Radogast's Hi-Brix Basement Grow - New Location - New Soil - New Experiences

Borderliner bud 4 days ago


(re bannana looking things)

.... ah well. I usually get pretty serious about harvesting when I see them! Usually only see them when its hot.

Those buds look pretty far along maybe closer to harvest than you thought?? Loopy time...

I went back through my old grow journal. The first Borderliner seed was harvested in Sept 15. This was my wifes favorite Med while she was bedridden with a broken ankle. It was harvested at 57 days with mostly cloudy/some clear and trichomes were getting a bit raggedly looking.

The newest Borderliner is around 48 days with mostly cloudy/some clear. The trichomes are still straight stalks with smooth, spherical tops.

By bud hair color, she sure looks ready - but she is starting to foxtail some white hairs.
I'll wait to harvest until there is some amber color change or phyical signs of aging of the trichomes. :)

- - - I'm running my flower area 83 day / 70 night at about 60% RH. I'm having a little trouble lowering the RH but I could lower the temperare. Lowering the night time temperature would save on my electric bill .
Borderliner bud 4 days ago


I went back through my old grow journal. The first Borderliner seed was harvested in Sept 15. This was my wifes favorite Med while she was bedridden with a broken ankle. It was harvested at 57 days with mostly cloudy/some clear and trichomes were getting a bit raggedly looking.

The newest Borderliner is around 48 days with mostly cloudy/some clear. The trichomes are still straight stalks with smooth, spherical tops.

By bud hair color, she sure looks ready - but she is starting to foxtail some white hairs.
I'll wait to harvest until there is some amber color change or phyical signs of aging of the trichomes. :)

- - - I'm running my flower area 83 day / 70 night at about 60% RH. I'm having a little trouble lowering the RH but I could lower the temperare. Lowering the night time temperature would save on my electric bill .

dam rado lookn awesome tht bud looks so tastey i decided to lower my purple kush girl so the cola wud be under my mars hydro light alil bit more to get some more frost to her the side buds are lookn great cud do with alil more frost in all imo but hopefully with better lights tht will improve and as my skill increases also lol anyway here is quick shot of her in full ana few bud shots lol hope u don't mind brotha enjoy an :Namaste:


see even tho I'm tryn to rotate her so all the buds get roughly even time under mars its still not quite as frosty as id like but mayb the newer mars will be better 4 tht i was thinkn bout switching my vipraspectra 600w in my flower tent with my other 3 mars 150w cubes in my veg tent, but what do u think of the 600w viparspecter in my veg tent and then 4 mars hydro 150w and one mars hydro reflector 96 and two t8 ballasts in my flower tent think tht wud be a better light plan since the mars give off more red then my vipar it seems or shud i jus keep it the way it is now??
dam rado lookn awesome tht bud looks so tastey i decided to lower my purple kush girl so the cola wud be under my mars hydro light alil bit more to get some more frost to her the side buds are lookn great cud do with alil more frost in all imo but hopefully with better lights tht will improve and as my skill increases also lol anyway here is quick shot of her in full ana few bud shots lol hope u don't mind brotha enjoy an :Namaste:


I don't mind at all. I'm quite fond of viewing girls in bamboo pole stress bondage positions.


see even tho I'm tryn to rotate her so all the buds get roughly even time under mars its still not quite as frosty as id like but mayb the newer mars will be better 4 tht i was thinkn bout switching my vipraspectra 600w in my flower tent with my other 3 mars 150w cubes in my veg tent, but what do u think of the 600w viparspecter in my veg tent and then 4 mars hydro 150w and one mars hydro reflector 96 and two t8 ballasts in my flower tent think tht wud be a better light plan since the mars give off more red then my vipar it seems or shud i jus keep it the way it is now??

also does any1 know how i can help tht curling going on on the leaves??[/QUOTE]

Anyone know about vipar lights vs. Mars lights or leaves curling down? I don't.
More good news. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If you didn't find a cluster of dried empty nanner husks, then where did the pollen come from? It must have been spitting them out slowly for awhile. That would tend to suggest that it's stable.


