PotChimp's BP Farmer's Pride Power Grow

You could try a piece of half inch wall styrofoam underneath. Air coming in those bottom inlets is 70-75?

Unfortunately it's running between 66 and 68 degrees coming in, hence the need for warmth. I've even tried elevating them on boards and closing the vents slightly. Between the canopy and the MH bulbs it is running about 82 degrees. If I cut the airflow from the tent to increase the heat underneath, I will put the plant canopy into a temp range that doesn't support vegetative growth well (above 82 degrees). Maybe I'll rig up some kind of recirculating y-connector with a damper to put some of the heated air back into the tent bottom after this grow for Winters, but until then I'll try these seed mats I just bought.

Hey, these electric seed mats look good under Tangerine Dream plants! I'll just mist them now, and pick me off a little wet bud to smoke! Why, this one right here looksBZZZZZZZZZZTTTT!!!!!!!!!

damn, burnt all the hair off my lil' chimp head again..... :)
(JK; they're waterproof)
Week 4, Day 5 from seed :

Flo says, "Thanks for warming my feet up you stupid primate, now would you cut back on the nutes a tad?"

Here's the 1024 mutant seed from Hell..... :)

The Quasar looks just like I wanted it to.

I think they'll all be okay for now, but I'm going at least half nutes on everything I grow from now on that starts acting weird on me like this. The others can take more than that. Post more pics soon.....
Silly primate, bigger is better always? More food make one bigger for sure?
Analogy doesn't translate exactly; enough is best, too much is bad.
Oops, I guess it does translate :hmmmm: kinda

How about: Cozy warm toes are nice. Huh? Huh?

Once those toes get warm Flo's going to run up on a double dose of nutes in between them (previously not taken in due to "cold feet"), and I know she's not going to like it. Drying the soil after the light flushing I gave and doing a good watering before resuming 1/2 strength nutes is what I'm going to try (plant too sensitive to environment = plant too sensitive to :morenutes:?) Betcha didn't know us PotChimps was mathematical, did ya? Yep, there's three kinds of PotChimps in the world. Them ones what can cipher and them ones that can't.
Wish me luck! :)
Week 4, Day 6 from seed :


The Ultimate

Mutoidal 1024 genetic defect :)

And a recovering Flo

I applied a full dose of Blue Planet Farmer's Pride (Veg 3 with Cal-Mag) to the Ultimate, Quasar, and Warlock this morning. I then measured the rest cup for cup to get a 50% diluted solution and applied this to the Flo and my lil' propagated genetically defective 1024 from Hell plant. It seems strange how the Ultimate plant didn't brown around the edge of the leaves where I FIRMed* it. :confused:

* F _ _ k, I REALLY missed..... :tokin:
As soon as everybody's favorite waitress from Mel's Diner pulls out of this health setback all the way, and the freakseed plant gets a little bigger (another week, maybe?) I'm going to put in the two 250 watt HPS bulbs and put this grow into flowering.
:peace:, everybody.....
I learned a few valuable lessons from the first somewhat successful grow I did. Extreme differences in strains all started at the same time caused variations in 12/12 timing, nutes, lighting, etc. I thought I was could do a little better (which I more or less did) by choosing strains that were close in height, flowering time, % of Sativa to Indica, and feeding requirements. Now I have this.....

It sucks to have to put all of them into flowering because the Quasar plant will get too leggy if I don't, and my freaky mutoidal 1024 genetically defective strange unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed seed from Hell (give me some time; I'll eventually come up with a more flattering name) will probably hermie because it is too small or wind up another one of my famous specialized PPP strain (PotChimp's Pinjoint Plant). What I will probably do is continue another week of veg with that plant by putting it in with my Grandaddy Purple grow, then place it back in this tent.
One good thing about primates, is y'all try something new till it works.
Big reptiles on another hand, know that you gots to come down to the water, sometime :yummy:

I prefer to grow only groups of identical plants, but my vert set-up does work for trials and supplies of personal meds ;)
One good thing about primates, is y'all try something new till it works.
Big reptiles on another hand, know that you gots to come down to the water, sometime :yummy:

I prefer to grow only groups of identical plants, but my vert set-up does work for trials and supplies of personal meds ;)

I've seen your work, even though I haven't hit enough mouse-clicks to be familiar with how to subscribe to a journal (simple enough I'm sure; I'll take some time soon to learn how to navigate this website better, but with a life so busy that I don't eat or sleep for days at a time it's going to be a bit).
Hope evolution reverses itself in my case and I evolve into a reptile. You all seem to be able to grow weed a lot better than us chimps..... ;)
At the top of each thread page, there are 5 boxes. The second from the left is 'thread tools'. Click it and a drop-box will offer an option to subscribe to that thread. Or just post onto the thread and you are subbed.

As to my special devolved condition: be careful what you ask for :)
This primate might not be so smart when it comes right down to it. The lab technicians put me in a cage with a box and a banana hanging from a rope too high up to grab once. My logic was that if I busted myself over the head with the box I would be unconscious and wouldn't be so bothered by that banana hanging there that I couldn't reach, and probably would be nauseous from the blow to the cranium and not want to eat anyway. Every lab tech in the room shook their head and threw their clipboard in the trash. I thought I was showing an advanced and logical progression of thought and ability to understand concepts myself; guess you can't please everyone..... :scratchinghead:
I'm getting a little better growth vegging under the MH than my previous grows using mogul-base CFLs. I knew that was going to be the case, but never having used MH before I didn't know how soon these plants were going to be a decent size. I'm going into my "Damn the torpedoes" tyrade a week early and starting 12/12 tomorrow. Looking straight down on them, I passed covering 2/3 of the floor area with green a few days ago. The lil' $hitseed plant can go with in the GDPs for a week or two.....
Flowering : Day 1 (5 weeks and 3 days from seed)

This Quasar grew out okay.

My FIRM turned out to be a didn't-top-it-at-all, so I just bent the Ultimate plant over (yay, the tap root didn't go "Pop" this time!).

The Flo is still being a little obstinate, but it's going into flowering anyway.

Warlock (hard to see because it's small).

I gave a full dose of BPN Farmer's Pride Crazy Growth to all four of these yesterday, and I'll do the transition feeding after the next watering.
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