As you can see by the last few pics above, I've run into the problem of almost being out of room to raise the lights and the plant tops were only about 6 inches from the reflectors (wilt happened to the plants on the right, I raised the light and those plants grew right back into the wilt zone today). With the heat being uncomfortable to the back of my hand, I decided to rearrange the hangers to get another 4" and if I remove them I may get another 3 or 4" more. Man, I hope the vertical growth stops and the swelling up of the flowers happens soon; I like the looks of these, and don't want to chop them up like I did my Tangerine Dream crop. So I guess it's four weeks veg and then 12/12 with this particular setup, or I'm going to have to deal with this (or train the plants) every time. Looking good besides that; I'll post more pics soon.