Rays Choice! 600W Scrog


New Member
Hi guys/girls, obviously I'm new here I've only just signed up today. I used to be a member of another forum but i can't quite remember the name, it got shut down a few years ago and I really gained a lot of knowledge from the members. The reason I have signed up here is because I have a grow at the moment and I'm experiencing some of my leaves curling upwards. I haven't really seen this before and I don't really like to diagnose my plants from Google ☺
If anybody could help me in pin pointing what this is and getting the problem fixed would be greatly appreciated.


Strain - Sativa 70% indica 30% Rays choice (Haze)
# of Plants - 4-
Grow Type - coco
Grow Stage - Flower
Light - 600 Watt HPS Deluxe
Nutrients - plagron cocos a&b, plagron green sensation, gold label ultra Mg & PK, gold label roots & enzymes
Medium - canna coco
PH - 5.8
RH - 20%
Room Temperature - 26-30 degrees
Room Square Footage - 1.5 x 4 Ft
Pests - None Known

Problem: my leaves are curling upwards and some of my stems are getting purple lines. Any help?

Picture below of leaves.
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Hi guys/girls, obviously I'm new here I've only just signed up today. I used to be a member of another forum but i can't quite remember the name, it got shut down a few years ago and I really gained a lot of knowledge from the members. The reason I have signed up here is because I have a grow at the moment and I'm experiencing some of my leaves curling upwards. I haven't really seen this before and I don't really like to diagnose my plants from Google ☺
If anybody could help me in pin pointing what this is and getting the problem fixed would be greatly appreciated.


Strain - Sativa 70% indica 30% Rays choice (Haze)
# of Plants - 4-
Grow Type - coco
Grow Stage - Flower
Light - 600 Watt HPS Deluxe
Nutrients - plagron cocos a&b, plagron green sensation, gold label ultra Mg & PK, gold label roots & enzymes
Medium - canna coco
PH - 5.8
RH - 20%
Room Temperature - 26-30 degrees
Room Square Footage - 1.5 x 4 Ft
Pests - None Known

Problem: my leaves are curling upwards and some of my stems are getting purple lines. Any help?

Picture below of leaves.

Here Is My Opinion For Whats Wrong!

1.Bring Your RH UP!!!!!!For Flowering Keep It Between 40-60%RH!When In The Final 2-3 Weeks Of Flowering Bring It Down To 40-48%RH.Too High RH Invites Mold/Diseases!

2. 26-30 Degrees????Do You Mean Celsius?Keep Temperature Between 70-78*F(21-25*C)...Once Later In Flower You Can Go To 82*F(27*C) MAX!

3.Reason Why The Leafs Tips Are Curling Is Because Of Heat Stress From Low RH And Possibly Temps!

4.For The Purple Lines In The Stems,It Is Somewhat Normal/Common....What I Mean Is If The Purple Lines Show It Could Be From The Plants Genetics,Or Is A Sign Of Deficiency....To Figure It Out,Just Adjust Your Temps And RH And Keep Testing Your PH Levels(Best Is 6.0-6.6)<---My Opinion!Give Your Plant At Least 1 Week For Recovery,And If Your Plant Is Healthy And Still Have The Purple Lines,Do Not Worry Its From The Genetics Then!
1. I dont know how to bring my RH up. I would love it to be at 45% but i cant get it yp i dont know how to :(.
2. I meant 26-30 degrees. I'm in the UK and use degrees :)
3. I have recently changed from the 400W to the 600W and that's when I noticed the leaf tips curling. So I'm guessing it's heat and j will go back to the 400W for now. As I do struggle abit with the heat. Need a few more fans lol.
4. My P.H actually varies from 5.8 - 6.2 so I'm guessing it can't really be that.

I shall try and sort the humidity out but I'm really stuck on how to get it up to 45%+?

Thank you so much for your reply it's appreciated a lot :)
1. I dont know how to bring my RH up. I would love it to be at 45% but i cant get it yp i dont know how to :(.
2. I meant 26-30 degrees. I'm in the UK and use degrees :)
3. I have recently changed from the 400W to the 600W and that's when I noticed the leaf tips curling. So I'm guessing it's heat and j will go back to the 400W for now. As I do struggle abit with the heat. Need a few more fans lol.
4. My P.H actually varies from 5.8 - 6.2 so I'm guessing it can't really be that.

I shall try and sort the humidity out but I'm really stuck on how to get it up to 45%+?

Thank you so much for your reply it's appreciated a lot :)

I Know You Mean Degrees LOL!But Fahrenheit? Or Celsius?

1.To Bring Your RH Up Either Get A Humidifier,Or Raise It Yourself.Too Bring It Up,You Can Use Water By Spraying Your Entire Grow Tent Or Fill A Big Bowl With Water And Hang A Towel On The Side Of The Tent And Put The Bowl Of Water Under The Towel About 3-5 Inches Dipped Into The Water.My Last Indoor Grow My Humidity Was 15-20%,So I Just Sprayed Water Everywhere!!!After Spraying When Needed(2-3Times) I Was Able To Keep My RH Up!!!

2. My Example:26 Degrees C Or F???

3.I Would Stick To The 600W Only If You Keep The RH Up!So Do What I Mentioned In #1.

