Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones

about time it got a little demilitarized in here :) what a lovely color to see.
Today's progress on the grow room.

Unframed door, used door frame wood, 2x4 lumber, and OSB.

I framed and hung a door. (It always surprises me when my construction projects succeed. )
I still have problems with non-anchored walls.




Where in the basement are you going to put a nice enclosed veg area? An enclosed veg area that feeds 2 flowering rooms?

I need a basement!

Planning just the two rooms. The one 4x8 room dedicated to flowering. The new 8x8 room for seedlings, mixing nutes, vegging, lettuce and everything else botanical except for storage items and supplies.
Cool!, why just grow cannabis when we already have the lights going and we need and enjoy food as well?
Are you or do you have already a seed stock of non GMO heirloom varieties? I'm starting mine. Part of any good "doomsday prep kit", and nice to know we're not eating GMO's anyhow.
Cool!, why just grow cannabis when we already have the lights going and we need and enjoy food as well?
Are you or do you have already a seed stock of non GMO heirloom varieties? I'm starting mine. Part of any good "doomsday prep kit", and nice to know we're not eating GMO's anyhow.

I'm not very effective as a prepper. I have seeds left over that didn't go into the ground this spring, including some nice non-GMO heirloom and heritage tomatoes and herbs. I planted THOUSANDS of seeds this spring before discovering that I just don't have enough sunlight through a 50x200 foot gap in the forest canopy. (My back yard)

My main growing area in the front yard did not become an active garden due to incomplete grading and hugelkultur activities interrupted by swamp and stream maintenance, and mosquito, poison ivy, and Virginia creeper reduction activities.
Question for You. Just wondering what plant is that at the back of the second photo the tall spindly one.
Question for You. Just wondering what plant is that at the back of the second photo the tall spindly one.

That's a clone of my tall spindly White Widow (Amsterdam Seed co.) I snapped off her stalk about two weeks ago and she regrew from about three inches.

Her mother was the tallest of her generation and her two clone sisters, in the 5 gallon buckets are the tallest in the buckets.
Her mom also produced 2.5 oz of energetic, blow your mind bud about a week faster than the other 2 plants on the same schedule.

Part of her stretch is that I thoughtlessly took my veg clones into the flowering room their first week so their branching is alternating rather than in pairs.
I just ordered some white widows beans. You know for the future, since my next two grows are already in one stage or another. Next up laughing Buddha flowering clones and then some texada time warp since my wife is from there.

I've been neglecting the girls and thinking more about room construction than shaping and tending plants.
Might make for a boring journal.

Nah, Room construction is cool! It's a lot of fun, and your guaranteed a feeling of accomplishment when you finish!
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