Renaissance Man's Second Grow

I love the reveg project RM. I have one of those going as well. I took a bud off of Lorraine, one of my first plants, in flower. I put the bud in my DWC cloner on 12/18, rooted and planted in a solo cup on 12/30.

She's been shuffled around from tent to tent, at one point being left in the flower tent for a week, and is still in that same solo cup :( If you look closely at the pictures for my second grow you will see her in the background of a lot of them.

Lately she's been in the bottom of the veg tent, stretching to find light past the clones in there. In a week or two I'll have a tent dedicated to mothers and projects and she'll get a permanent home :)

Happy Growing.
Thanks BudMan! I think I may be in for a surprise when I want to go to flower. It appears that Critical Cure plant may be vegging for a long time... which may give me problems. I'm going to SCROG this go round so I think that may help, given I only have 5' tall of tent ( minus light).

One day I'll have two tents that reach to the heavens like @Krissi1982 and I won't have to worry about any of this and I can just grow. #1growtentproblems
Well, here is where we are at today. The critical Cure is growing very nicely in the 1gal. I'm watering every 3 or 4 days. The monstercrop, let's just go with "GZ" like last grow, seems to be taking in slightly less water pace.

I'm happy with my nutrient uptake, both plants look healthy. I anticipate transplanting in about a week.

I'm about 42 days into veg and things look good. I uppotted into 3gal pots about a week ago. Roots looked much better on the Critical Cure. It is also drinking water much faster than the monstercrop GZ.

I anticipate vegging for at least until the end of the month before I flip to flower. Water is pH'd to about 6.3-6.5. I may add some molasses to my next water since feed has been taken care of until flower. I have calMagic on standby and not sure if I should add any preemptively?

The 2 photos don't look like they're from the same plant Why does it look so brown in the middle of the plant on the first pic? It looks like a cannabis flower.
The 2 photos don't look like they're from the same plant Why does it look so brown in the middle of the plant on the first pic? It looks like a cannabis flower.
Hey @HashGirl , yes you are right. The first picture is a monstercrop from last grow Gorilla Zkittlez. It is now back in vegetative stage. It has been vegging for just over a month
Thanks BudMan! I think I may be in for a surprise when I want to go to flower. It appears that Critical Cure plant may be vegging for a long time... which may give me problems. I'm going to SCROG this go round so I think that may help, given I only have 5' tall of tent ( minus light).

One day I'll have two tents that reach to the heavens like @Krissi1982 and I won't have to worry about any of this and I can just grow. #1growtentproblems
I had a 2 tent system up last time and I’ll admit it’s much faster and not as much shuffling around of girls but I’m only using 1 tent this time for no other reason than I’m not gonna put up another tent. I have it shoved under the bed and lord knows I have plenty of lights. Most are old school Mars II’s and reflectors but I like them and they’ve grown some mighty fine herb. I had every intention of just doing small grows with 1 tent but I have a feeling before it’s all said and done I’ll get the second tent up and I’ll have 8 girls going in each tent steady rotating them in to veg then flower instead of all stages in one… will take forever cause some will take longer to finish flower and can’t really start new girls till all bloom girls are done. Guess I could just veg in a cabinet but I’ll do something I’m sure cause I can already tell this is going to be a pain in the butt…..:circle-of-love:
I'm about 42 days into veg and things look good. I uppotted into 3gal pots about a week ago. Roots looked much better on the Critical Cure. It is also drinking water much faster than the monstercrop GZ.

I anticipate vegging for at least until the end of the month before I flip to flower. Water is pH'd to about 6.3-6.5. I may add some molasses to my next water since feed has been taken care of until flower. I have calMagic on standby and not sure if I should add any preemptively?

Just my opinion but I wouldn’t add the cal/mag unless it’s showing defective. It can cause problems if you add to much… please remember my opinion is worth what you paid for it…..:circle-of-love:
Hey gang, well here is an update. Not a whole lot going on. The monstercrop clone still has not started to veg. I'm just being patient. Not sure how long that typically takes but it's been a few weeks at 18/6 light and still nothing.

