Grandpa Tokin makes capsules from QWET over in his thread here:

You should read the first couple of pages and then ask any questions there. He's always willing to help.
Sorry, I've been busy and haven't been able to respond since I read your reply.
Grandpa's method is what I use, modified for my kitchen. And Sweet Sue is another one I keep reading excessively. And more. I love this site. And I really appreciate you. I notice you are always there to take care of newbies, and your advice is worth a million.
Go Shed!!!!! LOL
Update, Week Six of Flower
Vertical growth in the flowering tent is over, and the bulking up of the buds has begun. Today I removed a bunch of large fan leaves; I do this toward the end of flower, and I don't lollipop them. I just get rid of the large fans with long stems that are just hiding the plant life below from the lights. The tent is very full, and it is difficult to get a photo because so much of the bud growth is above the tent flap. But I did get a few pictures and included them below.
I'm already looking forward to harvest, anticipating another three weeks before they are ripe.
I've been giving them a 20-degree temperature spread from day to night (63 - 81F), hoping to induce a few purple hues. I've grown purple Mazari Grape in the past, but I haven't seen purple in these phenoms yet. But I do notice that the plants seem to love the added heat in the day, while the cooler nights also seem to agree with them. So we will see.

Clone Update
I have chosen my three clones but I left one little one growing from a piece of stem as an experiment. So discount the fourth. I don't have a reason for leaving it. It's complicated. :Rasta:
Today I bent the branches down as a beginning LST move. I upped the lights to 25 percent today (I had early brought them to 10, then to 15, and now to 25). I have to harden the plants to bright light, and I have about three weeks to do it.
If they grow too large, which is probable, I'll just crop them like I did last time. Today is the first day of plant food, other than Rapid Start, so I expect they will explode.

PinkTiger's Edibles - Cannabis Cooking

This past weekend, most of my neighbors, if they were in their kitchens, were making holiday treats. I was also making treats, but not for any particular holiday. I can't really claim any cred for what I did, as it was all learned here. @Grandpa Tokin and @SweetSue have been my mentors, along with @InTheShed and others. When appropriate, I'll link to others' posts that I learned from.

Here's what I made:

1. Decarbed Fan leaf capsules
2. Decarbed frosty trim capsules
3. Gummy bears and pineapples (Jolly Rancher Jello cherry flavor)
4. Canna oil capsules from bud

About a month ago I also created suppositories made with RSO. I don't really care for RSO as an edible; to me it tastes nasty. LOL. To each their own. But it is excellent for suppository use. I'll talk more about the effect these edibles have had on me at the end of this post. First, I want to share my methods.

Decarbed flower capsules
Here is a link for methods and supplies.
Old Thread But Good
Although the above-linked thread came from a now disappeared poster, it contained a lot of good info.
I did a search on Amazon for a capsule filling machine. I use size 00 but there are other sizes.
My daughter figured out how to use the machine because I'm really not good at stuff like that. LOL. So you will have to supply your own kid. This filling machine is manual. The hard part is figuring how it works, but no prob now for me. ;)

Three Steps

  1. I used dried fan leaves and trim. I separated the sugar trim from the fan leaves a long time ago and these are done separately. First step is to decarb your flower.
  2. Second, grind the flower into a powder. Not a fine powder, but in small enough pieces to go into a capsule easily. I used my Cuisinart food processor.
  3. Third, fill capsules with herb. Follow directions.
Gummy Candy

The gummy bears and pineapple molds came from Amazon. I used this recipe, adapted from many recipes online and perfected by me for my kitchen:

1/2 cup cannabis infused coconut oil
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon sunflower lecithin
1 small 6 oz package gelatin dessert of your choice
2 packets of unflavored gelatin


  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat combine the water and the infused oil and whisk together as you bring it to a boil
  2. Whisk in each container of the unflavored gelatin one at a time while continuing to whisk
  3. Whisk in the flavored gelatin and keep stirring for about 5 minutes and bring to a rolling boil.
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. Place molds on a cookie sheet or other flat surface that will fit in the freezer.
  6. Acting quickly, fill each mold with a dropper or spoon.
  7. Place filled molds in the freezer for 15 minutes, then remove and unmold.
  8. Dust gummies with cornstarch and keep in a closed container so they won't dry out.

