Pigeons420 Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Tasted like deep fried crispy brownies. Really ghastly, but I ate them anyway because ... they were holding my weed hostage :)

I believe this one takes the prize. :rofl:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Pigeons mix that brownie into some ice cream ;)

Omg that's an amazing idea!!!

I'll let you know how tastes this afternoon!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Watering/Feed Day!!

Preparing an update. Should have it done in an hour or so. It's also Wednesday which is training day!

Seems easier to let the girls grow for a week then train them down. Gives me more to do all at once rather then a little bit everyday.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

They all watered and fed!

There's such an awesome feeling that comes with watering your plants like they're outdoor annuals. I just flooded them with water and soaked every part of them. I'll leave them out from under the light for an hour or so with the fan blowing on them. This will allow them to soak up some greatness through their leaves and get a nice little rinse without any spots left on the leaves.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015


Good day to all of you, my lovely family!

I hope you are all as blessed as I am to see such happy and healthy plants. They are always so vibrant and looking to be touched and appreciated. This is something I'm really good at! It's therapy to come in and enjoy the sight of my garden and to sit and think about the wonders ahead. I hope everyone feels the same.

I just want to let it be known that I have no idea what I'm really doing with these girls. Things are working out relatively well and I don't want people thinking this is just stuff I pull out from under my wings. I'm trying to do the same thing to all of them but I'm getting almost completely different results out of each of them. So, please hang on with me and enjoy what these girls have to offer!

My intentions are simply to fill the pot with tops. The only one that is doing this perfectly is ORKA. The others are not quite as far along or as willing to be so malleable. The Jack Herer has only sent out a few tops while the Top Dawg is just chasing the pot with no real dominating tops. So, I'm just going to keep topping here and there, tuck whatever needs to be tucked and bend everything else.

Let's take a look, shall we?

I left this poor girl out on the last update. I suppose that's another problem of so many plants. I don't always have them accounted for! As I stated above she is really only giving us the two main shoots and one side shoot. So, in order to get things to move along I've decided to top her again. So, this is the second topping for her. We'll see what happens.


Silly me I fed her again! Dang it! She always gets grouped along with the other ones and gets fed. She might be fine. I don't want to really do much more with her until she's healthy and rebounded.


[B][U][SIZE=5][COLOR="#008000"]8BALL KUSH[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B]
I took a bunch of photos of her because I just kept tucking and bending she's beautiful isn't she? The last photo is her after picture of the training.


The prize of the show is this girl here. Coming along like a FLUX, this girl is doing everything right! I can get over how low she is and how many tops she has. I cannot wait to get her into flower!!


I've decided I would put this girl in the flowering room with the other vegging girls. She has simply run out of space in the other closet. She's tall and lanky and I'm hoping that by spending some time in here she will fill in a little bit.
This brings me to a questions for my cloning friends. I'm thinking about using her as a mother plant. QUESTION: Is she a good candidate or not strong enough?


Sure didn't take these girls long to show their appreciation for the transplant. They enjoy having their own room with their own special attention.


That completes another busy day in the garden. Thanks everyone for taking a peak! You're all much loved and totally appreciated. Take care of each other and pass the love. :Love:

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Good morning Pigeons! Gosh I always leave this journal with a smile! Errry day Errrry day!
They all look so amazing since their last photo shoot! Wow just wow!:thedoubletake:

Okra.... ¿?¿?¿? Woah she is filling the pot so nicely, hats of to you my man:adore:

I have a topping question, do you chew the tops, or am I just wierd?

Little girls look so happy in their new home.

Good vibes for this week
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

you are weird,, me too. celebrate your weirdness. i am a top chewer as well, tho i must admit, i don't much like the taste,, but,, it just seems natural somehow,, weird, yerp, that's us,, :party::party::party::party::party:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Good morning Pigeons! Gosh I always leave this journal with a smile! Errry day Errrry day!
They all look so amazing since their last photo shoot! Wow just wow!:thedoubletake:

Okra.... ¿?¿?¿? Woah she is filling the pot so nicely, hats of to you my man:adore:

I have a topping question, do you chew the tops, or am I just wierd?

Little girls look so happy in their new home.

Good vibes for this week

You're too kind, appreciate the words, Holmes!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I have to admit - chew the tops and always have.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Ha. 'Chewing the tops' makes it sound like you guys are down on all fours grazing in the garden.
.....are you?
I eat the tops too. I snip off the tops of the buds for backbuilding and eat those and whatever else semi edible that ends up in my hand. I can't help it. My hand just feeds it to me
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