Renaissance Man's First Official Grow: Blueberry OG, Gorilla Zkittles & Cream Caramel In Soil

Day 34 of growth
4 days since water

So I decided to make things more complicated in my life. Different watering days. Oh well.

The CC was due for a watering today so I mixed 1.8g/1.5L of MC along with 10ml/1.5L of DIY calmag (can i just call it Calmag?)

I think this may be too much but I'll keep an eye out.

The GZ and BB still feel a little bottom heavy after 4 days so I only watered about 3oz to each around the sides of the pot. I will wait another couple of days before I give a regular feed/water.

GZ still shows yellow at the bottom but overall looks "ok"

BB still seems to be doing the best with really good growth underneath.

and lastly, CC has stopped yellow edges and looks to have taken root of the new soil. I'm beginning to like her again.
The problem with working too close to your garden is that you're always thinking about it.

I've been looking at the GZ and BB plant today and I can't stop thinking about the yellow leaves underneath. I think it is from overwatering early, but I don't feel that the bottom of the pot is so heavy that it is suffocating the roots to justify this yellow? But maybe it is. I have been on a 4-5 day watering cycle since pretty much, the beginning. That would be about 3-4 watering cycles. This cycle, I am going to extend it a few more days by lightly watering the top inch without reaching the questionable water table.

Is it just overwatering or is it something else? I am so unfamiliar with deficiencies that I'm not sure what I'm looking at. It doesn't appear to be a calcium or magnesium deficiency? It also does not appear to be overfed as that would result in darker leaves, from how I understand MC to work. I am feeding it the equivalent to 4g/1gal.

The only thing that is unknown is my pH. From my silly little paper test strips, it looks to be about 6.2. I also have alkaline drinking water that supposedly is over 8. Long story why I say supposedly. Anyways, not sure if pH has anything to do with it a I don't really want to mess around with other than my tap water. But maybe that's a problem. Last time I checked the PPM of my tap was about 275

They also seem to be not growing quickly. I have my lights set at 20" at 80%. The fan is moving, the tent has air, not hot in there.

Here is the Gorilla Zkittles

Here is the Blueberry OG
You are doing fantastic, seriously all comments meant as positive reinforcement not blame storming….

One thing I know…. if it’s green and supposed to be a weed plant then yup I can kill it quickly!!!

I tweaked my 420 settings & never see tags but if I can help - please shoot me a quick pm
Hi Helpful Henry!!! RM, he's the best!
Saw this in a different post, Keep working at it. My first grow was a total fail, only got 1oz from 7 plants. This year after being on here and listening to other growers, took in 1.7lbs this year. It will come it is a learning processes and we can't learn without mistakes. :Namaste:
It's time for bigger pots my friend...sorry just catching up here
Wow, really? I thought I had to wait until my plants were drinking every 2 or 3 days? Ok, I'm going from 1g to 5g next. Thanks!!!
Day 35 of growth
Water/Feed day
Transplant day

Things I learned today:

1.) Trust my instinct when the pot felt dry, it really was dry. I was imagining the bottom weight.

2.) Never try to replant from a ceramic pot. That was miserable. It did not come out like the other two and I actually had to gently pull it out. I felt like an OB pulling a baby out with forceps. That was the Caramel Cream. I could not get any pictures because I was slightly panicked and was trying to put that girl in her new home before more soil would fall away.

Summary, I was probably about 7 days overdue from transplanting that may have caused the yellow lower leaves. Hopefully, this new transplant into the 5g will spark some growth soon.

I watered each of them with 1.5L of water with 1.8g of fertilizer in each one. The Caramel Cream must be a smaller pot, although it appears to be the same size. I had way more runoff with the 1.5L that I will need to pay attention to the amount of water she gets over time.