Nanners don't always have to open and don't always contain much pollen; sometimes they can pollinate the bud as they come through and out; this would indicate stress nanners not hermie nanners as hermie nanners contain dry pollen you can see and can pollinate an entire room of flower if blown just right. I've really really lived, breathed and researched nanners as I had issues with them when I first setup my very first indoor grow due to a lack of appreciation for light leaks. Then later, I only have them once in a great while if I change something in my room and develop another light leak or if I let my G-13 strain go into ten weeks before harvest. That one strain will shoot at least 1-3 nanners out of the very top of the biggest colas trying to get seeds if I don't harvest them around 8 weeks. Again, over the past three years, I've probably only had two seeds and everything else was scrumpdillyicious with our without nanners :high-five:
Ya know... 70f seems good to me... especially with a touch of humidity about.
It seems to me like 60% is the break point for humidity in my world. Below that, things CAN actually dry out... above that, notsomuch.

I'm curious, has anyone else ever noticed their carbon filters not working when RH is around 60%? I swear if I keep my RH under 60% the smell isn't as problematic and I have two pretty large carbon filters exhausting out of my 10x8 flowering room. I do have some stinky shit but with those filters, I shouldn't have odor outside that room...grrrr
also does any1 know how i can help tht curling going on on the leaves??

It's fine..... probably a little too much N in the beginning .... she's handling it fine now. Probably nothing you can do about it now. Also could be genetics I've had plants do that same soil... different strain, one has leaf curl the other doesn't.

Reason I say N is there's a lot of green leaves and they are not changing color which I think by now you should start to see some senescence going on. I wouldn't stress it just do a proper dry and cure so there's time for the chlorophyll to break down before puff..
JOTM ! you rock Rad.

Rock on!:tommy:

Nanner hunt, tedious bizness hunt them down. :thumb:

I'm curious, has anyone else ever noticed their carbon filters not working when RH is around 60%? I swear if I keep my RH under 60% the smell isn't as problematic and I have two pretty large carbon filters exhausting out of my 10x8 flowering room. I do have some stinky shit but with those filters, I shouldn't have odor outside that room...grrrr

This is my 3rd Borderliner seed planted. The first was about 2 years ago and I ran it for 2 or 3 generations. The first one, Bowie, was very strong and very healing. The second one, Iman, I only ran once and she produced 4 ripe, self-created seeds. Iman was not as strong but was good weed. This third one, (probably should be named Ziggy), is very strong and very active weed - not good for watching television, but very good for manual labor and artistic creation. She also appears to be self seeding. A tendency to nanners seems to be part of the Borderliner genetics.

My carbon filter seems to be working some days, but not others. - I'll have to check the humifity levels. I've never use a carbon filter before, it's not working as expected but I may have ducting leaks. The odors that get through are floral and smell 'scrubbed.' I need to get serious about the aroma soon.
Mixing up a small batch of Doc Bud Hi Brix Soil

I don't know that I've done a full documentation of how I mix soil. Two days ago, I mixed up the last of my first run soil in what I expect to be a typical sized batch, 15 gallons. As I harvest 2 plants at a time, I will be reusing the soil, mixed and 'cooked' in a similar way.

This is just an example of the way I do it, criticism and advice are welcome.

Measured amounts of ProMix HP w/Mycos, earthworm castings, and Doc Bud High Brix (DBHB) Amendment. I eye ball the promix, and use a postal scale to measure the weight of earthworm castings and DBHB Amendment.


Splitting the DBHB Amendment is the tricky part, as I try to preserve the proportions of fine, medium, and coarse grains.


I spend about 40 seconds breaking up the clumbs of earthworm castings and stirring in the amendment with my fingers,


broadcast the worm poop & amendment mix on top of the ProMix,


spend 1 minute stirring the dry ingredients together, then 3 or 4 minutes stirring in water. Specifically, I get a section of soil wet, stir in dry mix until a moist consistency, wet another section of soil, stir in more dry mix, and repeat until all the soil is moist.


I then bag the soil (second pot shown) and place in a warm room for a month.


In the future, all the soil will be 'cooked' in plastic totes. For now, I am using some fabric pots.

This is my 3rd Borderliner seed planted. The first was about 2 years ago and I ran it for 2 or 3 generations. The first one, Bowie, was very strong and very healing. The second one, Iman, I only ran once and she produced 4 ripe, self-created seeds. Iman was not as strong but was good weed. This third one, (probably should be named Ziggy)

I wonder if you've ever seen "The Hunger" with David Bowie and Catherine Deneuve ... ? If not, I recommend it highly. A classy, poignant, elegant vampire movie. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wonder if you've ever seen "The Hunger" with David Bowie and Catherine Deneuve ... ? If not, I recommend it highly. A classy, poignant, elegant vampire movie. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I wonder too. I probably have.