4. 5.8-6.2PH Is Good!Dont Let It Get Under 5.8 Or Above 7.0 Or You Will Be Having Nute Lock Problems!

Keep Me Informed So I Know If You Are Doing It Right/Fixing The Problems You Have!!!
Thank you again for your reply, since I have replaced the 600W with the 400W the temp has dropped to 25-26 degrees 'C' ;)
My RH% jumped upto 25% as a result of this. I'll now put a bucket with a towel in it and see what happens. And I will keep you informed.
Thanks again, enjoy your day :)
No Problem!!!Glad I Can Help You!Also Test Both Lights!!! Do The Spray Bottle And Towel IN Bowl Method While Using 400W And 600W You Will Have A Better Yield With The 600W
I actually have a tower fan which can be water cooled which is just like humidifying anyway? It also has an ioniser which cleans and purifies the air. I put it on for an hour test and the RH went from 20/21% upto 25/26% so is this OK? I don't want to cause budrot.. and yes I'll put the 600W in and see what happens with humidity also thanks again :)
I actually have a tower fan which can be water cooled which is just like humidifying anyway? It also has an ioniser which cleans and purifies the air. I put it on for an hour test and the RH went from 20/21% upto 25/26% so is this OK? I don't want to cause budrot.. and yes I'll put the 600W in and see what happens with humidity also thanks again :)

If You Maintain A Good RH (40-60%RH)Your Chance Of Bud Rot Is Very Slim.But Also Remember Bud Rot Isn't Always Caused From High RH.Bud Rot Is Caused By A Fungus Called "Botrytis Cinerea".Bud Rot Can Also Appear Even In Perfect Temp And RH.This Fungus Also Can Spread To Your Plant By Dusty Grey Spores From Wind And Rain Water.If Your Indoors Then You Dont Need To Worry About Rain Water.Also When Watering,Botrytis Cinerea(Bud Rot) Can Develop In Spilled Water Or Water That Has Drained From Your Soil.If Your Really Worried Then When You Water,Try Watering Only When Lights Just Turn On.Also Dont Over Water So You Dont Have Excess Water That Has Drained.Bud Rot Is Also Caused By The Grower Misting There Plants For There Reasons,But If The Water Stays On The Buds For Hours Then You Have A Chance Of Fungus.

Anyways If You Keep Temps At 23-26*C And RH At Least 40-60% Then You Should Be Fine!

Thank you again for being so helpful. It just goes to show no matter how long you have been growing there will always be something that you need help with. Thanks again and I will keep you updated ;)
So RH is a bit of a problem for me... I can get it up to about 30% but can't hold it there. Even with the towel in a bowl method it still drops to around 21-23%. I will buy a humidifier in the next few weeks. But with it keep dropping and raising will it affect my plants in a bad way?
I'm also back on the 600W now and the temp is at a nice 25-26*c.

Just this DAMN RH%!!! :(
So RH is a bit of a problem for me... I can get it up to about 30% but can't hold it there. Even with the towel in a bowl method it still drops to around 21-23%. I will buy a humidifier in the next few weeks. But with it keep dropping and raising will it affect my plants in a bad way?
I'm also back on the 600W now and the temp is at a nice 25-26*c.

Just this DAMN RH%!!! :(

I Kinda Figured LOL.But Anyways Ill Explain To You What I Did For My Indoor Grow And Maybe It'll Give You Ideas.

So I Was Growing 5-6 Plants In A 4x2x3 For Seedling To Veg.I Built My Grow Box By Hand,I Had It In My Garage.My Garage Was HOT!!!80-90*F,But In My Grow Box My Temps Were 70-78*F With 40-55%RH PERFECT!!!!The Important Things To Pay Attention To Is:
1.Air Flow

What I Did To Raise My RH Was Simply Spraying My Entire Grow Tent With Water!3-5 Times A Day!!!You Want To Have A Fan Or 2 Depending On Tent Size.If You Spray Water And Have Constant Air Flow Your Gonna Increase RH!!!Try Misting Your Plants,Walls,Floor Etc.. Except Your Light!!And Put A Fan In The Top Corner If You Dont Have One!
I'll explain my setup to you as it's not the best (yet).

I have a wardrobe built from floor to ceiling it's approx 3ft x 1.5ft x 8ft. The reason it's this way is because I used to grow in my bedroom as I never had space in the house. Recently my brother moved out so I now have the whole room. I still grow in the wardrobe as usual but I'm going to get a tent very very soon. Now if I close the wardrobe doors my temp will rocket to about 45*c which is very bad lol. I have 2 fans in the room 1 blowing fresh air from the door into the room and 1 tower fan which rotates and is watercooled which spreads the air about but mainly keeps my wardrobe cool, and I also have a mini fan which I have in the wardrobe blowing just under the light. I have put 2 bowls with water in and a towel to try and increase humidity and recently put my propagator in there with hot water and the lid on to create steam.

So yea abit D.I.Y but it will become perfect soon enough when I have the tent set up.

Thanks again for your reply my friend :thanks:
Little update...

I now have RH between 35-45% during lighting
When the lights are out its between 40-55%

Temps are between 26-30*c during lights
When lights are out its between 23-25*c

Thanks again for your help ;)
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