, Max Output Rating 117W, 36 Volt DC
Hydro DWC - 100l single tank - 4 plant sites. . Air pump bubbling 24/7
PH of res = as below
EC of Res = as below
RO water
Nutrients Added (in this order)
CANNA Calmag Agent added at recommended dose
CANNA Rhizotonic added at about 25% recommended dose
Plant Magic DWC A+B at 80% of lower recommended dose
Used some Ph Up and Down to get the PH to settle which also bumped up the EC
Have a 5000k COB on order for veg
Have some fans on order but atm set up is tent door open for ventilation
Will adjust PH and EC in 12 hours or so to see where it settles at.


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Have fitted a DIY diffuser using Acrylic prismatic diffuser sheet.
Have had tent door open with a fan blowing into the room the tent is in (several tents in the same room)
Now shut the tent up with a 100mm exhaust as temporary solution and passive intake (primarily to up the humidity) before fitting a Solar Palau 160/100 T Silent
Stuck a Sonoff TH10 (wifi relay with a humidifier probe) in the tent with a tabletop humidifier connected. Cheaper than an Inkbird humidity controller.
Nutrients Added (in this order)
Added RO water to Reduced EC to below 1.0 as getting some signs on leaves.
All were growing well but looking crispy and dry. Roots are 12 inches plus long but may have had some damage from the addition of water etc.

So i had thought that as this is DWC and the plants had long roots in the water that maintaining the humidity was not so much of an issue...perhaps hasn't been the case. Nutes are recommended dose and/or intensity of light may be cause of leaf issues. Veg light with a dimmer may arrive tomorrow.


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Solar Palau 160/100 T Silent on in-take and out-take
SMS Hybrid Mk 2 4A fan Controller
All gotten for very decent price on eBay.
Grow Tent
Finether 140x60x60 - OK but much prefer Black Orchids as these are all metal poles.

XL COB 5000k in v 3500k COB
It is about twice the size and have fitted the DIY diffuser to it. 3500k COB is off to a tent with flowering going on in it.
Stuck a bit more Calmag in yesterday.

Sorted out my humidifier which died (leaking) by replacing with second one I bought as same time (they were $20 each delivered) Maybe i will stick to the $45 ones in the future...

They have packed on some leaves since Saturday.





And the Royal Cheese Automatic on the side...


Done very well since going into its own 20l bucket under a single QB 3500k 130w


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Cheese on the side is the bottom left.. in its own dwc bucket...
Of the Stress Killer, one plant is massive compared to the others, one the way to flowering. So thats 4-5 weeks from germination.
Going to be moved to a flowering tent soon.

The 5000k XL COB has done a great job but looking at the Cheese on the side, that is under a 3500k single Quantum board and that's rocketed away as well.

Been neglecting these the last week or so and need to check the nutrients etc .
Just an update for anyone interested, because I hate coming to journals that just stop with no end result documented.

My wife's dad died a few months ago and i was growing some MM for her (and me after a 20 year break) because she had been trying CBD oil etc for her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and seemed ok with the idea of growing our own. "I am looking forward to it" she told me once my first grow was in flower.

Anyhow, we had an argument over her brother and sister (who is a convicted fraudster - against my wife and her mother and ex husband) dragging their feet over the estate, having my wife drive 4 hours there and back to the dads house to clean and clear it whilst they did almost nothing and live 1/3 the distance.

I get a knock on the door and a call from the police telling em to come to the door. I open it and my wife is there with 2 police and she wants to move everything of hers out of our house. i shut my grow room door before opening the front door but there was plenty of smell in the house as i was not remotely expecting any of this especially as it was a weekend.

Police move the wife out and treat me like a wife beater, i explain how worried i am about my wife's behaviour etc etc and all the while the copper is looking up the stairs. Later confirmed by my wife you could smell weed. Police didn't go upstairs but after they left I had to take down all my plants. hung up crop that was ready enough to harvest and binned/trashed 8 other plants.

I didn't know if I would get a visit in the next few days or week - they were probably not going to come and raid me over the weekend etc because resources, likely scale of my operation etc etc ...

Anyhow I managed to dry and am curing my Easybud Auto 2 plant harvest and I got about 5 or so ozs dried weight but its not especially well trimmed. Smokes nice.

I continue to try work things out with my wife but for the moment as we also got an eviction notice, shes gone got a flat, has her sisters claws in her and saying she didn't want me to grow grass, i was spending too much money (shes spent 3 times what I on growing kit spent on rent etc and other costs doing her panic runaway act) etc adding that to her list of complaints I do with I had harvested some a week or so earlier and got her to smoke some with me as it would have helped her get a perspective.

So now ....I prob have maximum of three months in m/our house before I will get evicted so I might as well try grow and harvest some autos in that three months... Suffice to say vaping some cannabis is helping me through this nightmare. Wife and I have been happy, she is reacting badly to all the stress she is under and I am hopeful after a bit more time she will come round while I hold the fort.

Having to put up with (her and her sisters) typical ignorant bullshit about being stoned etc and me growing as some excuse for her behaviour. My wife stupidly also told her sister (estranged for 7 years) I was growing and she had asked for some ....but hey we all deal with this sort of wilful ignorance and duplicity over MM and other things in life.

So..there we go...Sometimes shit just happens ..
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