Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

There's a typo. It should say that if the EC of the nutes is "lower" than the internal EC then nutrition will be leached from the roots. Elementary osmosis, my dear Mr Watson.
CO2 dissolved in water creates a weak carbolic acid, thus acid rain, which is why you have to run the air pump outside an enclosure if you're supplementing with CO2.
There's a typo. It should say that if the EC of the nutes is "lower" than the internal EC then nutrition will be leached from the roots. Elementary osmosis, my dear Mr Watson.
CO2 dissolved in water creates a weak carbolic acid, thus acid rain, which is why you have to run the air pump outside an enclosure if you're supplementing with CO2.

Good catch Rider. :thumb: I didn't even read it, just cut and pasted. :biglaugh:
Just maybe I'll have a halfway success with her...a 150 day DDA.

I've had some bad luck with the DDAs in general. Just had one push out the seed leaves and then just stop. After 15 days of no change, I tossed it. Previous attempted DDA grows never went well.

Why so offset to the side there? I always shoot for center mass.

I can run a single COB over a hempy and not have to be around as much as I do with the dwc, and it will be quieter for sure, avoiding my nosey realitives that mooch couch space during the get togethers. :)

Is smell an issue? I like the idea of running the stealth hempy, but might worry about the odor of a blooming beast.

The jungle sure looks great.... as always.
I've had some bad luck with the DDAs in general. Just had one push out the seed leaves and then just stop. After 15 days of no change, I tossed it. Previous attempted DDA grows never went well.
Why so offset to the side there? I always shoot for center mass.
Is smell an issue? I like the idea of running the stealth hempy, but might worry about the odor of a blooming beast.
The jungle sure looks great.... as always.

I'm finding the DDA beans from 420Photog have a finicky nature about germination. Very temperature sensitive, a steady 80 deg works best for me. All my DDA grows have been slow starters though, even the factory seeds. If I had to grow them in a soil situation I'd probably scrap them all before they made four inches. :) Do the SSDC seeds appear to grow a bit easier for you than the DDA? I dont seem to have any problem with them, and they were all produced at the same time and have had the same treatment.

Center mass... :biglaugh: I hedged my bet and planted three in the waste basket, only one made it. That makes four seed failures this season, which brings my total to four failures in three years. :yikes: A humbling step back for sure. The COBs have required me learning how to raise tent temps instead of bleeding off the heat.

The jungle smells like one too. Odor is always a problem except for the DDA and the SSDC(until just before harvest). The Mephisto stuff I've been running for the last two years all smell to the heavens. Hoping to try some mystery seeds from Sweet Seeds in a couple of weeks and see what I get from them. ;)

Tead likes him sum SSDC... much easier.
Monster in the makin....

That could be considered a small jungle. Lol.
Great job Rifle.


Thanks DW. You should see the large tent. Lanky sativa branches drooping everywhere. There is even one laying on the floor. :rofl: Started the flush on them yesterday, day 90. Probably harvest on the 1st so stay tuned for a photo before I start the thinning. :)

This is an amazing picture. If you're compiling a selection for the gallery contest, this one should be included.

Sounds like you're having fun. :laughtwo: I wanna see pictures of the mayhem. Controlling lanky sativas is something I'm beginning to finally get the hang of Lucas. Turns out you have to be willing to chop them almost to the quick at least once in veg. Lol! Not a practice I see catching on in our neighborhood, but I'm getting some of my finest specimens with that technique.

Now if I could get past the fear that strikes every time I go to make a severe cut. Lol!

:dreamy: That girl has a nice brixy look to the leaves. I know from personal experience your plants rival the quality of the kit, so I'm not surprised. :kisstwo:

This is an amazing picture. If you're compiling a selection for the gallery contest, this one should be included.
Sounds like you're having fun. :laughtwo: I wanna see pictures of the mayhem. Controlling lanky sativas is something I'm beginning to finally get the hang of Lucas. Turns out you have to be willing to chop them almost to the quick at least once in veg. Lol! Not a practice I see catching on in our neighborhood, but I'm getting some of my finest specimens with that technique.
Now if I could get past the fear that strikes every time I go to make a severe cut. Lol!
:dreamy: That girl has a nice brixy look to the leaves. I know from personal experience your plants rival the quality of the kit, so I'm not surprised. :kisstwo:

Awww, thanks for the kind words Sue. :bigblush: I was not expecting the sativa genes or I would have topped them like I did the Stiltons. :yikes: But since you asked :rofl: I'll drop a couple of photos below. Day 92 today, drained the buckets and nothing but water for the last 2 days. No change in color yet.

As for contests, unless it's just a wild hair I think I'll abstain. There are plenty of folks better than I am that could use the prize packages, and I've had my time in the spotlight.

NOW, on to what everyone really wants to see. ;)

And since I'm dropping photos like they are a hot roach, here are the Stilton Sisters this morning. ;) Nothing but Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect m,g,b and one 3500k AutoCob light per plant. If you're interested in the lights PM me and I'll tell you where I got them.(sadly not a sponsor)

Don't forget, all my photos are linked to larger versions. ;)

Rifleman, those Stiltons are so beautifully frosted! What are your plans for the trim?

Controlling lanky sativas is something I'm beginning to finally get the hang of Lucas. Turns out you have to be willing to chop them almost to the quick at least once in veg. Lol! Not a practice I see catching on in our neighborhood, but I'm getting some of my finest specimens with that technique.

And Sue! Where have you been when I needed you! LOL
I've gotten myself in over my head with my sativa grow. :surrender:
I went from a 4x8 tent to having to build a 7x11 room because they were getting so tall. And then I had to supercrop the bejeezus outta them because they were hitting six and a half feet tall. I'm all ears if you have any advice going forward!
The baby DDA was pushing out 4th node growth in the Solo Cup so I transplanted her into the waste basket. As soon as she takes off and grows another set of leaves I'll top her, then sit and wait.

And what better way to close out the year than a little photo dump of Mephisto Genetics frost. :) No doubt they are the frostiest girls I've grown. :hugs:

:party::party: HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL :party::party:
......Rifleman, those Stiltons are so beautifully frosted! What are your plans for the trim?

Thanks Rider. Trim usually finds its way into edibles. :drool: and of course I have a habit of impersonating a chimney. :lot-o-toke:
Way back on Dec 27th the MBAP buckets were dumped, filled with 6.0pH water, and left to begin their decline. Here I am six days later and not a single leaf has lost any color. They have drank between 9 and 15 quarts each since beginning the flush too. :hmmmm: I also clipped a bud or four back then, and it's ready for a taste today. I'm going to go stoke the fire in the stove and if a spark happens to hit this :joint: .... Well, if it's any good I'm gonna get an itchy scissor finger. :eyebrowsmile::eyebrowsmile:

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