Then you were doing something wrong... Show me the buds that you or any LED grower can produce that look like the buds I can grow with HPS in the pic below? I can get 1 gram per watt very easy using my HPS. I can see the journals and the weight is just not there for LED. Thats why so many LED growers chop there plant up so the light can penetrate below the canopy.... Not HPS. I have not one time seen a arm sized cola with LED.. Thats because they cant produce them... Its very simple and pictures and weight dont lie. Any your number may be correct... You might can personally grow more weight with your LED but i can promise you are trimming small ass popcorn buds lol....
I dont really know what you mean by harvesting "monsters" but I can assure you the plants in ottawa journals are beautiful but no where close to monsters... Pictures can be deceiving and once those buds are dried properly they will only be the size of a cigarette lighter.... If grown with a HPS his box would be bulging with arm sized colas if done correctly... Please Ottawa no disrespect on my comment your girls are beautiful and we are all going for the same end results.
How do they have the upper hand? HPS complete package was $150 dollars. HPS Produces 2X+ the size buds. HPS penetrates the canopy where no defoliation is needed with faster and better results. With the cool tube my HPS runs 4 degrees hotter than room temp. My 600 Watts HPS runs 30$ a month.
What do you mean monthly hydro bill? With the same draw wattage its the same thing? If you have a 600 watt HPS and drop to a 300 watt LED draw wattage the $30 (for example) might be cut to $15 monthly but you will have half the yield with small airy popcorn buds.. You should purchase one and try it if you are that inclined on LED but since you already have grown with HPS im sure you will see the difference. Many top growers have ditched there new LED setups because they cant produce the same.
This is just my input and what i have experienced and seen on this site.... Many of the top growers have left this site because of the sponsored LED members pushing products that simply dont work... I mean no harm in my post I just want to educate!
Show me buds like this from a LED:.... I promise you cant.