Ravenplume Grow Journal 2024:3 - Stress Test - Eggheads


Well-Known Member
2024-07-18 / 21:00

Here's my next mid season/post season journal. This one involves cannabis (and other plants) and those almost Jiffypotlike egg cartons.

Not that it really matters, but I am postdating this to 9 o'clock last night, since that is when I actually started this...

So anyway, I had a previously undocumented experiment to see what seedlings could burst through the bottoms of these cartons, which according to the labels, are 100% reclaimed paper.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-00-Eggcarten Loaded and Planted.jpg

I had to abort the experiment, mostly due to my own neglect which caused stuff to die too soon, and then a need for getting some of the stuff in the ground because they were the only ones available at the time they were needed. I did determine that sunflowers and peas can do it. Everything else is inconclusive right now.

So anyway, I am now determined to not only ascertain of cannabis plants can shoot through, but also determined to get the subjects for this journal to live out their lives, seed to harvest, in an egg carton. I am only using the "front" rank of a 12 banger egg carton for the cannabis plants, with the rear rank hosting 3 different radishes. an eggplant, a Marconi Rosso sweet pepper, and a French Dwarf Double marigold.

The front rank is populated with 4 different pures and half breeds. Cells 00 and 01 each have a Birthday Cake Lite:2022 from Plant:1. Cells 02 and 03 each host a Birthday Spanking Generation:00 from Pair:1 (which were derived from a pair of Birthday Cake Lite Plant:1 siblings). Cell 04 has a Bittersweet Pie Lite:2023, and cell 04 has Bubblegum Lite:2023.

These are the ones of which I have the fewest represented among my active plants, with the BC Lite PL:1 having nothing active at this time even.

I actually have them planted an inch deep, so the seeds are practically resting on the bottom of their cells. Now for hurry up and wait (the wait part likely to be a bit longer than normal due to the sprouts having a longer journey to the surface.)
2024-07-24 / 09:30

5 1/2 days after starting this, I finally have 2 babies in the cannabis rank starting to break out.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-04-BDSP-Cell-03 - BSP-Cell-04 Popping.jpg

That would be the Birthday Spanking in Cell:03 and the Bittersweet Pie Lite in Cell:04. That is what I now call the individual eggcarton compartments now, cells, and they are numbered left to right front to back C:00 through C:11).

I do expect they will be fully popped with their baby leaves spread by bedtime tonight at the latest. I also will not start taking their measurements until they have cleared the pylons (which is what I call the 5 columns that separate the front and back ranks.)
2024-07-25 / 22:30

As of 08:30 this morning, The Birthday Cake Lite in Cell:00 was well on its way to poppage.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-05-BCL-Cell-00 Popping - BDSP-Cell-03 - BSP-Cell-04 Popped.jpg

The Birthday Spanking in Cell:03 this morning was 5/8" (15.9mm)
The Bittersweet Pie Lite in Cell:04 was siting at 3/8" (47.6mm)

And as of 22:00 tonight, that BCL in Cell:00 is fully popped.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-06-BCL-Cell-00 Popped.jpg

It has not cleared the pylon yet. In fact, tonight it is right even with the top. The other two though have grown already since this morning.

BDSP-C:03 : 1 1/4" (31.8mm)
BSPL-C:04 : 1" (25.4mm)

I went ahead and moved the tray to the south facing window in my room, atop the AC unit. Hoping them getting proper sun through the window will help reduce the stretching. I will likely put them outside after their first week.

Time to Sprout:

BCLT-C:00 : 7.0 Days
BDSP-C:03 : 6.5 Days
BSPL-C:04 : 6.5 Days
2024-07-26 / 08:00

Birthday Cake Lite in Cell:01 is breaking out. Likely will be popped by bedtime or earlier.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-07-BCL-Cell-01 Popping.jpg

BCLT-C:00 : 1/8" (3.17mm) - Just barely cleared the pylon this morning
BDSP-C:03 : 1 3/8" (34.9mm)
BSPL-C:04 : 1 1/8" (28.6mm)
2024-07-27 / 09:00

The Birthday Cake Lite in Cell:01 is now officially popped Obviously no measurement to take yet due to being nowhere near to clearing the pylons, of course. Should be on the scoreboard tomorrow, I am guessing.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-08-BCL-Cell-01 Popped.jpg

I also went ahead and moved that little blurple lamp from the nightstand to the window to give more supplemental lighting to the Eggheads, since I don't have anything else needing the night stand space.

BCLT-C:00 : 3/8" (47.6mm)
BDSP-C:03 : 1 1/2" (38.1mm)
BSPL-C:04 : 1 3/8" (34.9mm)
2024-08-01 / 07:30

The Birthday Cake Lite in Cell:01 is right level with the pylons as of this morning.

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-10-BDSP-Cell-01 - 0 Inches.jpg

So I am declaring it on the board now...

BCLT-C:00 : 3/8" (47.6mm)
BCLT-C:01 : 0.00" (00.0mm)
BDSP-C:03 : 1 1/2" (38.1mm)
BSPL-C:04 : 1 3/8" (34.9mm)

At this point now, I am going to replace the seeds that have not sprouted by now; so that would be the Birthday Spanking Pair:1 in Cell:02 and the Bubblegum Lite in Cell:05. We will consider them started as of 15:00.
2024-09-6 / 10:30

Been neglecting the journals a bit much, and no longer recall when the ones that weren't sprouted as of last update have sprouted. No matter though, got enough to work with for my little experiment of inquiry.
Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-10-Quickie Update.jpg

And frankly, the egghead technique is not all that great or exceptionally useful, and not one I am going to use too often, not even for non cannabis plants, although the radishes, the Marconi Rosso pepper, and the eggplant in the back rank are doing decently enough.

BCLT-C:00 : 3/4" (19.1mm)
BCLT-C:01 : 3/8" (9.53mm)
BDSP-C:02 : 1/2" (12.7mm)

BDSP-C:03 : 2" (5.08cm)
BSPL-C:04 : 2 1/8" (5.4cm)

I obviously screwed up my measurements last time, so those can be disregarded for the most part. These are the true measurements as of today.

I am still planning on letting these go to at least Halloween just to see how they fare; or even longer, as I still want to see them poke through the bottom of the egg carton, like the sunflowers managed to do in another similar experiment a couple months back. Still, will give until Halloween, and then wrap up the project by giving everything small Dollar Tree planters and begin intensive care to nurse them to health and keep as Winter subjects. One thing I am going to do in just a minute or three, will be bolstering their soil, topping off, essentially; but not with dirt. Instead, their first top off will be the coffee grounds from this morning's pot... Let's see if that gives them a boost, eh?

Grow Journal - RPGJCN-2024-3-11-Caffeinated.jpg

And now I think I will also give them some outside time on the front porch as well. Then again, we are getting to my morning porch time as well, with a book (about 1/3 through original Dracula), another coffee, and a bowl of Birthday Cake Lite for my first hit of the day... And of course, will get the watering out front done as well, and the daily giggity time with my breeding pairs I have out there... As long as the boys are still putting off the pollen puffs, may as well keep them doing the dirty daily with their sisters and other partners, eh?
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