Canna Oil Capsules

Simply fill capsules with infused coconut oil.

Now, here's how I make the oil, adapted from Grandpa Tokin's (@Grandpa Tokin ) recipes. I altered the method slightly after experimentation. Now, hear this, people: I'm an experienced cook and I have many years' experience dealing with dangerous stuff. If you are not really good at risk avoidance and knowing what things might explode and how to prevent that, then don't use my method. I will not be responsible for your blown-up arse.
OK. Disclaimer over.

How I make Canna Oil/Butter
I know that some people will take issue with my methods, but that is OK. To each his own. I hope this recipe is useful.
I have an electric cooktop with elements under glass. No flames. Don't do this on a gas stove or with an open flame or you will blow up your kitchen. You will also need a great deal of air flowing up a vent; I also open my kitchen up to the patio when I do this - Lots of ventilation is needed.
You will need a double boiler, a fifth of Everclear or Extractahol, and about a half ounce of herb or an ounce of trim. I don't use fan leaves for this recipe. You will also need a large funnel and several coffee filters, a mesh strainer large enough to hold the funnel and a large bowl or measuring bowl to drain the alcohol in at the end.
  1. First, break up the herb into small pieces - do not grind unless you are using fan leaves or trim.
  2. I decarb my herb next, in an electric oven in a silicone box on a cookie sheet, at 240 degrees for 45 minutes.
  3. Place into a large glass jar with a lid, like a two-quart mason jar. Freeze for several hours or overnight.
  4. Freeze the Everclear or extractahol overnight or several hours.
  5. Remove the mason jar with bud from the freezer and take the frozen alcohol and pour just enough to cover about half an inch. You should have about half a fifth left or so.
  6. Carefully swirl the jar contents for about a minute. Do not mash or whisk. You are separating the trichomes from the bud and you don't want plant waxes or chlorophyll.
  7. With the funnel fitted with a couple of filters and the mesh strainer positioned over the bowl, pour the jar contents in the funnel and strain. Let it drain naturally. When all the alcohol is drained, discard the herb. The alcohol solution should look like pee. But not dark pee. Straw colored pee.
  8. Pour the alcohol solution into the top of the double boiler. Turn the heat on and bring it to a boil (alcohol boils at a lower temp than water) and watch carefully. Have the ventilation on and do not breathe the fumes. When the water in the bottom is boiling and the mixture has reduced by about half (10 min max), turn off the heat and leave it to sit there for a few minutes. When the alcohol is gone, a goo will coat the double boiler. At this point add the lecithin and a cup of coconut oil and whisk until all is blended. Then use in recipes or save until later. If you want butter instead, use a cup of butter instead of the coconut oil.
PinkTiger's Edibles - Cannabis Cooking

This past weekend, most of my neighbors, if they were in their kitchens, were making holiday treats. I was also making treats, but not for any particular holiday. I can't really claim any cred for what I did, as it was all learned here. @Grandpa Tokin and @SweetSue have been my mentors, along with @InTheShed and others. When appropriate, I'll link to others' posts that I learned from.

Here's what I made:

1. Decarbed Fan leaf capsules
2. Decarbed frosty trim capsules
3. Gummy bears and pineapples (Jolly Rancher Jello cherry flavor)
4. Canna oil capsules from bud

About a month ago I also created suppositories made with RSO. I don't really care for RSO as an edible; to me it tastes nasty. LOL. To each their own. But it is excellent for suppository use. I'll talk more about the effect these edibles have had on me at the end of this post. First, I want to share my methods.

Decarbed flower capsules
Here is a link for methods and supplies.
Old Thread But Good
Although the above-linked thread came from a now disappeared poster, it contained a lot of good info.
I did a search on Amazon for a capsule filling machine. I use size 00 but there are other sizes.
My daughter figured out how to use the machine because I'm really not good at stuff like that. LOL. So you will have to supply your own kid. This filling machine is manual. The hard part is figuring how it works, but no prob now for me. ;)

Three Steps
  1. I used dried fan leaves and trim. I separated the sugar trim from the fan leaves a long time ago and these are done separately. First step is to decarb your flower.
  2. Second, grind the flower into a powder. Not a fine powder, but in small enough pieces to go into a capsule easily. I used my Cuisinart food processor.
  3. Third, fill capsules with herb. Follow directions.
Gummy Candy

