ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Looking good Prof! I’m well and leaving in 2 days to Jamaica so I’m excited! Couldn’t come at a better time !
Have a great wedding and honeymoon!!! :love::love::love::love:
Hey 420! I had an hour of free time today so I decided to start with the defol and had a go at getting some of those branches bent down. It's a work in progress and I've yet to reach the back of the tent. The Cheese N'Chong is almost complete and I've had a good go at the Island Punch but I've yet to do a lot with the Chocolate Mint OG. The Cheese was easy as punch whereas the IP was a little more fiddly. It's tricky trying to reach in over them but I'll have another go tomorrow and see if I can finish to a satisfactory standard lol. Here we are on day 18 of flower....

Chocolate Mint OG....

Island Punch....

Cheese N'Chong....
Looking very nice in here mate. Purple Chem looks tasty as well, is that the last one to sample of the 10?
Thanks Lew! She is indeed....

Purple Chem looks lovely! No way an hour would be enough time to finish that defol. I'm sure the Candidas are going to take 3 hours!

If I have to grow a cheese strain, candle light would be the only way I'd do it. Keep it small with a tiny flower!
I don't know, I'm pretty quick on the ol' defol. I didn't use any snips on these and it took me about 40 minutes to do that. Your Candidas are bigger than these I think with loads more branches

What would you do with the tiny flower?
The final plant has been jarred! Here is the Purple Chem @Pennywise . She's great! Took a bit longer than the rest but she rewarded us with some potent and very smell bud. Now that she's been jarred you can actually get a sense of how strong the smell is. 50g! She was also the heaviest which kinda surprised me but at the same time she did look like she had good bud formation. She needs an entire quart size jar just for her 8 top bud lol. If I had managed to get light further down her stems then she would have had an even heavier yield. Her position at the back up of the tent and her height made this difficult though. Very good plant and easy peasy lemon squeezy to grow lol. I had a sample last night and she seems like a relaxing upper if you know what I mean. I slept without any problems and woke up about 20 mins later with a screaming baby. I then cooked sausages and lay on the floor. I'll do a grand total and a final thoughts update soon as well as a load of bud comparison pics. Happy growing everyone....

I really enjoyed this grow. You did an amazing job of engaging the members here.

So, what does baby #1 think of baby #2?
Turned out great, Chem hits the head hard and fast but eases into a calm relaxing body high over a short period of time.
It feels like there is a microwave on in your forehead lol that's the best way I can describe it. It's like a buzzing sound with a feeling of warm pressure inside your face! Followed by the relaxing part lol
I really enjoyed this grow. You did an amazing job of engaging the members here.

So, what does baby #1 think of baby #2?
thank you VG! I wanted to make it a fun and relaxing journal and I think we achieved that

You can see that #1 knows that something has changed and that everything's different now but we are making sure that she doesn't feel left out. At the moment I have a little bit of time off but so it's easy to show her attention but I'll be back to work soon so we'll see what she's like then. She does love her though but I think she's still still a bit confused
Hey Shed! Thanks man. If you look closely at the Hemps Alive bag you'll see that it's still sealed also. I do intend to eat it though!

Got some flowering tent pics for you lovelies....

I've actually done a bit more defoliating since taking these pics which about right for me lol. I'll finish them tomorrow then we're all set with these and hopefully we can sit back, put our feet up and watch them do their thing. At least that's what I'm hoping for....

Chocolate Mint OG....

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