If it is over 3 years, I can rewatch a movie or reread a book as if it was the first time.

That's the way my brain works. I had a few concussions as a kid.

-- p.s. I checked just now, not on Hulu or Netflix. Netflix recommended their original series "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" a 7 hour series where Victorian gentlemen try to bring witchcraft back to England with notable success. Filmed by the British. No vampires or Bowie / Deneuve, but I enjoyed it. The family just finished watching "The Originals" on Netflix. Very good writers :) .
It's fine..... probably a little too much N in the beginning .... she's handling it fine now. Probably nothing you can do about it now. Also could be genetics I've had plants do that same soil... different strain, one has leaf curl the other doesn't.

Reason I say N is there's a lot of green leaves and they are not changing color which I think by now you should start to see some senescence going on. I wouldn't stress it just do a proper dry and cure so there's time for the chlorophyll to break down before puff..

ok so some of the leaves are turning alil yellow I jus didn't take a pic with those in it lol I was tryn to get the prettiest shot of her as I cud but yea I did use alil more alfalfa on her then I had wanted I miss labled one of my tea jars I think in the begening but yea still she didn't turn out bad I don't think I guess I will really be able to tell wen it comes time to smoke it I did a freshie vape test wit a buddy yesterday and we both got hi off it and it tasted not to bad either which I was surprised since it was a freshie so I'm hoping thts an indicator tht its guna be some tasty shit lol tht mite be wishful thinkn but it don't make it any less true:rofl: this girl has been the smelliest most beautiful one ive ever grown so far I hope all my others turn out more frosty now I got my new lights up anyway thanx every1 for all the help with everything :Namaste:
Rad was reading your soil mix post and was wondering whats in the DBHB amendment bag??? Was there something you were mixing into the water as well or was that the HB amendment stuff??

The Amendment contains minerals in the form of carbonized limestone, soft rock phosphate, trace elements usually in the form of sulfates, kelp meal, biochar and organic fertilizer. It's designed to make Promix HP a High Brix soil......which it does.
I find myself to be HB curious these days. I had a visiting HB plant that really looked good. I might have to spin that wheel sometime soon and it's nice to watch someone learning as they go.

'Spin that wheel' made me think of spinning a web. A cunning spider knows how to lure it's prey down the garden path.

Rad was reading your soil mix post and was wondering whats in the DBHB amendment bag??? Was there something you were mixing into the water as well or was that the HB amendment stuff??

Doc gave you the list of what's in the Amendment bag, Mixing the soil is just the 4 parts: Pro-mix, worm castings, water, and the custom amendment bag to make it a HiBrix blend. Easy peasy.

- - - -

Starting out this grow, I wasn't planning a perpetual. I was planing on a batch of 4 plants in veg and 4 plants in flower - but I have fallen back into my old ways of running a perpetual grow. I'm reposting here a thought I posted to Sweetsue over on Tead's thread.

. . . I'm still working out the rhythm of both the perpetual and the maintenance of the soil. With Doc's Kit each pot that comes down has to be processed and cooked for another month before the soil can be used again. That probably means I need to cook another batch of soil to keep the perpetual chugging along smoothly, but then it means I have more bins of soil to manage in a limited space.

When I tried thinking it through yesterday it just made my head hurt. :straightface: I'll try again today. I have to get a handle on it or I'll be screwed somewhere along the way.


I have an empty spot in my tent, because I wasn't vegging my girls large enough to be ready, because I didn't have enough soil ready.
There is always going to soil cooking in a perpetual - something I didn't really understand until my first harvest.

Working back from my flower room, the number I am working with right now is 10.
10 large fabric pots worth of soil: 4 in flower, 4(or 2) in veg, 2(or 4) cooking.

There are also several seedling pots in veg, but the soil comes out of the cooking soil and goes into the the large veg pots along with cooked soil, so I just count them as part of the cooking soil.

According to this plan, I need storage for just as much soil cooking as I have soil in the flower area. I also mix and amend soil after every harvest. I started out thinking of a perpetual grow using equal sized veg and flower areas. Now I am thinking of a perpetual grow using 3 areas: veg area, flower area, and soil cooking area.

Right now, I'm trying to squeeze the soil cooking area into the veg and flower area. I don't know if the plan will work yet, but it's good to have a plan :)
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