Ripe1 Grow2 Lunar Planting NYC Turbo Diesel & Cheese CFL & LED In Soil

Day 28!

Ah, to have new problems! I mentioned my thrips yesterday. So on top of a possible caterpillar and the thrips I saw yesterday I also didn't notice that I splashed a couple lower leaves when I watered yesterday (#'s below). I thought I was being careful, but obviously more caution is in order. So I will. However, I am putting my armor on and going to wage war like I would if I were the one waging war. I filled my Amazon cart yesterday to the brim with a couple different Monterey products, including BT, some stinging nettle and I have SNS 203 & 209 and they'll go on tonight. Last night I put tea tree and peppermint oil around the pot parameters and with the left over smell and oil on my fingers, I brushed my fingers through the leaves. Finally I added a couple drops of each to the humidifier. I also have Neem oil. I am going to need some DE for the flowering auto Cheese. Pay day is in 7 days. Enjoy those last few days thrips!

On a lighter note, the tops are growing well and the plants seem to have fully recovered from that ordeal. Growth has been very aggressive so I am hoping that the growth will be faster than the infestation. The NYCTDs seems to be a bit more resistant to the bugs than the Cheese.

I have some new yellow spots that I am not sure if thrips, nutes or something else caused. Take a look, use your zoom on a couple of them to have a closer look. Thanks for everything everybody. You are the most helpful group of earthlings on the planet.
CM - 5ml
Grow - 8ml
Root - 8ml
Weed - 3ml
Diam - 4ml
Ph -6.8
Runnoff Ph 6.8 and 570PPM I think I'll flush next watering, which should be soon. They drank what I gave them yesterday, which was until at least 5% ranging to 20% I'd say.
Top Right View, From Top L to R; NYCD 2,3,4,5
From Bottom L to R; NYCTD1, Cheese 1,2,5

Top Left View


Cheese 5, the worst hit, use Zoom

Cheese 5 Alternate View

Alright Ripe you careless Ass! Watch where and how you water says everyone everywhere the whole time!!!!

Lets end on a good note and observe the top job diong what it gets paid to do....make more TOOOOOPS!


If nobody told you today then I will. I love you and you should too.
Don't sweat the nute water on the leaves, it's purely cosmetic! And it's hard not to do when they're short with so many leaves at soil level. The plants look great and sprouty :).

Keep in mind that DE can only be used through the early pistil phase of flowering. Once buds begin to form you don't want DE on the plant anymore. It's an inhalation hazard when smoked.
VVVVhatever shall I do zen Herr Sched?
I love that show. Neem or Spinosad didn't work? I remember seeing Neem and DE on your grows.
I like to alternate NEEM and spino every 5 days if you have de then I would alternate between all 3. Spino I use at 3x the recommended dose. They can handle up to 50x the recommended dose. It's just a bacteria that feeds on the outer shell of the bug. And NEEM well is time proven I just avoid it in flower. Spino Is acceptable up to 1 week prior to harvest although I wouldn't suggest spraying buds ever with anything....
I like to alternate NEEM and spino every 5 days if you have de then I would alternate between all 3. Spino I use at 3x the recommended dose. They can handle up to 50x the recommended dose. It's just a bacteria that feeds on the outer shell of the bug. And NEEM well is time proven I just avoid it in flower. Spino Is acceptable up to 1 week prior to harvest although I wouldn't suggest spraying buds ever with anything....

