Purple Kush, Regular/Photo - DynoMyco We Want You - Side-By-Side Comparative Grow

Those look amazing! What's your lighting / schedule? I was hoping to mainly do this grow w/ sunlight, but at two days, one of the buggers has stretched to nearly 2"

Grow journal here -
I am at 18/6 in this room under a @Mars Hydro SP-3000 turned down to about 50%
We are starting to even all these plants out a bit as they start to really put on some weight. We still have 3 that are a bit on the runtish side, but they will catch up soon. Today some of them got their first real full watering to runoff, and I suspect that several of them will be draining that cup in short order and we will need to uppot soon. I have topped 3 of the plants already, between nodes 5 and 6. I expect to be uppotting some of these to 1g containers very soon.

Experiment Note:
One can't help to notice that those on the @DYNOMYCO side got better and earlier starts and generally are doing better than those started without it. There are single outliers on each side, but I think we can already see a trend developing here. Dynomyco seems to help give our plants a good strong start.

I will probably uppot a couple of these today, but for now I watered all of them that needed it, which was all but the 3 youngest plants, and they will need water tomorrow.

I made it easy for visual comparisons between the two groups. I don't know about you, but I definitely see a difference. The true test is watching the runt in the Dyno group, now that it's got its feet under it, as compared to those now its size in the other group.

That seems like a huge difference!
But just to say it, what would really be kick would be side by side with other myco... (just sayin'...)
(Whether or not that is in keeping with 420 policy is pobably a completely separate question...prob'ly not... But I assume there is a good reason Em uses it!)
I will probably uppot a couple of these today, but for now I watered all of them that needed it, which was all but the 3 youngest plants, and they will need water tomorrow.

I made it easy for visual comparisons between the two groups. I don't know about you, but I definitely see a difference. The true test is watching the runt in the Dyno group, now that it's got its feet under it, as compared to those now its size in the other group.

Can't wait to see the roots on these baddies!
Yesterday was the day to uppot all but the 3 smallest plants, and tomorrow I will probably uppot them too. The big ones have been moved into Veg Room #2, while the little ones hold down the fort in Veg 1.

I have root shots, that may or may not be showing us anything other than my waiting so long to uppot.


Today the plants all look good in their new containers and the 3 remaining in veg 1 have shown a growth spurt that shows that they want to play along too
The last ones got transplanted today. After seeing the lack of roots on the little runty one, I almost threw it in the compost bin... but we will give her another chance. Here they all are, looking up at big cousin Auto XXL. The 3 little new ones in the room are on the left edge in the first shot.

That thing is a monster.
The plants are all working on adjusting to the new 1g pots and still have not needed to be watered since the uppotting. At this point we are seeing rapid growth from everyone, but that is to be expected after uppotting and feeding. I will do another update at watering time, and that could be any day now. Soon we will start LST training on those that need it, and topping those who need that. There is still quite a large gap between the leading and lagging plants.

I am VERY interested to see your LST techniques. It appears I have achieved my initial target of being a week or so behind you!
I will be starting to LST all of these plants very soon. The ones that have been topped have been furiously growing those top two nodes, and I am about to bend them down to remove dominance from those tips. You will see the plants to nuts with side growth when this happens. Stay tuned!
Today was watering day for some of the plants, and some of them just couldn't drain their water yet, so they were left to keep working on that. Some of the plants needed their first topping, and I cut them high, between 5-6 and 6-7 on another.


Three of the plants had been topped a while back and now were needing to start their first LST. After the topping, the first two nodes grew out of that notch and became the dominant nodes. I have gardening hoops that I carefully place so as to not block other growth below it, and I bend those two dominant branches down to horizontal. They are no longer dominant, and every other branch on the plant will now seize this opportunity to rise up to the top to try to become the dominant node. It is a race, and I just fired the starting gun.


It is best to make this bend when the plants are needing water and are a little bit limp. This is better than trying to do this after a good watering, because then, with the branches full of water you have a good chance of splitting or tearing off of the trunk. The careful reader will note that I just watered... but I assure you that this was after the bending had already been done.

Please, tell me about your "gardening hoops" this is not a term I'm familiar with?
They appear to be bent aluminum rods? bent, like a Shepheard's crook? you buy them like that, or bend them yourself? Seems like other folks make holes in lip of bucket, and tie / wire (w/ paper clip as latchpoint) the branches to that - I'm interested in why you prefer your method - I can see that a quick poke is quicker / easier - do you have different sized hoops for different stages ?
Please, tell me about your "gardening hoops" this is not a term I'm familiar with?
They appear to be bent aluminum rods? bent, like a Shepheard's crook? you buy them like that, or bend them yourself? Seems like other folks make holes in lip of bucket, and tie / wire (w/ paper clip as latchpoint) the branches to that - I'm interested in why you prefer your method - I can see that a quick poke is quicker / easier - do you have different sized hoops for different stages ?

These come from the big box store. They come in 2 sizes, 11" and 6" for the solo cup and 1 gallon stages. I moved away from latching my LST strings to the sides of the container, because that training is not able to be transplanted to the next container. These hoops stay in place because they attach to the soil and training continues after an uppotting as if it had never stopped. Search for garden stake staple.

These come from the big box store. They come in 2 sizes, 11" and 6" for the solo cup and 1 gallon stages. I moved away from latching my LST strings to the sides of the container, because that training is not able to be transplanted to the next container. These hoops stay in place because they attach to the soil and training continues after an uppotting as if it had never stopped. Search for garden stake staple.
:O They're even for same-day delivery!!! :party:
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