Pigeons420 Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

As of the yahoo homepage (I'll probably get a moderator message for that, too), the laws of physics are now out! So that's proof right there that I'm forever young!:yahoo: Yeah, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!:blalol:

Buddy, I'll smoke just about anything that you can shove into a pipe. This one's easy!

Watch Rod Stewart's Forever Young video, then look up a current picture of him. YEAASHH!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I know you had a not so pleasant experience with the vape session you had, but this is honestly the best investment i've made as far as consumption goes. Its to the point that whenever I smoke a joint, my lungs and throat find if very harsh almost as if I hadn't smoked in a long time. So it most definitely has to be much better for my body to inhale vapor over smoke. I've also read that when you burn your herbs you only get 30 - 40% of the THC and the rest is toxins, whereas vaping gets you up in the 85 - 95% Thc and 0 toxins. And so far I have to believe its true by the intense high I get off just the .3 or .4 grams that fit into my chamber, and usually get 2 sessions out of it. Not only that but the taste of your herbs is so clear and defined.

In other news, I just finished mixing up a batch of coco/perlite for the 4 Cookies Kush going into 5gal smart pots and now I can finally sit back and relax. I ended up getting 3 grams off the amnesia lemon trims. I hope to get 4x that amount doing 4 plants at a time instead of 1.

Everything about vaping sounds like it should be the way to go. I have a strong feeling that I just need to find the device that's best suited for me. It's just like bongs, you gotta find the right one. So I'm gonna keep looking because "smoking" anything kinda sucks and I want the best of both worlds that come with vaping. A great high and with the healthiest outcome.

Oh man, that looks a LOT like the hash I remember smoking as a teenager. I gotta go back and look up your method. I'm a little jittery I'm so excited by that picture.

Or it could be all the coffee I've poured down my throat today, combined with some quick dried Trudy bottoms. She's real heady down there apparently.

Jaybiz bought an arizer solo and I'm totally hooked, after years of one hitters and joints. I'm working on quitting smoking as well, so I'm vaping e-juice, which of course led us into vaping our medicine as well. Didn't catch Jaybiz as much as it did me, but I didn't go back to anything else for weeks. And, on my first drag through my tried and tested one hitter I nearly threw it straight out. It tasted absolutely terrible.... Harsh and a very noticeable taste of metal.

I started 30 years ago with hot knives, back when you could tell who smoked by whether their coil stove elements had that tell tale bend in 'em. Then 3 decades of cigarettes and weed being combusted. I'm very happy to be vaporizing most everything now.

Best part is, how much better everything else tastes as a non-smoker. Sadly I've fallen back off the wagon on cigarettes, but I'm committed to getting back on.

Man I lived off my one hitter for years! When I was 18 that was my go to. And boy did it save me money. Haha. Back when I smoked a quarter or so a week!! Hahah wow how things have changed. Now I smoke 3-6 grams a day!

I've quit smoking for a little while now. But of course quit for me means that if I'm out with my friends and their having a cigarette I tend to have one as well. This only happens maybe once a month but I still make myself feel guilty about it. And it's really gotten to the point that my body doesn't want it. I tend to get sick to my stomach and get a nasty feeling after a smoke.

I'm rooting for you to kick the habit! We can all do it!


I've been trying to convince my pops to quit smoking cigarettes for a long while now. If this new grasshopper vape turns out excellent i'll probably get him one as well, but I doubt he'll ever quit the cigarettes so all I can do is minimize the damage.

Vaping e juice has really helped me. I always just needed something in my hand to keep me occupied. So it was a rather easy switch for me. I would imagine it could be more difficult for someone else.
It's tough to break old school thinking to though. So of these folks thinks it's what makes their heart beat!

I love my vape (Arizer Air) but still enjoy the ritual of rolling and smoking tiny ladylike joints :) It gives me a different high, as does hitting a bong, my newest delight. As do edibles. I like the variety, I guess, but my vape makes me very happy indeed :)

rtk: I'm picturing you smoking "quick dried Trudy bottoms" and it's an amazing vision, I must say. I also know just what you mean about "getting techy enough to find it interesting" :)

So when are w all going to sit in a room, shoot the shit with an assortment of utensils and get really baked? I feel like that's the only thing 420 magazine is missing. An annual "420 meeting of the members!" Oh boy that would be fun!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow nevermind feeling old!! You guys are making me feel young!! I feel like a baby every time you guys talk!! I'm sure not complaining but I feel I'm the youngest one here.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Kid's these days, eh? What with their crazy misspelled tattoos and the rock and the roll music. I blame it on the radio, sending all these crazy things right through the very air we're breathing.

New age MADNESS.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

As long as you live under my roof you'll roll it like I tell you!:blalol:


Oh Jerez I felt like I was reading the words right outta my Pa's mouth as you said them. :rofl:
Right up until the joint part!

Kid's these days, eh? What with their crazy misspelled tattoos and the rock and the roll music. I blame it on the radio, sending all these crazy things right through the very air we're breathing.

New age MADNESS.

