Rider509: Two Thais & G13

I've been struggling in the love/hate relationship with P Chunk for four years now and been trying to find another killer inidca to replace it with, for most of that time. By some bizarre twist of fate I have four big ones in flowering now and a big one in veg. Which is totally stupid. It causes me so many problems -but the smoke is so good. I have to harvest one today and am facing the impending desecration of my trim room, clothes, and life- with its sticky goo that slathers on to everything in range, and clingy fumes that burn my nose and make my eyes water. I just pray I get no visitors before I clean up most of the aftermath because if I do I will be locking the door and/or running away so I can avoid their shocked looks when they smell me.
Sounds wonderful! LOL.
"First and foremost, the smell is unlike anything I have ever smelt before. It smells like if someone exploded a can of Febreeze inside of a nursing home, and you just walked in; mouth open. It is such an overpowering and vile smell, it transcends the sense of smell and chokes you with its pungent aroma. I considered harvesting this plant weeks early due to the smell being so horrible that I could not stand working in my veg tent. Worst smelling plant ever; 0/10."
The only thing I can think is that this reviewer has never grown Pineapple Chunk.

Never smelt weed like that before! Haha
I've been struggling in the love/hate relationship with P Chunk for four years now and been trying to find another killer inidca to replace it with, for most of that time. By some bizarre twist of fate I have four big ones in flowering now and a big one in veg. Which is totally stupid. It causes me so many problems -but the smoke is so good. I have to harvest one today and am facing the impending desecration of my trim room, clothes, and life- with its sticky goo that slathers on to everything in range, and clingy fumes that burn my nose and make my eyes water. I just pray I get no visitors before I clean up most of the aftermath because if I do I will be locking the door and/or running away so I can avoid their shocked looks when they smell me.
Weasel, you'll appreciate this photo if you haven't already seen it. Getting ready to harvest the MTPC. :)
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13
I thought the MTPC#2 was bigger than the first. Not. It's out of the drying tent and into jars and it only hit 780g. It'll lose more weight over the next few days of burping. The six lbs mark is starting to look elusive. It's all up to the MamaThai ThaStik to save the day.
I just reread MLK's speech. So powerful and so moving. And still as poignant today as it was yesterday. It gives me chills every time I read it.

edit: and it saddens me when people are judged harshly for the size of their harvest.
A tribute to MLK...in a 420 sort of way.

And yes, ours are just bigger.

Our harvests I mean...what did you think I meant?

Peace, Hyena
Insert some comment here about it not being the size of your buds that matters but the potency of your trichomes. They still look pretty though!

On a completely different but more serious topic, if anyone knows anyone who is addicted or is interested in the subject of opioid addiction and using cannabis to wean off of them, SweetSue just started an great journal on opioid withdrawal/replacement.
Opioid Tapering With Cannabis - A Regimen
It makes me a little sad to see once massive buds shrink down to shadows of their former selves. :(

I know this is going to get me ribbed but your shrunken buds are bigger then most growing buds.
Hey rider are you using synthetics? They cause a lot of water absorption in the buds and that gets lost once dry. Go organic and give them plenty of calcium. The minerals will fill in those voids with dense material instead of water giving you better quality and more yield with your medicine. Still some great sized buds man.. nice job!:thumb:
Hey rider are you using synthetics? They cause a lot of water absorption in the buds and that gets lost once dry. Go organic and give them plenty of calcium. The minerals will fill in those voids with dense material instead of water giving you better quality and more yield with your medicine. Still some great sized buds man.. nice job!:thumb:
Sorry if this is a stupid question but does that mean you're smoking more calcium? Does less "shrinkage" mean more trichomes in the end?
All nitrogen can be fixed in the plant naturally. The healthier the plant is, the more it’s going to be
able to take up those types of nutrients. What we do is: we base everything we have created on a
calcium molecule. Through chemistry, calcium is the most active element that we can put into a
plant. It carries the most nutrients into the plant and creates the most bonds with other elements in
the soil to become available to the plant. We’ve chosen that protein version of nitrogen all through
extraction off the feathers because it’s: a) the simplest nitrogen molecule we can get naturally, and
b) it is so available, it does not need to be broken down; you can foliar feed it, and it will be
immediately absorbed into the plant. It is one of the most unique forms of nitrogen available to us.
It comes from animal protein, so it's going to be a little bit faster acting than if you were going to
use an alfalfa or some form of nitrogen based protein from a plant material. This way, it’s getting in there salt free unlike, say, urea Nitrogen. Urea is probably the worst form of nitrogen you can give
to a plant, especially if you are susceptible to pests, mold and mildew. Urea Nitrogen forms are
usually high in salts and high in water molecules. They promote growth and that’s it -- not health,
not strength, not solid structure; they promote water intake into the plant.

The active ingredient in bone meal, calcium phosphate, helps to
carry all nutrients to the plant, except for nitrogen and potassium. Calcium is the “queen-king” of
all nutrients, aiding enzymatic action, feeding soil microbes, improving nutrient availability and cell
wall integrity, and encouraging solid, strong stem growth (vs. hollow in a calcium-deficient
situation) which, in turn, prevents stem breakage. Calcium promotes smooth, sweet, aromatic
produce, and generally leads to healthier, more vigorous growth and increased pest and disease
resistance. Calcium also increases the cation exchange capacity of soils, making nutrients more
available to microbial activity and ultimately to the plant.

Calcium phosphate from the
bones will actually create a bond with the sodium inside the medium. The bond will lock up the salt
creating a new compound that gets tied up in the medium, waiting for a microbe to come through.
The microbe ends up consuming the calcium, releasing that sodium as a protein, an enzyme, or an
organic acid. Flushing with bone meal at the end will force the rocks up into the flower and fill all
the voids in the fruit. It helps mitigate the high EC, high salt content. If you’re using a 3-part
synthetic line, do a bone meal flush with the pH up every 2 weeks at a minimum. During this flush,
you’re giving your plant the calcium phosphate and calcium proteins it needs. You’re desalinating
your medium, offering your plants more nutrition, and creating more aggressive growth... and most
importantly, your CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) will increase, promoting protein pumps in your
roots to take in more natural nutrients from the medium.

From my bible.:Namaste:

Its just a fucking crime when buds shrink down to where only 2 is a fist full. Cry on somebody else's shoulder would ya.:cool:
Come on! I'm not the first to watch in horror as buds get smaller and smaller while hanging to dry. They were so dense I thought for sure they'd retain some bulk. I bought gallon jars for the big ones and now they fit in quart jars. Ya gotta admit that's kinda sad. :oops:

Hey rider are you using synthetics? They cause a lot of water absorption in the buds and that gets lost once dry. Go organic and give them plenty of calcium. The minerals will fill in those voids with dense material instead of water giving you better quality and more yield with your medicine. Still some great sized buds man.. nice job!:thumb:
Organics in RDWC is awful. It stinks to high hell. You don't have to worry about anyone smelling your plants because the stench of bat shit and worm poo stew overpowers everything. I use the Flying Skull dry nutes. But I appreciate the info you followed up with! Good knowledge.
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