ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Nice ...2230 ppm ... interesting how those numbers add up to 7 for your "Magnificient 7" grow :)

Good catch! I'd have made a rubbish Sherlock Holmes
Wow prof she is absolutely beautiful!
Thanks N. Quite a few of the Fastbuds strains have bright colours. Their LSD can go almost black.
Love the colours, nice shots
Thanks JC. I don't remember there being as much fade this early on with the previous two. Hopefully there'll be plenty more nice pics to come
Yes, I do! Crazy purple to green fade on those leaves. The Guy Fieri haircut is just a bonus!
Lol! The OS was the true Guy.
I just felt like showing this emoji. Has nothing to do with the shitty purple colors soaking throughout that gorgeous thing you showed us.
Oh Mr S. that is not purple but royal midnight ruby. PS. If you look closely the emoji looks worried. I think it's being forced
The 7 Sisters Grow Update....

As the plants steadily move forward we've yet to encounter any problems or drama of any kind. Still nothing so hooray. They were fed a full strength dose of MasterBlend a couple days ago and there's been no noticeable negative effects. All 7 look a healthy green. The Glueberry OG is the tallest and the Orka is the shortest. The Purple Moby should yield the most as she has 4 main stems. All is good so far....
The 7 Sisters Grow Update....

As the plants steadily move forward we've yet to encounter any problems or drama of any kind. Still nothing so hooray. They were fed a full strength dose of MasterBlend a couple days ago and there's been no noticeable negative effects. All 7 look a healthy green. The Glueberry OG is the tallest and the Orka is the shortest. The Purple Moby should yield the most as she has 4 main stems. All is good so far....

OMG ... please defoliate ... I can hardly see the budlets sir!

And your "Group of Seven" grow is ... how should we put it ... very artistic :)


I was chatting about this grow with my friends yesterday ... they are surprised too.

At this point ... I really hope it works!

The "ProfessorFlora and the 7 Dwarves" Grow Update....

Hey 420. We'll be tying down the plants tomorrow as I don't think we'll be getting anymore stretch out of them. Since removing the leaves they haven't needed watering as often. It looks like they'll need one tomorrow so I'm going to use the opportunity to reduce the amount of nutrients in the pot by giving them a little flush. Other than a little tip burn I don't think that there was any harm done but 2000+ ppm is too high lol. I'll put them down to 1300 ppm and see how they like that. We'll work out where to go from there. I've got some pics for you all but especially for Mr.S, how do these fair? Do these also need some Frenchness?....

Blue OG....

Glueberry OG....

Blackberry OG....

Purple Haze....

Northern Lights x Big Bud....


I forgot to take a pic of the Moby for some reason :)
Yes Professor, much better. They are greenest purple of purplegreenatude I have seen.
They do look green. A bit moody like the POG before
We've got color again... seriously stop worrying about it if in fact you are :thumb:
you could have said something before I swapped one of the kids for a new camera
Hey 420. I thought that today we could have a look at the mother candidates and see how they're progressing....

As a whole they all look pretty good. None stand out in a negative way at the moment and I've even taken a liking to the Fat Purple who looked like she was struggling to keep up at the beginning. I've watered these at 700ppm and they seem to be ok. The Pineapple Express has a little smidge of something on a leaf but it doesn't look concerning. They're all growing well now and will be due another trim shortly. I may even do it today....

The Black Kush....

Here's the long overdue update on lil HH and Mini VG. Well it seems that lil HH has woken up a bit after the close call she had at the beginning. I've topped up her pot with the sand and soil mix that I saved from my previous grow and removed her support. Both are looking great and only differ slightly with mini VG being a little bit more squat. They'll both be topped shortly....

Lil HH....

Mini VG....

Pineapple Express....

Pretty solid little plant right there. She has very good growth and recovers very well from being trimmed back. She has a little mark on her but I don't thinks it's anything to worry about. I think she'll be able to produce some big and strong plants....

Purple Trainwreck....

A beautiful looking plant with rapid growth but quite thin branches. Hopefully they'll thicken up in flower otherwise she'll be pretty floppy. She still has a kind of symmetry but it's starting to grow out....

Fat Purple....

Since being trimmed back it's actually had some better growth. Looks more like a female now but still no sign of sex yet so we're still waiting. It has responded well to the MasterBlend and the calmag issues that were there when I was using Canna Terra have disappeared. Fingers crossed for this one....
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