The nutty bud
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Less evaporation of trichrome resin in lower humidity!!!!
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Hey get the big orange store to sponsor your grow lol.
For a second grow im going to invest for sure.
This grow is more of an experiment using just LED's from home Depot
I'd feel so rude to ask for products to be sent even if I could, I'd feel terrible if I did a misrepresentation of a product due to the lack of my knowledge and skills.The real difference between actual good lighting and "good enough" lighting, IMHO, isn't the initial expense for the former - although, from one poor grower to another, I agree that it is not an insignificant thing - but, rather, how much (eventual) return you're going to be seeing on the electricity you're paying for each and every month. In some respects, it's like deciding whether to paint your grow room's walls white or just leave them whatever color they happen to be. There's an initial expense, sure - but the white paint will allow you to... to use a greater percentage of the electricity that you'll be paying the same for regardless of whether you're using 70% of it - or 30%.
Thanks to whoever it was who suggested Mars-Hydro as a possibility for (future) inexpensive lighting upgrades. Both because the company offers products that are both relatively inexpensive AND relatively good performers (they have more expensive products, too, of course) and because the company helps pay this forum's operating expenses. I know that there are other "economy price" brands out there - at least one of which has been mentioned in this very thread - but there is a value and benefit (IMHO) to supporting the companies that support US. Reality... Well, if this was some kind of food forum, and our forum sponsors were the companies who manufacture(???) the things we eat, it's not like I'd choose to starve instead of purchasing my food from a non-sponsor. On the other hand, if the difference in price was relatively minor (or nonexistent, or even such that it favored the sponsor), I would choose the sponsor, assuming that the quality was comparable. With this particular sponsor (M-H), there's the added benefit that the company has a very active representative who tries to be helpful, actually pays attention to our suggestions in regards to product development/etc., and who has been known to sort of act as a go-between in customer-to-company communication. While it is difficult to quantify such a thing in terms of a dollar value, it seems pretty obvious that such things do have a value (and that it could possibly prove to be a significant one, depending on circumstances).
I don't know that there'd be any concrete benefit to it, lol, but M-H has been known to run contests/giveaways and even occasionally to send a product to a grower for testing/evaluation/etc. One assumes that some portion of their customer base is made up of people who... are not independently wealthy, shall we say? Ever thought about "paging" their forum rep in order to bring you - and your grow journal - to her attention, and requesting that you be considered for any future chances for such a thing? I mean... Well, I - like many others, I suppose - like to read about rich people (lol) who can buy the latest and greatest "new thing," and I enjoy seeing how such products perform and what the people can end up doing with them. But it's when someone who barely has two pennies to rub together ends up buying something cheaper and manages to get good performance out of it that I really start paying attention. So, well, I figure it's not a bad idea for companies to get some of their less expensive products into the hands of the less financially-enabled members. I mean... If you spend four figures on a light - and have already spent a bundle on a grow room/tent with the most reflective walls, best climate control (or any climate control ), et cetera - then we'd all expect you to do well - and your doing so then seems to have a little less impact, to me, anyway. But if someone on a shoestring budget (the kind that's been broken and tied back together a couple of times ) has a decent experience with an inexpensive product, I find myself thinking, "Wow, that's not only a decent product, its value must be all out of proportion with its price." Which not only causes me to place that specific product onto my short-list, it also implies that their more expensive products might also have a pretty high cost-to-benefit ratio.
IDK, I'm just rambling. But, yeah, if you expect to make it to harvest time (with any kind of harvest), consider bringing yourself to the attention of a sponsor or two (politely, of course). It won't cost you a thing, and there is the possibility that it'll benefit you at some point in the future.
do you have a Perpetual outcome. Are you trimming drying every week.
Day 14 since popped , extremely slow growth , but I have had some wonderful people here explain to me that the pots I started them in were far too big and that my girls are trying real hard to fill will roots hopefully they start doing better , I'm expecting really small plants due to my mistake since they are autos and they should really be a lot farther along at 14 days , what are your thoughts?
About $200 per month