Radogast: Grow Big Or Go Home

Exciting! An open-to-the-public rehearsal! :popcorn:

I am interpreting what you’ve said there about the soil to mean that you are about to re-use 3rd run kit soil unamended, but cooked to warm it up and bring it to life, is that correct? If so I’ll be watching with interest as I have used second run soil but no more amendment and I’ve been contemplating re-“cooking” some ot if to finish off some product and most likely grow some much more than decent bud :cheesygrinsmiley: I was even thinking I might add some 6/5/3 calcium to it. So, curious if the una ended re-use is what you’re doing. :)

It's amended 3rd run soil that I ran for about 4-8 weeks then turned the lights off on my grow when someone became loose lipped. I'v done 4th and 5th run soil unamended (adding a handful of worm castings per 5 gallons,) so I expect this soil to be good.

Exciting! An open-to-the-public rehearsal! :popcorn:

What a cool way to phrase it!

When I was a teenager, one of the San Francisco theater companies used to do Thursday afternoon matinee Dress Rehearsals open to the public at a discount price. My high school french teacher brought us to see a dress rehearsal of The Three Musketeers (in English, but she also brought us to Carmen in French - public transportation is cheaper than renting buses.)

After that experience, a handful of us attended two Thursday matinees on our own. They mostly did Shakespeare and played it VERY broadly during the dress rehearsal: obviously upstaging each other, adding extra sneers to the insults, and extra oomph to the ribald lines.
This sounds like a blast. I would be totally down for that.

They were upper middle class music and theater students, I was music and math. They were the smart kids from a feeder junior high and I was a lone smart kid from a violent slum junior high. Being one of that crowd changed my outlook on life to one of hope.
my wife and I went and saw Macbeth at a local theatre in sac. it was fun I really enjoyed it and I wasn't sure I would like that but I di and will go again! :)
I saw Macbeth in a small Berkeley theatre. The rapier stabs through curtains from a dozen feet away was scary realistic.

My dad was a fan of Gilbert & Sullivan. There was a San Francisco troop called the lamplighters that we went to as a family once a summer for about 6 years.
Today I decided to do a little temperature testing.
  • I placed a 1500w heater on a board on the bottom of my 2x4' x 6' high tent,
  • I set the heater on low (presumable 500W or 750W)

  • The temperature rose to 94F (34C) before I decided to start cooling it
  • I installed the 4" inline duct booster fan (100 CFM) blowing air out at the top right of the tent
    • I had low expectations on how much the booster fan could cool the tent
    • By the time I finished installing the fan with the door open the temperature had fallen to 86 degrees

  • 5 minutes later the little duct booster fan had dropped the temperature 7 degree to 79 degrees
  • I theorized opening an intake vent across the tent should improve cooling
  • I opened up a wide intake vent at the bottom left of the tent
  • 5 minutes later the booster fan and crossflow ventilation had dropped the temperature 4 degrees to 75 degrees
  • Considered I started from a more equal temperature, it doesn't seem the extra vent made much difference.
  • I reclosed the vent and the temperature with booster fan blowing out hot air stabilized at 72F (22C)
  • The heat shedding ability of this 4" (100CFM) duct booster fan is better than I expected. It will do the job required

  • I reversed the fan to blow cool air in
  • The temperature started to rise, and stabilized at 83F (28C)

My conclusions:
  1. Crossflow ventilation doesn't make much difference in temperature control. Tents are leaky enough as is.
  2. Blowing hot air out is more effective than blowing cool air in.
    1. Blowing out hot air cooled 94F (34C) to to 72F (22C)
    2. Blowing in cooler air cooled 94F (34C) to to 83F (28C)
  3. The heat shedding ability of this 4" (100CFM) duct booster fan is better than I expected. It will do the job required
Great tests! This is valuable info. Visual references and detailed. I’m gonna bookmark this So if I come across anyone looking for cooling advice and such, if you don’t mind @Radogast.

I don't mind. :cheesygrinsmiley: It's just a test because I'm running out of things to do indoors and it's too hot to garden outside
im in for the day I do my outdoor gardening before 8 am its to hot otherwise!

I did 3 gallons of grass and weeds out in the veggie garden before my morning shower. Probably about 1/5th of the weeding that needed to get done. A few kale seem not to have recovered from the rabbits, but peppers, tomato, rhubarb, cucumber, onions, sage, rosemary, basil, butternut quash, and just this week watermellon are doing just fine.
More boxes for the dress rehearsal

2x4' close canopy LED array arrived doubled boxed.
Included were hanging wires for the fixture, adlustable hanging cables, a mounting plate for the driver, and sundries.

Driver, dimmer, cables, screws, wingbolts, and screwdriver arrived double boxed.
The screwdriver was a nice touch.

I used the included hanging hardware, and it was perfect for my needs today.
The top of the LED array is hung at 23" from the floor. This is the primary test of this dress rehearsal, to see how fast the plants outgrow 4 shelves in an 8' rack. The second test will be how fast they outgrow 3 shelves in an 8' rack (30.5").

Driver and dimmer installed inside the tent.
One of the wingbolts (wing nuts with threaded rod) cross threaded. Other than that installation was a breeze.

I planned to test the temperature change with LED array on, clip fan/circlation fan on, and exhaust fan turned on. Inconveniently the sender temp & RH sender unit is not communicating my to main display. I'm hoping to get some heat, but I doubt it's enough to heat the tent to the high 70s.

Question: Do you think it is safe to start soaked seeds in soil with the 480W driver at 100% power?
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