The gummy bears and pineapple molds came from Amazon. I used this recipe, adapted from many recipes online and perfected by me for my kitchen:

1/2 cup cannabis infused coconut oil
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon sunflower lecithin
1 small 6 oz package gelatin dessert of your choice
2 packets of unflavored gelatin

  1. In a small saucepan over medium heat combine the water and the infused oil and whisk together as you bring it to a boil
  2. Whisk in each container of the unflavored gelatin one at a time while continuing to whisk
  3. Whisk in the flavored gelatin and keep stirring for about 5 minutes and bring to a rolling boil.
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. Place molds on a cookie sheet or other flat surface that will fit in the freezer.
  6. Acting quickly, fill each mold with a dropper or spoon.
  7. Place filled molds in the freezer for 15 minutes, then remove and unmold.
  8. Dust gummies with cornstarch and keep in a closed container so they won't dry out.

Canna Oil Capsules

Simply fill capsules with infused coconut oil.

Now, here's how I make the oil, adapted from Grandpa Tokin's (@Grandpa Tokin ) recipes. I altered the method slightly after experimentation. Now, hear this, people: I'm an experienced cook and I have many years' experience dealing with dangerous stuff. If you are not really good at risk avoidance and knowing what things might explode and how to prevent that, then don't use my method. I will not be responsible for your blown-up arse.
OK. Disclaimer over.

How I make Canna Oil/Butter
I know that some people will take issue with my methods, but that is OK. To each his own. I hope this recipe is useful.
I have an electric cooktop with elements under glass. No flames. Don't do this on a gas stove or with an open flame or you will blow up your kitchen. You will also need a great deal of air flowing up a vent; I also open my kitchen up to the patio when I do this - Lots of ventilation is needed.
You will need a double boiler, a fifth of Everclear or Extractahol, and about a half ounce of herb or an ounce of trim. I don't use fan leaves for this recipe. You will also need a large funnel and several coffee filters, a mesh strainer large enough to hold the funnel and a large bowl or measuring bowl to drain the alcohol in at the end.
  1. First, break up the herb into small pieces - do not grind unless you are using fan leaves or trim.
  2. I decarb my herb next, in an electric oven in a silicone box on a cookie sheet, at 240 degrees for 45 minutes.
  3. Place into a large glass jar with a lid, like a two-quart mason jar. Freeze for several hours or overnight.
  4. Freeze the Everclear or extractahol overnight or several hours.
  5. Remove the mason jar with bud from the freezer and take the frozen alcohol and pour just enough to cover about half an inch. You should have about half a fifth left or so.
  6. Carefully swirl the jar contents for about a minute. Do not mash or whisk. You are separating the trichomes from the bud and you don't want plant waxes or chlorophyll.
  7. With the funnel fitted with a couple of filters and the mesh strainer positioned over the bowl, pour the jar contents in the funnel and strain. Let it drain naturally. When all the alcohol is drained, discard the herb. The alcohol solution should look like pee. But not dark pee. Straw colored pee.
  8. Pour the alcohol solution into the top of the double boiler. Turn the heat on and bring it to a boil (alcohol boils at a lower temp than water) and watch carefully. Have the ventilation on and do not breathe the fumes. When the water in the bottom is boiling and the mixture has reduced by about half (10 min max), turn off the heat and leave it to sit there for a few minutes. When the alcohol is gone, a goo will coat the double boiler. At this point add the lecithin and a cup of coconut oil and whisk until all is blended. Then use in recipes or save until later. If you want butter instead, use a cup of butter instead of the coconut oil.
Bookmarked. Thanks.
Well that's new nail polish!

Is this grow more stripped than usual? I feel like there's a lot more room down under than in the past. Might just be me!

