Ripe1 Grow2 Lunar Planting NYC Turbo Diesel & Cheese CFL & LED In Soil

Day 34

I'm flying like a kite on some mystery purple a friend gave me. It's really got my heart doing the sativa beat. I like that. I hope NYCTurboDiesel turns out like this. Side note, the towel is there because I watered the auto before these pics and the gallon pretty much all ran straight through. It waterlogged a normal towel, this small one shown below...oh yeah, and my sock. I watched it run out of my pan and was like "Oh shit!" I pulled my sock off, just one???, put it under the weakest edge so it didn't run all over my tent and ran for the towels. Here are some pics of them today.







Too much N still?
Not sure I would flush because of the lower leaves turning yellow. First in first out, as well as the fact that I'm sure they don't see much light down there. I think these plants looks pretty fab (holes notwithstanding :)). Time to think about what training is coming next? Are you going to top the new tops? Tie them out? Are you thinking scrog? How many will you be keeping if they all turn out to be females?!

Sorry about the sock...
Leaf Shots. I should probably get a better loupe. But you guys will see what I need to. Are they just dirty from transplanting or are these the thrips?

Fungus Gnats were harmed in the making of this journal. This one was taken alive with little damage in the process. It was laid to rest after this.

I didn't know fungus gnats had a separate thorax and abdomen like that.

[I'm still recommending covering the soil with DE. You have a lot of flying insects for an indoor grow BTW!]

You know, you are right. This looks more like the baby yellow jacket you thought the fungus gnat looked like a few days ago. I'm going to look in the morning and see what it is. I don't know what is up with that. I clean the tent often. I wear rubber gloves when I transplant. It has been an abnormally mild winter here and I have been seeing hatches of small flying insect nearly every day. That or my buddy is right. "Don't use Fox Farms, you'll get bugs! Use sterile soil!!! I might next time...
Oh yeah, I am ordering ALL of a fore mentioned pest controls on payday. DE included.
Leaf Shots. I should probably get a better loupe.

Hard to tell without a loupe...

Those were taken with my loupe on the iPad.

Also, I'm not saying definitively this is what it is, but in real life, it looked like a miniature version of dolichovespula maculata, bald faced hornet. Morning research for sure! Good night some, good morning others.
that is a wasp a predatory wasp living on grubs caterpillars flies and aphids : it is probably Brachymeria podagricus but im not 100% sure, these are your friends ;)

And I FUCKING KILLED him!!!No PT! Shed doggy, I am glad you posted that, I forgot that loupe blog was yours, and I went looking for it last night.
I like her legs though...."She got LEEEGS! Din Din Daw! She knows how to use them! I had to.
they use their hindlegs to do some ninjitsu on their adversaries (they kick forward with them) ;)

i likethose identifying bugs challenges .... it makes me feel ... usefull

but i am not 100% sure cause yours has black legs instead of dark-brown ... but it was the closest i could find that lives in your general area .. but the rest of the bodyfeatures match relatively well
Bwahahahaha! I really wish I would have entered now. Nope. I didn't have time today to get pics. I had time to crack a NYCTD branch. I did get a shot of that real quick, pre and post tape job. It's a lot easier on your heart when they are older and you've been through it a couple times. Mama's had the iPad most of the day. I'll get more and post them am morgen. Pt is just doing a bang up job with those bugs. Speaking of which, Pt where are you looking for these ID's and more importantly how are you presenting the characteristics when you do it. I have books on fly fishing bugs from Ralph Cutter, Mike Lawson, Dave Whitlock etc... But my Entomology foray has been for that purpose and I've only been at it for the past two years at the bench and for the bench. What got you into Entomology?
well in highschool i followed BioTechnics and fairly early on we had to make a 20 part insect collection from around where we lived... i just didnt stop untill a loooong time after my grub in my pants took over ;) in the end i had a large collection of Sphingidae (hawkmoths from allover the world), Cerambycidae (a famùily of beetles) and many tropical butterflies (daytime)

hawkmoth examples:


Cerambycidae aka longhorn beetles examples:


tropical day butterfly examples:


my collection is in ruins now cause it got infected with museum beetles which eat dead animal matter
That inconsiderate, furry little bum! That is really cool though I think. I just got tired of paying for flies, then being out on the rivers and lakes, having a hatch going on and not being able to match it for whatever reason. As far as Genus, Callibaetis, Ameletus, Occidentalis and most especially and recently, Chironomidae have been the focus of my short studies. There are so many in each though. Carl von Linne was a sick man! It's nice to be able to use some of the Latin I've acquired in these books. At the stream, everyone just says Mayfly or Stonefly or Midge and I'm like "Which freaking one! There are 10 different ones that could be hatching right now!!!" So knowing what to look for is what I am trying to learn. How to present it (like has 3 body parts, Insecta, all Stoneflies, Plectoptera, some Stoneflies, Perlodidae, Little Stoneflies, Isoperla down to Bilineata, Little Yellow Stoneflies) for identification and where. My books focus on the water. Not the plants. That is why I was asking if you had a preferred place to look. I use U of Minnesota mostly. Sometimes I'll send pics to Ralph Cutter with varying success. Pt bats 100% dow!
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