Please help young plants leaves drooping

Your seedlings are too small for nutrients, I would hold off on nutrients until your plants are 4-5 inches tall and have 5 nodes of growth then start with 1/4 strength nutrients. Does your nutrient company have a recommendation for seedlings?

here are the directions of use for your nutrients, from their website.

Coco A & B Directions of Use:
A ready to use fertilizer solution is made by diluting A & B concentrates in equal amounts with tap water.
Shake Coco A and Coco B well before use
Fill the nutrition tank with water
Dosage: 40 ml / 10 Liter - 15 ml / US gallon (1:250)
Stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
Recommended pH: 5.5 - 6.2
Recommended EC for Coco A + B is 0.8 - 1.8 mS/cm (Part A plus Part B and assuming source water at 0.0 EC)
Plants best catch roots in the Coco medium when it is not too wet

Other directions
Never mix the A-concentrate directly with the B-concentrate, as insoluble combinations will occur
Keep out of reach of children
Store in a dark place
Keep away from extremes of hot and cold
Over fertilization has a negative effect on the nutrient mix and plant quality
Not to be used in protected nature reserves, reed beds or swampy areas, in hedges or small woods, in bodies of surface waters or near groundwater collecting areas
If the solution comes in contact with the skin or eyes, rinse with water.
Continue to use regular water for now like king said, but let me look up Cana and I will get back to you in a sec to let ya know for when the time actually comes.

Canna A & B calls for 15ML per gallon which is roughly 4 liters. This is the Canna Coco as I am assuming you are using this one because you want to grow in coco? I would not use this strength on your plants when they are young. Once the plants are ready I would start off with like 3-4ML of A and 3-4 ML of B in a 1 gallon container and try that out when you first start. Always make sure that you do not combine A and B together before adding to you water; for example, You will add your 5ML of A into your watering container (full of water of course) and shake it up before adding the 5 ML of B.

I just typed this all up and I totally missed King's link to the manufactures web site. Lol oh well

Do you have a EC/PPM meter? It really helps with managing your nutrient mixes that way you can effectively up your doses of nutes while the plant gets bigger and bigger. I am not sure if this works for others, but I always tend to start my plants off at around 200ppm and slowly work my way up to around 600 or so during their veg growth. Seems to be working fine for me and I never have any burn while vegging.

The Canna Boost is a flowering supplmenet and should not be applied until like 1 to 3 weeks once flowering has been started. They call for 8ml per gallon with this nutrient, but you dont have to worry about any of this until your plants get bigger and you are getting ready to flower. :thumb:

These plants are 28-29 days old from seed so you can get an idea of what to shoot for size wise around 30 days. I topped the bigger plants twice so far and the smaller plants only once.

Thanks kingjohnc very usefull :thumb:

I don't have a ppm sounds like its worth investing in one Il check out my local store today, I was planning on using nutes about 4 weeks in to the grow although now Il wait until there 4-5 inches high then start ok great thanks

Backpackin what light do you use? Beautiful looking crop can't wait until mine are this heigh, I'm using x2 45x cfl 6400k blue for veg and x2 2700k red 45w for flower I've got one or two smaller cfl for side lighting if needed

Thanks Again
Thanks kingjohnc very usefull :thumb:

I don't have a ppm sounds like its worth investing in one Il check out my local store today, I was planning on using nutes about 4 weeks in to the grow although now Il wait until there 4-5 inches high then start ok great thanks

Backpackin what light do you use? Beautiful looking crop can't wait until mine are this heigh, I'm using x2 45x cfl 6400k blue for veg and x2 2700k red 45w for flower I've got one or two smaller cfl for side lighting if needed

Thanks Again

I veg under a 4 foot T5 fixture with 4 bulbs, but I really need get me a 8 bulb model since the one I have currently is not wide enough hehe. When I am flowering I run a 1000watt HPS.

the EC/PPM meter is not a must if you are still trying to figure out if you like growing or not, but if you do decide you want to continue in the hobby it is a nice thing to have if you are going to be using liquid fertilizers.
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