The Critical Cure is doing great. There was a little nitrogen deficiency after the first set of leaves. I was hoping the soil had enough nutrients to get me through a couple of weeks but evidently not. I added a couple of tablespoons of top dressing and I fed with pH'd water and all looks good now.

I am having a temperature control issue. The light seems to be putting off a lot of heat from the driver. I think this is going to be challenging as my tent stays in the garage. I do not have an A/c unit and am having a hard time managing humidity (or lackthereof)

Side note: Thinking about something in advance. I could use some input. I have a 7gal and a 5gal cloth pot that I'll be using for the two plants. I'm not sure which plant to put in the bigger pot yet.. suggestions?

Also, I think I'm going to be scrogging this grow. Going to pick up a net at the hydro store later this week but I'm still a month away from installing it. Should I top the plants if I'm going to scrog or just let them grow? My understanding is that when you scrog, there is no need to top as I won't have an issue with height.
Do you have an Ollie‘s anywhere around where you live? I got a portable air condition there that’s on wheels that you just vent out a window that works excellent in my grow room. I’m don’t need to freeze the rest of the house out but I need that room cooler to keep the temps down & it’s awesome. I don’t like the passive heat go away thing that they’ve done I like the old way that had fans that made the heat dissipate because this passive heat go away thing is not working as well for me as I was told it would. I keep my tent open all the time because it’s in a room by itself that I just shut the door and there’s no lights or little red lights where things are plugged in or anything that can affect it so I don’t worry about it and I haven’t even pulled the unit I’ve got out but if you’ve got an Ollies around there check because I didn’t pay but about $100 for this unit in there and they are a lot more expensive everywhere else I’ve seen them…..:circle-of-love:
i should add i've stopped trying to add rh. over the years i found it wasn't worth it.

none of my grows falls in line with a vpd chart. i've always found you harm your grow more by trying to create perfect conditions. instead of living by the chart i adapt to what i'm given. it always results in less stress and better grows.
I could not agree more! It’s a weed for chrissake it has one ambition in its entire life and that’s to live the best you can do is give it the best growing conditions that are possible with what you have to work with and I have grown just as good of herb out of a box as I have out of my last which was a really good set up of 2 tents great lights blah blah blah….. now with that said there are people still on the forum that will tell you I am psycho when something goes wrong with my plants I go insane so even though it does absolutely no good to do so because all I can do is give them the best environment I can provide to let them grow but I am a klutz and I’ve dropped several I’ve had a lot of weirdos and it just is what it is but they want to live so you almost have to try to kill them. Again make no mistake I’m very capable of killing them and have done so many times but not once they’re past the baby baby baby stage and I like to play with mine and I like to abuse them and I bend them and I stretch them and I twist them because I like an even canopy and I like to keep the bud sites open and I strip them like dancers I very seldom leave any big leaves on my plants I defoliate them till they’re literally naked and looking like pole dancers but that’s just because I am sadistic….:battingeyelashes: ……:circle-of-love:
Thanks @Dennise for all the insight! I think you're right about the Calmag. I'm going to hold off until I see something deficient. I was under the impression that it is a relatively safe nutrient to add as it is not detrimental to causing lockout, however, I am not 100%.

I'm not sure if I want to keep pH'ing my water. It's not that big of a deal, as I'm dropping a half a dropper in a little haphazardly. Again, maybe I'll stop adding it unless I see some immediate deficiencies.

Now to the current sitch... I uppotted both plants, the Critical Cure into a 7gal pot and the GZ monstercrop into a 5gal. I set up the scrog net but not sure if it's too high or too low. Seems ok right now as I am at about 1.5 months into veg and will most likely veg for another month.

