Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Can't complain about those numbers dude. That's awesome. Thank you, I appreciate the positive vibes. Much love my friend.

My XJ's are lookin like 4 or 5 ounces per plant. Big rock hard nugs. I pinched a couple pretty hard and all that happened was my fingers stuck to it. The bud wasn't affected by it. Amazing strain.

Word brotha :thumb: Enjoy those and have great Weednesday :Namaste:
cant say enough about the cat Aloha Brotha Great tomorrow to you :high-five:

That's a fact. I will puff a bowl to that :volcano-smiley: Thanks for the love and positive vibrations. Much Mahalo brother :circle-of-love:

Hope everyone is well and their garden's are green. :Namaste:
Good morning weed Lester. 'Well I burned my sulfur burner last night for a couple of hours to see if I can get the mold under control in the greenhouse. It wasn't bad but was starting to be way more present than I liked. I figure I'm far enough away from harvest to no worry about taste. the PGG looks way happier this morning. Wish I was down there sometimes to see if I could get her to the finish. Happy Days :high-five::volcano-smiley:
Good morning weed Lester. 'Well I burned my sulfur burner last night for a couple of hours to see if I can get the mold under control in the greenhouse. It wasn't bad but was starting to be way more present than I liked. I figure I'm far enough away from harvest to no worry about taste. the PGG looks way happier this morning. Wish I was down there sometimes to see if I could get her to the finish. Happy Days :high-five::volcano-smiley:

Good Morning Bee. Yeah I hear that sulfur is suppose to work magic for greenhouses, I hope you knocked that fungus dead! :Namaste: Hopefully you can get 'em to finish up to produce some decent herb. Those plants have came a LONG way since the beginning. :thumb: Have a good day Bee. :circle-of-love:
Fresh pics

KC-45 Pheno #5 Pine Spice (REVEG-----> REFLOWER)


So as you can see she is doing stellar, just letting her do her own thing for awhile. Will need to give her some water soon. In other news, the 2 new Swiss Cheese seeds have sprouted! :Namaste: And the fall crop is doing just great. :thumb:

I will post some more pics throughout the weekend, for now I'm gonna relax. :volcano-smiley:
Lovely pics Brotha
and an Aloha FreeWeed day to you :high-five:

Mahalo brotha, I will try and get some better pics today. I think it's gonna be a great day. Have a good one! :ciao:

Thanks for the update Lester! That KC-45 is looking mighty fine. I love how reveged plants yield.:)

My pleasure RC :allgood:, I'm real impressed with the results thus far. Real interested to see this one to the finish line, she's a musty stinker and is loving her morning Sun everyday, those flower sites are gonna make some real progress now that the days are considerably shorter! :surf: :volcano-smiley:
The Vegetating Plants

Newly sprouted Swiss Cheese (could be males,females, or both)


Critical (by Royal Queen) - feminized


The Blueberry x Santa Maria plants (one and two) These plants are darn beautiful aren't they?

And this is Zilla's only surviving clone (KC-45 Pheno #6), however I am going to be taking some clones off her indefinitely.

When the Sun angles are right, I'm gonna try and take some more Sister Zilla photos, I need to do a slight bottom canopy defol, and clear out some of the dead leaves. :surf:


Nice update Overlord. Can you fax me a cutting of Zilla?
On a filthy, filthy day here it's wonderful to see such Californian sun. And greenery. I agree: the Blueberry x Santa Maria are very nice looking plants indeed. Very green post, Lester. Thank you.
Good evening weed Lester. Looking good. With all the sunshine how can't they look good :goodjob: Shatterday is coming so :volcano-smiley:
Good evening weed Lester. Looking good. With all the sunshine how can't they look good :goodjob: Shatterday is coming so :volcano-smiley:

Good Evenings Herb Brotha Bee! :volcano-smiley: :high-five:

Definitely cooling off at night though! :surf:
Aloha and a Great Weekend to ya Brotha :high-five:
plants look pretty oh so pretty :cheer:

Mahalo brotha for cruising through, you and OMM always swing through at the same time :) Hope you and yours have a wonderfully relaxing weekend my friend! :circle-of-love:
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