Potentially Perpetual Production Of Pot

Fucking awesome journal Fish. It looks like you almost have everything down to a T. I dig the way you've grown the DrG I've only seen it once but Its always been on my mind Keep up this amazing work :Namaste:

Thanks a lot dude! That Dr Grinspoon is a mystery to me. I grew exactly what I wanted the very first time....before I was good at taking clones.... Beautiful big plant. Buds were fluffy as can be but the smoke was incredible. Its my golden unicorn or whatever they call it... Grew it two more times with different phenos.... Since then seeds have been unavailable.

not at all you may have to cull something then youll have one to move on in love the way it works!
That is a nice way to think. I'll keep that in mind.

Chu Majek
They wrote me and said they take pay pal and ship to the states'
Morning Folks,

Here are a few pics hot off the press. Critical Sensie Star, Peyote Cookies, Black Dog, Three different phenos of my Dr grinspoon x Love. Day 26 flowering.

I definitely expresses interest. I would probably give it another go even though I can't stand spending 10 or 11 dollars a seed.... But for good genetics it's worth it I suppose. Breeding isn't easy...

The Dr is still on the Barneys website... I like to think that if it was discontinued they would not even say it was out of stock... Probably been 6 months since I have emailed them.
Yea they don't have it there either anymore. Girls look great here Fish.
Yea they don't have it there either anymore. Girls look great here Fish.

Hey Thanks a lot woody. You helped me a lot you know! I can crank out some solid buds when I can get a plant to grow good in veg. Veg is the tricky part for me right now but I am always learning. I like having 15-20 plants to play with... try out a dose of fertilizer or tea on just one or 2 then see how they all might react.


Another group shot with the the last of the days direct sunlight. My yard is small but the sun shines from just after sunrise until 3:30 this time of year. When the girls get nice and tall they get a bit more like 4:30 - 5:00 at the tops of the plant. I have definitely seen some good buds! Unfortunately you can also see it from the street when they get that big so I try and keep them managed.... Man if I had room in the country away from tweekers... I swear I would grow monsters. Not to mention I would probably grow 99 in veg to pick the biggest and best from the gene pool...rambling

Cheers Folks, :passitleft:

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