Yesterday, the wife came across a website for a milk cannabis tincture.
I asked her if she felt she would run short before the next harvest if we used an ounce to experiment. Given a "no" we were set to go.
We chose Half-and-half over milk since it has more fat to bind the THC and my wife uses it in coffee.
The double boiler moderates temperature. Aiming for 160-180°F, I adjusted the water filled pan to 160F. After adding the mass of ingredients and the large jar, It took about 20 minutes to stabilized the tincture to 175F at a higher temperature setting. If doing this again, I would use the whole assembly, substituting water for the ingredients to adjust the temperature settings before adding the ingredients. NOTE: Some burners may not be able to adjust to a low enough heat setting
Mixture (1 qt Half-and-Half, 1 oz cannabis bud) was stirred every 5 minutes for 45 minutes.
How does it work? You ask.
In a sad turn of events, my wife broke her right ankle yesterday. It twisted off to the side in a totally unnatural dislocation of bones, ligaments and tendons with some broken bones. We spent 4 PM to 8 PM in the local hospital Emergency Room where 2 doctors, 2 nurses, 4 monitors, 2 crash carts, oxygen and an IV pumped her full of 'colonoscopy' type sedation (Dilaudin) and splint stabilized the bones back into an approximation of standard position to reduce the strain and stretch of the tissues. She then took a second ambulance ride 20+ miles to the regional trauma hospital Emergency Room where 1 orthopedic surgeon, 2 doctors, 2 nurses, 6 monitors, 2 crash carts, a portable x-ray machine, oxygen, and an IV pumped her full of 'even better than colonoscopy' type sedation (Propofol and Ketamine) and cast stabilized the bones into the orthopaedically correct position to reduce the strain and stretch of the tissues. In a week, after much of the swelling goes down, we will visit another orthopaedic surgeon at the regional trauma hospital to discuss types and schedules of surgeries.
My wife has not had a broken bone in 50 years.
At 2 AM, the 24 hour pharmacy was out of Oxycodone, so the 12 hour mark on the injury timeline included sitting outside a second 24 hour pharmacy 10 miles the other way past our house for 20 minutes while the pharmacist processed our prescription. My wifes new exercise regime was derailed by a traumatic injury. Both our dietary regimes were marred by a visit to McDonalds at 2:30 AM.
After brewing up the CannaCreamer this morning, I went to the local senior center and selected from among 30 'gifted' walkers since crutches the hospital 'gave' her are a really stupid mobility aid compared to a walker the senior center gave her.
Given the disruption and pain of injury, and countervaling pain management of opiods, my wife couldn't give a description of the medical and euphoric effects of 2 tablespoons of CannaCreamer. The taste in coffee is improved by 4 tablespoons of regular creamer. She likes the effect.
Given my need to drive and aid in my wife's movements, I didn't take my two tablespoon sample until 30 minutes agowhen she went to bed. So far, no major sensations.