A hot air vaporizer , or herbal aromatherapy machine is a safe,smart,and sound alternative to plant combustion. Hot air extraction, like steam extractions, which have been done for thousands of years has proven to be a superior method of extraction essential plant oils. The boiling point of THC being about ~315 F, and other cannbinoids a little higher at ~ 350 F, which is about ~160 C and ~ 210 C respectively. By heating the plant material above 200 C , it is possible to extract carcinogenic organic compounds such as benzene, and toulene ( hence smoking isn't good for you ). The act of distilling a plant, and separating compounds based off different boiling points, and using its psychoactive ingredient has been done for thousands of years, just the fact is the autoignition temperature of paper ( similar to hemp ) is about 850 F, or 350 C, this is a very large difference which obviously leads to the breakdown of many other cancer causing agents.
The fact technology is where it is today, and allows for a cost effiecient, and over-all efficient mechanism for extracting the active ingredient, THC, is an over-whelming reason to stop inhaling combustion products, and aim for a cleaner mode of ingestion.
Now, there are a few cannabinoids, maybe 1% that does exist in the plant matter ( only can gain access through combustion ) but these are not "clean" cannabinoids. However, some people say that, when your vape bowl is done (you'll know), that theoretically the left-overs could be used for baking edibles.
I smoked fat RooR rips for about 5 years straight, and believe me there was nothing like it. But I'm sure glad I'm not combusting anymore. Vapors are the way to go!