PotChimp's BP Farmer's Pride Power Grow

All of the plants seem to be balanced out nutrient-wise for now. Well, I realized that I don't have the room for the stunted 1024-mixed seed in this tent, and I want to keep my next grow all GDP plants so I'm going to use it as a playtoy. :)
I cut it down above the second row of branches and I'm going to practice training technique on it. That should keep it small enough not to be a problem to the other grows. I'll use the branches to practice grafting with; I'm not sure how hard that is to master, but I know I haven't gotten a graft to take yet. I put one on the Ultimate plant yesterday, but it already looks bad. I'm sure my first bunch of tries are going to bomb out. Should be fun, though.
Flowering : Day 12

Lovin' it.....

..... except one thing. I am stepping into new territory with good lighting and high quality nutes that are more controllable, and I didn't count on growth being so rapid (take into consideration that these were grown under the GLR method which gives the plants less hours of light which equals less energy). This Quasar is taking up so much room that it will smother the Warlock and especially the Ultimate plant. The Flo is holding her own in the fight for square footage because she is growing more upward than outward. I picked a good one to practice grafting on with the Ultimate because I may have to cut it down just like I did the 1024 shitseed plant (and bounce it around from grow room to grow room or cull it). Where I'm at now in one part of my growing is a quest. To test multiple strains. So even one good cola off of it will tell me that. It's not branching very well anyway.
As you can see by the last few pics above, I've run into the problem of almost being out of room to raise the lights and the plant tops were only about 6 inches from the reflectors (wilt happened to the plants on the right, I raised the light and those plants grew right back into the wilt zone today). With the heat being uncomfortable to the back of my hand, I decided to rearrange the hangers to get another 4" and if I remove them I may get another 3 or 4" more. Man, I hope the vertical growth stops and the swelling up of the flowers happens soon; I like the looks of these, and don't want to chop them up like I did my Tangerine Dream crop. So I guess it's four weeks veg and then 12/12 with this particular setup, or I'm going to have to deal with this (or train the plants) every time. Looking good besides that; I'll post more pics soon.
Flowering : Week 2

As you can see prolonged exposure to excessive heat (5-6" away from the bulb) doesn't do these plants well.

I took the Exhale Homegrown CO2 off the top of the two ballasts and set it on top of the right side one so I could get the extra height to get it and the Flo plant out of the heat. These pics were taken around 10:00 A.M., it's been around 6-1/2 hours and I see all three of the four tops on that plant that got wilted starting to pull out of it a little (I hope that's all it is; I watered it pretty good to try and wash a little of that nitrogen dark green out so it may be overwatered too).
Note : All four plants were given full strength nutes yesterday, but a few hours later the Quasar started showing more wilt (excessive nitrogen along with the heat wilt). I flushed its grow bag out with 3 gallons of distilled water and this morning it is looking better. The Ultimate plant looks a little better fed too. So I think I'll do this next feeding:

Warlock - Full strength nutes
Ultimate - Full strength nutes but give it more
Flo - Full strength + 1 extra ml Bloom per gallon
Quasar - Same as the Flo, only diluted to 75% strength

I'll try to get a pic up later.
Flowering : Week 2, Day 3

Left side :

Right side :

A few close-ups

This Quasar plant is really wilted.

It's probably overwatering because of the partial flush. After it's dry, if it's still wilted I'll do a full flush. I installed a second fan on the other side of the tent to stop the tops from getting heat burned, so if it's still wilted it has to be excess nitrogen. I'm hoping this is the end of the vertical growth because if it isn't, the fans aren't going to do the job; I'll have to bend them.
What I should try is to put a towel under the grow bag for a while. I believe it will somewhat act as a wick and draw water from the soilless mix. Then take it out. Better yet, leave it in. I sometimes wet one and put it in for humidity anyway. The gnats like the sugar water I leave them for a treat when I run out of flypaper, but the water in it dries too quick to provide a lot.
Week 2, Day 4 :

The Quasar is pulling out of the overwatering/overfeeding wilt,

but I have to do something about the height issue, because there's no way I'm cutting these tops off when they look like this :

As a matter of fact, I'll probably tie these down just like this to get them some more light.
Note: I watered all the plants except the Quasar with distilled water and molasses this morning. I have a little thinning of the centers of these plants to do tomorrow, so I'll take them out of the closet and try to find a way to tie the Flo and Quasar plants down some to get them off of the light bulbs.
Flowering : Week 3

Pollen catcher :)

The Quasar plant is looking somewhat better now.

Next time I'll try full nutes for the Ultimate, full nutes + a little extra Bloom for the original Flo, and half-strength nutes for the Warlock and Quasar. I think they all stopped upward growth now (at least I hope).
The only one that looks Sativa dominant is the Quasar. The Warlock is supposed to be Indica dominant, but the Flo is growing somewhat like a Sativa yet has wide leaves. Which leaves the Ultimate. The attempted spiral training idea had to be abandoned quickly due to rapid growth of the other plants (NOTE: SOG and multiple strains do not go together well). Even after setting it up on cans to even it up with the rest of the canopy, it got pushed under by the ever-expanding Quasar. I have it down to 2 main leads and may just cut it to 1 if the second doesn't look like it's going to break the canopy. It'll be one big cola plant (hopefully).
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