Pookss's 2x4x6 High Brix Garden FT, Smurfzilla, Dark Plasma #9 & Cereal Milk

From what I remember it was possibly due to fact that roots on outside of pot were drying prematurely causing problems

This is the one that bothers me. I think the root-pruning from the fabric reduces the amount of soil that the biota like - gets too dry too soon.

But I did well with a 10 gallon square fabric pot in a crate. It's just a little trickier. Try harder to keep the outside of the rootball moist.
This is the one that bothers me. I think the root-pruning from the fabric reduces the amount of soil that the biota like - gets too dry too soon.

But I did well with a 10 gallon square fabric pot in a crate. It's just a little trickier. Try harder to keep the outside of the rootball moist.

Wow, that makes a lot of sense actually. I’m now slightly worried. Might just buy plastic ones now.
I think Fabric pots were originally made for ebb and flow, dripline, or coco grows where air exchange is important. I have noticed that it doesn't help soil that much, but does great for coco since the medium can be moist at all times. I've used them for my outdoor plants, keeps the roots cooler than plastic, plus the roots can grow straight into the soil.

Hope this helps.
Yeah I tried both, but like the plastic better. Easier to lift and not disturb roots, maintains more moisture on the edges, and easier to clean and prep for the next plant. I gave all my fabric pots away. Just my experience ;)

everyone that chimed in, thank you. I will be purchasing some plastic pots for when they need a transplant. Hopefully my local nursery has them for cheap, because amazon wants like 25 dollars or more for 10g pots.
Small update 2/05/2019

Nothing much still to report. Still fighting low RH%, I spray them with water twice a day to try and help. Have only watered them lightly once or twice since the initial planting. Just straight water.

Here's a group shot.

I noticed this today when i got back from work, didn't see it last night. burnt tips only on one node on one plant. very strange, im not worried about it at all but if anyone can chime in. I'm assuming my RH has been to low and that's causing some issues. ( this is on a smurfzilla )

Really dig how compact the 2 dark plasma's are growing

Aerial view of the lone Cereal Milk.

This is my favorite Smurfzilla so far, only 4 nodes and its already throwing out new branches on node 1 !

This smurfzilla has been janky since day one. my wife made a joke and said i was growing arugula...

One more group shot.


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Looking great Pooks! Probably the low rh on that one Smurf. You should be able to find pots on the net for a few bucks each, best when you buy like 5 or 10 at a time. It's the saucers that are way over priced! They usually cost more than the dang pots! Another thing to try is ask your local nursery if they have any they will give you for free but those are usually smaller.

Looking great Pooks! Probably the low rh on that one Smurf. You should be able to find pots on the net for a few bucks each, best when you buy like 5 or 10 at a time. It's the saucers that are way over priced! They usually cost more than the dang pots! Another thing to try is ask your local nursery if they have any they will give you for free but those are usually smaller.

yeah my local nursery has given me freebie before. I don't recall them having any freebies of 7g+. But ill give them a call when i'm nearing flip time. I wont need saucers, I just use throw away turkey trays from the dollar store to catch any run off.

I feel bad fro my plants, I know i cant take this RH anymore. My skins dry, my throat always hurts at home, and i get nose bleeds. You know your a grower when you take better care of your plants than yourself! ( they at least have a small humidifier haha)
Thanks for the invite, P. I'm in. Wait till you start pulling off that high brix posture and shine! Once you get it down it gets boring..don't get tempted to pull out that ph meter!

ph pen is packed away! im super excited to get out of the seedling stage, such a drag....
It's been said here before somewhere, but when you begin to water in fabric pots you can wrap plastic wrap around the pot to retain water from going out the sides like a regular pot. I def recommend dunking sometimes when they get a little older. Always a boom in growth after the oxygen/nutrient exchange of complete soaking.
It's been said here before somewhere, but when you begin to water in fabric pots you can wrap plastic wrap around the pot to retain water from going out the sides like a regular pot. I def recommend dunking sometimes when they get a little older. Always a boom in growth after the oxygen/nutrient exchange of complete soaking.
I was thinking of just wrapping them in plastic wrap. I won’t be able to drench the fabric pots though, nothing big enough to hold the drench. I was just going to super saturate them once they were in their final homes. Thanks for the tip!

I’ll still check around for local plastic containers.
I don't think anyone dunks in the final pots. Most do 1/2 in the saucer and 1/2 down the top. I've grown plenty in the soft pots and loved them mostly for the handles but now I use plastic and prefer them.


Yeah I noticed in Docs main thread talking about the 1/2 up top and 1/2 on the bottom. Wondering if i can make that work with my turkey tray's instead of saucers. worst case scenario ill just pick up saucers as well...

Hopefully will be doing their first dunk/drench in a day or two. super pumped!
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