Wow Mr. Smith, where do you find time to participate in a small closet dirt journal like mine!? I've seen a bunch of your work, and my hat's off to you sir.
Here's what I was able to discern from my last experience with the cloner. The Reddish brown sludge, and the white sludge were very different in the way they grew, and places they liked to cling. The white stuff was very "snot" like, and liked to cling to the net cups and or float around in the water at different depths, in chunks. I'm almost positive now that it was the MM2000 product that caused it.
The Reddish-brown was more like alge, coating the bottom and sides of the cloner, and is much slower in growth. I believe the SuperThrive contributes to that, as I have seen signs of it before with its use in my cloner.
The thing is that I've used this cloner 3 times previously, with all the same environmental factors as this time, and only after around 14-17 days did I really start to see any signifigant alge formation. I'm pretty sure the MM caused my snotty white stuff.
I agree that I should keep my solutions simple, its what has worked for me in the past.
I'm a little bummed to hear about Superthrive giving you problems, I have a pretty big soft spot for the stuff but now I may reconsider. Sorry it ruined your crops!!
As for the medium, I just used a bunch of free stuff I got from someone, and it worked great for a few runs before. You say the rockwool is not great for this type of cloner? Could you suggest something that would be better? Any thoughts and opinions are welcomed and apreciated, I like the cloner so I would love to know how I could improve my use of it!
Again thanks for your time!
Thanks for taking the time to drop some knowlede on me, I really apreciate that!