I also added the P1000 at 75%. It is now definitely giving more than enough light to the corners of the tent, at least one side. I will add the P600 to the other side as soon as I get another adapter to my outlet so I can run 3 lights off my timer.

Lastly, I top dressed them both after transplanting with my Veg nutes of 6-8-4 and it seems to be pretty good. I was told that this is a safe nutrient line as it is all organic and will not cause burned tips. So far, they are correct. I'll switch to my bloom nutes in another month or so.
Your girls are beautiful and look extremely healthy and I love the burlap bags. I have no idea about the net I’ve never done it probably never will I have seen a lotta people over the years that did grow that way and they get massive buds sites and nice harvest so it might be something I should look into but it would actually take effort and most people know that’s not something I do very often…….:circle-of-love:
Your girls are beautiful and look extremely healthy and I love the burlap bags. I have no idea about the net I’ve never done it probably never will I have seen a lotta people over the years that did grow that way and they get massive buds sites and nice harvest so it might be something I should look into but it would actually take effort and most people know that’s not something I do very often…….:circle-of-love:
Yeah, I thought I would try a different way this grow and do the Scrog method. Stay tuned.. The only problem is I have to wait for the clone to catch up or at least fill out.
Plants look good, and you can always put the clone pot on a riser to bring it up to the net!
I was under the impression that it is a relatively safe nutrient to add as it is not detrimental to causing lockout, however, I am not 100%.
Calcium can lock out phosphorus and magnesium and magnesium can lock out potassium, so it's best to use it when you see a need as Dennise mentioned.
I'm not sure if I want to keep pH'ing my water.
Not necessary. FoxFarms says:
"Our ... soils are pH-adjusted to meet the needs of your plants"

They only mention modifying the pH of the water in reference to hydro:
"The nutrient solution in your hydroponic system can be adjusted with a pH up or down solution."
Plants look good, and you can always put the clone pot on a riser to bring it up to the net!

Calcium can lock out phosphorus and magnesium and magnesium can lock out potassium, so it's best to use it when you see a need as Dennise mentioned.

Not necessary. FoxFarms says:
"Our ... soils are pH-adjusted to meet the needs of your plants"

They only mention modifying the pH of the water in reference to hydro:
"The nutrient solution in your hydroponic system can be adjusted with a pH up or down solution."
Thanks for the insight, @InTheShed! I now feel confident to hold off on calmag until needed.
I may put the clone on a riser. We'll see what the next few days look like. And now for sure, I will not be pH'ing my water for now. Thanks again!
I'm back and at about day 60 of veg, it looks like I'm at least 10 days from flipping.

I have my bloom nutes on standby of 2-8-8. Not sure if I should add those nutes next watering day in a couple days or should I wait until after flip?

I haven't pH'd my water in last two waterjngs and no signs of deficiencies.

I have defoliated the critical cure on the right like mad. It comes back stfong never misses a beat.
I've defol'd the left clone but not nearly as much.

I think I'm going to need another fan.
It has been about 5 days since last update. I am starting to notice some gnats flying around. I will be adding some mosquito dunks the next watering tomorrow.

I haven't pH'd my water anymore and still no signs of deficiencies!
Critical Cure CBD, on the right, is doing great. I pull off a good handful of leaves every few days trying to keep it a little airy. Also, cleaned up the bottom 1/3 to begin that lollipopping.

GZ on the left is doing great also. Still seems pretty immature though with less bud sites. Will probably veg for 2-3 more weeks. We'll see.. i'm impatient.

It's pretty hot in the tent with temps reaching mid to upper 90'sF and humidity also very high. I'm hoping that my inline fan will be able to control that a little better when I reach flower otherwise i'm going to be having some issues.

oh and lastly, something to note. Because of my high humidity and the fact that GZ was a monstercrop, the "old" bud where it re-vegged from really appeared to either start to grow mold or already had it. I thought all those sugar leaves would fall off but they really didn't so I had to kind of scrape it off.. so far, so good. I hope it does not bring me problems in the future.

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