So that is what I did and will do my dear Mad friend! I started out with some SNS203 (tried a bath with them and that caused an extra hour clean up job that ended in me just spraying them anyway like I should have in the first place), I'll use 209 next and then some Neem. DE, BT and others won't be here for a couple days so, I'll figure them in between now and then.
Man Shed, I am starting to. I see 1-2 of those little fliers around, and I can see what damage they are doing. The 203 seems to be working at least a little as yesterday there was only one sighting of a thrip and he was on the floor nowhere near the plants. Today I go in and there is more "caterpillar" damage and no culprit in sight. I have grabbed every plant, turned every leaf, turned the soil by finger (which is where I found 2 thrips today) and nothing. Last night, I saw one of those bugs I posted back on page 7, on the air intake screen, outside the tent though. I killed him. I think it might still be those bastards. I wonder if they are burrowing into the soil and staying there until lights out. I am telling you, I have turned the tent upside down and every morning, new damage. So far, the thrips I can live with. Whomever is eating my leaves is about to go to Stoner Guantanamo, and no one is closing that! I just have to get it open now. I am going to post a slew of pics for documentation later. However, as of now, I am "nowhere near" your Tupelo Spider mite problem! I may need a prayer now Shed!

I have not been satisfied with my findings on this bug. I finally found 3 bugs I think it really could be: Boxelder Bug, they are everywhere in the U.S. and it looks the part, quite a bit. The Border Plant Bug also has a striking resemblance, but in the little research I have in to them, they get as big as 15 mm. Mine is very possibly a juvenile as the colors aren't as developed as much as some of the photos I've seen of both Boxelder and the Border Plant Bug. It was probably closer to 7-10 mm. Finally, doubtfully, but possibly a Small Milkweed Bug. It just looks similar to the sample. No research done on these yet. Thoughts?
I have not been satisfied with my findings on this bug. I finally found 3 bugs I think it really could be: Boxelder Bug, they are everywhere in the U.S. and it looks the part, quite a bit. The Border Plant Bug also has a striking resemblance, but in the little research I have in to them, they get as big as 15 mm. Mine is very possibly a juvenile as the colors aren't as developed as much as some of the photos I've seen of both Boxelder and the Border Plant Bug. It was probably closer to 7-10 mm. Finally, doubtfully, but possibly a Small Milkweed Bug. It just looks similar to the sample. No research done on these yet. Thoughts?



Yours has pale legs though which none of these do. Your antennae go forward which neither do in the top pic.

Next time maybe you should find pictures of what you think it is? :)
Well Shed, I HAVE done a good bit of digging before I posted that. You didn't know this, but my bug spent the whole day in some cleaning solution so the colors weren't as vibrant by the time I took the photo. But, if your doubting my diligence, here you go.

Dark legs but the antennae do go forward.

Same thing here with the Border Plant Bug.

Aside from the pic you found, I can't find any with the antennae back. Trust me, I am trying to use all of my resources and really hoping this site can be one of them. I didn't say that those ARE the bugs, I said "really could" be. I didn't know what a Boxelder was called before today. There was never a use for me to know that. Today there is. I've seen thousands in my lifetime, but know that they are a true bug, that pierces and sucks plant, as the other two I suggested are, I know I am getting close if not there. Here is some more for ya Shed, I think I even misdiagnosed the thrips. After finding another today, noticing that it had 1 set of wings and being 3mm in size, I am leaning more towards a fungus gnat.


I'm working on TMD! I have to wait another day or so before I apply SNS209 or neem oil in. I did SNS203 a couple days ago. I've got cards, BT, DE, pop cycle sticks and more fun bug killing weapons for my foray as an exterminator.
Day 31

I am going to hit you with 19 photos so I apologize for the length. I'll let them speak for themselves. I am happy to have made it a full month, with the plants being ever 6 inches with minimal problems so far. That is in large part, thanks to you guys and gals, as well as this site. Thank you!



















I am happy to have made it a full month, with the plants being ever 6 inches with minimal problems so far. That is in large part, thanks to you guys and gals, as well as this site. Thank you!


Happy Friday All!
That leaf is either N or Fe, or just an original leaf dying off. See if it progresses up the plant at all. If it does it's probably N. The chomp damage to your leaves looks minimal to me even though it's driving you crazy. Keep fighting the good fight and get a tighter mesh screen for your intake vents.

And pull up your socks.

When does the calendar say transplant day is? Did the pots finally arrive?
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