ProfessorFlora's Wilma LED Auto Photoperiod Showcase: First Journal

Flowering Tent Day 54
Hey 420! It's at that stage now where I'm starting to think about a when to flush. I won't need to do a flush for as long as I did with the Autos. Their pots are much smaller so washing out the nutes will be easier. I'll give them until next weekend then I'll decide on flushing. They look beautiful now though. Everyday there is noticeable change. So many subtle colours and shades all over them its like a rainbow looking in the tent sometimes. I keep meaning to take a photo of them at lights out but that coincides with other jobs I have to do around the house so I always miss it. There was a point a little while back where I was a bit concerned about their progress regarding size and speed. I just couldn't picture them being ready in time but now after staring at them and going other their development in my head I think they'll be fine. I've got hold of the good camera again so I'll put up some nice pics later on. Happy growing you lovely bunch :)
Interesting indeed. So maybe I should try to steadily decrease the amount of nutrients depending on the plants needs, is that what its suggesting? It sounds logical and I'll certainly give it a go. And I think I can do this by just topping up the res with plain ph'd water and allowing the nutrient solution to be weakened. Tell me if I'm missing something here. Thanks Magoo :)
That sounds good to me. What I gathered was that we don’t want to deprive the plant completely of things that can still be beneficial. But a gradual reduction should bring levels down enough to allow for a good cure process to give us the product we desire in the end. @InTheShed is the one who showed me that thread. Maybe he can let us know if we are understanding correctly.
Taking photos is addictive stuff, I promise I'll stop for now. I think that they liked the decrease in nutrients. There is noticeable signs of harvest approaching like aging leaves and hairs changing colour rapidly. Trichs are mostly cloudy on all with not many clear. There is not many amber yet though so they're still maturing and have a little while yet. It's getting exciting now! :)
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