ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Hey 420 Time for some purple! I nearly managed to get this one outside for some pics but then the sun disappeared and it started to rain...again....
It’s SO impossibly purple!!!
You wait until those hairs go orange. She's gonna look striking
Love the color and it looks super tasty:drool:
The taste is quite nutty with fruity notes if I remember correctly. Her high is crystal clear which may be where she got the first part of her name. Maybe. Definitely not a night time strain. I remember comparing the high to an overdose of caffeine lol
Right guys. I've been dreading this update since I found out yesterday morning but it's time to let you all know.

@Virgin ground I am so sorry to inform you but Mini VG is dead. I had a busy weekend and start to the week and didn't notice her decline until it was too late. Seems it was a bad case of wet feet probably caused by me and my harsh trimming. The rest recovered like I'm used to seeing but Mini VG got smaller and smaller unti she was mush on a stick. When I touch her stem it moves almost freely meaning that she has root rot. That would explain the springtails which I'm sure are coming from her pot. I don't think there's much chance of her recovering from this one....

That happened in the space of about 3 or 4 days. Gone. Just like that :(

The others have all escaped unharmed but on the next watering I'll give them some H2O2 as a precaution....

Oh VG I have failed you :sorry:
Oh, I see what you were getting at now...

Hey,I told you that I'd give you nothing but problems. Ask around, I'm just a trouble maker ,up to no good.
Poor HH has to do the survivors guilt thing. Sorry darlin.
Don't worry Prof. I can't hold it against you. It's obviously a simple Gypsy curse. You just need a Leprechaun to fight the Gypsy!
You'll be golden.

It might explain your dead frog.
Oh, I see what you were getting at now...

Hey,I told you that I'd give you nothing but problems. Ask around, I'm just a trouble maker ,up to no good.
Poor HH has to do the survivors guilt thing. Sorry darlin.
I was so worried about telling you. I know how much you love Halloween and I didn't want to ruin the whole of October for you.

Why do I feel like I'm watching a Movie of the Week?
I take it you've not seen many movies this week. I saw Guy Richies King Auther. This is better
I'm not sure that they sell Lucky Charms in the uk anymore. Do they like Guinness? Or perhaps Sinead O'Connor?
I'm not sure that they sell Yucky Charms in the uk anymore.

You lucky dogs. That stuff is awful.

I like Guiness enough to pose as a Leprechaun. Does that work?

On second thought,it can't possibly work. I have Gypsy blood in me. I'd still like the Guinness though, please!?!

It's an American thing.
Yep. Right over my head.

You lucky dogs. That stuff is awful.

I like Guiness enough to pose as a Leprechaun. Does that work?

On second thought,it can't possibly work. I have Gypsy blood in me. I'd still like the Guinness though, please!?!
I remember them being a bit like flavoured polystyrene. Probably not the sort of thing I'd let my kids eat nowadays despite being raised on a 1980's diet myself. Apparently you've not tasted Guinness unless you've had it in Ireland. I've not been to Ireland so I don't know if thats true.
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