When you do the 20º temp swing, the water temp remains constant at whatever you choose?
I know. The nail polish looks black but it is really a deep red.
The water temp hovers about 65 or so. It is cool right now. In the summer it gets to 75 often.
I don't think I stripped this grow more, but you can see it better because of the second net. And because I trimmed out the undergrowth of branches early to promote the larger branches.
Here's another shot of the tent:

Bookmarked. Thanks.
Oh, thanks Grandpa for the links!
OK, I forgot to tell you how the edibles did.
Before making these, we took a trip to a dispensary in Las Vegas (see trip report link in sig) and tried those. My gummies are about the same as those, as far as effect.
The fan leaves I haven't given a good try yet, but I will in a day or two. Last night I did one gummy pineapple, one real herb capsule (not fan leaves) and an oil capsule. I was out all night. This is remarkable.
I don't have a way to measure these or test them, but they seem to be great. Daughter likes the capsules and the gummies.
These gummies don't have a strong taste or smell of herb. Just a strong cherry flavor.
If you want the oil to stay fluid, you will need to use fractionated coconut oil instead of what I used. Which is refined organic and it is solid at room temp.
Update on grow
We are about a week or so from harvest. Maybe two weeks. The trichs have been all sparkly clear until yesterday, when I saw some getting cloudy further back in the tent. Until I see a little amber, I'm not going to harvest. I want these to grow as fat as possible.
To me, they seem sparse. I would like to see a little more heft in the colas.
Here's some photos:

The clones are doing well, and have been receiving LST since the beginning.

My new growing medium (perlite and coco) arrived yesterday from Amazon. I'm anxious to try this as an alternative to hydroton. I'm also going to redesign my grow space by this summer, to be more efficient and less of a liability; two weeks or so from harvest, the carbon scrubbers are challenged to clean the air.When you walk into the house you get a whiff of cannabis. LOL. Not good if you are tring to keep the grow quiet.
I'll post more about the move in another thread.
Harvest Update, December 2019
Saturday we harvested the plants in the flowering tent. This was at the end of week 8. The trichomes had finally turned toward cloudy and a few amber so I chopped. I was also concerned about possible hermies, see the photo:

It could be just seed pods that didn't get seeds, but these look strange.
it was like this on all three plants, but only the oldest colas.

I have no idea how much this will weigh. I got seven ounces last time, so this should be similar.
In addition to the two five-gallon pails of bud, I also have a tray of popcorn. All is in the refrigerator to get dry.

Three of my clones are now in the flowering tent, showing no problems.
I'm impressed. I'm using coco coir and perlite as well as some hydroton in the bottom of the plants, and they showed no shock at all when transplanted. I'm now sold on the new medium!

Congrats on the buckets full o'buds harvest, as well as the smooth transition on the clones! When I look at the three in the tray it makes me wonder whether doing them on the diagonal gives you more growing space, since that's the longest line. Maybe not, but I thought I would wonder out loud here :).
The main issue is being able to reach them.
My new grow space will accommodate six flowering plants. And I’ll be able to walk all the way around the tent.
That’s one of the reasons I defol way early below the grid. And then do a fan leaf removal about halfway through flower. The new additional net also was great for holding the colas back from the sides and holding them up when full.
Harvest Report
Yield was 9.6 oz.
Plus a bunch of trim.
The buds are still in the refrigerator getting dry, so the ounces are likely to drop as it gets more dry.
Still, I feel this is a good harvest. Also, I did get purple buds with the temp difference of about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
I have so much trim already, that I took this trim and dried it in my trim bin out on the screened in porch, and then crushed the dry herb and ran it over the micron screen in the trim bin to get kief. I now have a bunch of kief.

New Grow
I'm still growing Mazari Grape. Three clones are in the flowering tent, vegging at the moment to get just right under and through the screen. I spent a lot of time LST-ing these plants, so they are looking very good and horizontal.
I'm loving the new coco coir and perlite mix; the flood tray is cleaner with this than ever before.
I have one clone of Mazari Grape in the propagation tent. I still haven't decided if I'm going to grow more of this variety or get seeds for another plant.

Final ounces on the harvest is 7.6 ounces. I'm happy. The nugs started out in the 5-gallon pails in the refrigerator, drying for a week standing up. Then I cut the buds off the stems and put them in paper bags for a few days. Then I put the buds in a tray and let them finish in the refrigerator for three days, then jarred them in the canna vault. Humidity is 61 percent.

The buds did turn purple at the end; I don't know if you can see this, but the buds are showing purple on the edges. I don't trim my weed as neatly as commercial growers do. I figure a little extra 'trim' on the buds is ok to smoke.

Here's some pics:

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