Here are some pics:

Gorilla Zkittles Roots

Blueberry OG Roots

Final Home under 100% lights between 16"-20"

Day 36 of growth
1 day since water/feed

So a couple of things I need to document:

Plants look like they are adapting well to transplant. However, the GZ is showing me what I think might be a deficiency in one of the leaves turning yellow. I assumed that the yellow leaves on the BB and GZ was due to rootbound and lack of Nitrogen. But is it possible to have a Magnesium deficiency?

The CC is turning out to be really nice. Color and shape look really nice.

Lastly, I am contemplating topping the GZ as it seems to be the tallest and I can imagine it may need some training since all I have to work with is a 60" height tent. I kind of want to wait until I get this yellowing under control before I top, but maybe it isn't necessary. Also, should I pull the yellow leaves as they are taking nutrients from what could go to healthier leaves? or by pulling them, will any deficiency just move up to the next set of leaves?

and here is the BB also with a little yellowing on the lower.
Hello Sir. I don't like to top autos. They don't like too much stress, especially wouldn't top until you get the nutrient/leaf issue fixed-want her to be able to recover quickly as she is an auto...

Congrats on moving to the new pots...I knew that ceramic one was going to be a pain in your butt....

Yes to all of the above for them...they were dry. They got bigger and they grew more roots and they were stuffed in little pots and they are hungry for all of that..

You can cut off the very bottom yellowest leaves they will do nothing but drain energy. The leaves will never recover that are damaged like the bottom leaves are. Food and the new homes and maintenance will prevent it from spreading to the newer leaves..plants draw from old leaves when they are growing, that's why you don't see it everywhere and you more often than not, see it start on a couple bottom leaves...
Hello Sir. I don't like to top autos. They don't like too much stress, especially wouldn't top until you get the nutrient/leaf issue fixed-want her to be able to recover quickly as she is an auto...

Congrats on moving to the new pots...I knew that ceramic one was going to be a pain in your butt....

Yes to all of the above for them...they were dry. They got bigger and they grew more roots and they were stuffed in little pots and they are hungry for all of that..

You can cut off the very bottom yellowest leaves they will do nothing but drain energy. The leaves will never recover that are damaged like the bottom leaves are. Food and the new homes and maintenance will prevent it from spreading to the newer leaves..plants draw from old leaves when they are growing, that's why you don't see it everywhere and you more often than not, see it start on a couple bottom leaves...
Thanks @Krissi1982! Actually, these are not autos. I had my title edited to the new seeds which are all photos. I know, the journal started off bad, but here we are now.

All 3 of these are photos and only using the Megacrop. I also have the DIY CalMag on standby, but not sure when to use it or how much to use?
Thanks @Krissi1982! Actually, these are not autos. I had my title edited to the new seeds which are all photos. I know, the journal started off bad, but here we are now.

All 3 of these are photos and only using the Megacrop. I also have the DIY CalMag on standby, but not sure when to use it or how much to use?
That explains a lot lol I didn't catch the amendment....

Oh definitely use it, at least once a week..5ml p gl is usually sufficient...some people use it w every feeding...
I also have the DIY CalMag on standby, but not sure when to use it or how much to use?
Hi mate. I would use it now, the CC is definitely showing a magnesium deficiency, and they all look extremely hungry.. I haven't read this thread from the start; so I will catch up. But you need to act quick I would say. Be back in a mo
I'm back, if you can, get a pH pen, it would really help. I think, from my experience of destroying 2 plants, that your ph is way off. Have you checked the ph of your mixed nutrients and water recently
I thought that then he said he tested at 6.2...idk about those strips though...they work in restaurants...meter is probably much more accurate
I thought that then he said he tested at 6.2...idk about those strips though...they work in restaurants...meter is probably much more accurate
Hi mate. The strips are a ball park measurement, plus it also depends in the temperatures of the solution being tested, there's an ideal range..
With all the nutrients and the medium they are grown in, they should be growing healthy. So, Ph, is what is standing out to me..
Awwwww mate, its an offsite reference. But we have all that info in its a link to a commercial website that sells nutrients.. I will go to the loo, see if you can find all that info on here and quickly replace that link, before a moderator sees it:p
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