That inconsiderate, furry little bum! That is really cool though I think. I just got tired of paying for flies, then being out on the rivers and lakes, having a hatch going on and not being able to match it for whatever reason. As far as Genus, Callibaetis, Ameletus, Occidentalis and most especially and recently, Chironomidae have been the focus of my short studies. There are so many in each though. Carl von Linne was a sick man! It's nice to be able to use some of the Latin I've acquired in these books. At the stream, everyone just says Mayfly or Stonefly or Midge and I'm like "Which freaking one! There are 10 different ones that could be hatching right now!!!" So knowing what to look for is what I am trying to learn. How to present it (like has 3 body parts, Insecta, all Stoneflies, Plectoptera, some Stoneflies, Perlodidae, Little Stoneflies, Isoperla down to Bilineata, Little Yellow Stoneflies) for identification and where. My books focus on the water. Not the plants. That is why I was asking if you had a preferred place to look. I use U of Minnesota mostly. Sometimes I'll send pics to Ralph Cutter with varying success. Pt bats 100% dow!