Oh this is good! "The radio" hahaha "breathing" hahaha :rofl:

Great looking hash mate it looks delisious:volcano-smiley::goodjob:

It is delicious!!! I would love to share some!

Happy monday my friend :hugs: :Love:

Good morning my friend! Time flies so much faster when you're with great company! Thanks for being here with me!

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Haha ok not that young.

"I can roll my own joints Dad!!! Now get outta my room!!!"

I hate to tell you son but your joints suck. You don't roll a filter so your mouthpiece gets all slobbery and won't pull. And your joint runs faster than Usain Bolt! You don't bother to grind your weed so big pieces always fall out half burned. I have half a mind to disown you. Look at your hair, that crew cut wouldn't pass the muster down at Haight Ashbury. And your CD cases are completely clean. No residue from deseeding schwag weed like I used to do with my record sleeves. I had a Pink Floyd two record set of The Wall that was officially more weed than record album from deseeding. In tough times I would scrape the residue off it with a razor blade. What are you, too good for a little Mexican brown? Back in my day all weed was 90% seeds. You could barely roll two pin joints from a reseeded lid of oaxacan that still smelled like it was smuggled in a box of soap. Here is a box of King size smoking blue papers and an unlined index card to make filters. If I come home today and you still can roll a proper cone I am kicking you out of the yurt until you learn what's good for you.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yup wow, I'm living with my parent again I swear!! Haha

Shigg's you haven't had to say that to your boy have you? That came out so well!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yup wow, I'm living with my parent again I swear!! Haha

Shigg's you haven't had to say that to your boy have you? That came out so well!

Haha Pigeons! Nah the only kids I have are the four legged kind, and my green daughters. Part of me does miss the days before I grew and would get an ounce brick and have to deseed. It was a labor of love you know? I wish I had saved the seeds from some of those great bags that would come by every now and again.

Of course then I reach over and grab a nice frosted Agent Orange nugget and realize that I am so much better off! This stuff vaped amazing. The Agent Orange #1 (only stuff dry) is like a mix of sage, skunk, and tang. I am really enjoying it so far especially compared to the scraps I have been smoking!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Agent Orange is a great smoke! One of the most distinct smells I've ever come across. A buddy of mine got his prescription and brought over some Agent Orange and right away, as soon as I smelt it, I knew it was Agent Orange.

Could you imagine if you had saved and stored a couple of those seeds? Man, where we would be today! Lol.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Ok then, here goes OG,, :high-five:,, i have a 'magic flight',, i did not make up the name, not my fault,,it has been sitting on a shelf for near a year now,, it has positives and negatives,, gee,, like everything,, :Namaste:

Positives,,, taste was unlike anything I had tasted before,, now that ive tried it,, when I smoke normal thru a pipe, like normal, I can taste a hint of that fabulous flavour, but thru the magic flight, I got the whole taste,, and it was unreal good,,buzz was good too but I forget how good, good tho,,maybe more positives, I will think about it more later,,:Namaste:

Negatives,,, hardish to use,, hard to clean, too dern finiky for a lazy ass like me,, but,, i have yet to try it with me own herb,, so,,,

Guess what I will be charging up and trying tonight,, yep,,

Magic flight,, take me awayyyyyyyy,,,,:thanks:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I would love to hear more vape reports, I might get one someday. I have a 6-7 year old vape but it is poor.

Hey OG, yea I had a similar experiance with vaps as Pidg... Just wasn't the high I wanted, until I got introduced to the Midnight Express! It's a little one person maybe 2 man wood box ran by A AA rechargeable battery. I get sooo friggn high of this thing, and the good kinda high not just a body stone, I only use maybe half what I would use in a joint and the big perk is you can save your Vapen s and resmoke or repurpose that vaped weed!:thumb: I m an ex smoker and everyone once in a while I get jonzen for a cig when I m perplexed working out in the wood shed (happens more often then you d think) and I ll just spin up a doob of the revapen s and problem solved!:volcano-smiley::cheertwo: I literally cut my consumption by 75 percent with that unit. I find a lot of its in a guys head...." When you don't cough you don't get off" is a big head thing for most, plus having the satisfaction of seeing a big cloud of smoke is something that discourages a lot from sticking with the vape. I ll just draw a little slower to get a faint puff of smoke on my vape too give me that sence of smoking I crave every once in a while. With some of the older Volcano types they have a temp control that basically allows you to crank it up and it will burn the weed as if your smoking a pipe or whatever (totally defeats the purpose of not burning green matter) but you get H.A.F!:circle-of-love: Those are the 2 I ve actually liked, the others were those hand held boxes that looked like a Breathalizer... I hated em. That's my experiance from going from a hater too an advocate, there ARE good ones out there you just gotta find one for you.:Namaste:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Ok then, here goes OG,, :high-five:,, i have a 'magic flight',, i did not make up the name, not my fault,,it has been sitting on a shelf for near a year now,, it has positives and negatives,, gee,, like everything,, :Namaste:

Positives,,, taste was unlike anything I had tasted before,, now that ive tried it,, when I smoke normal thru a pipe, like normal, I can taste a hint of that fabulous flavour, but thru the magic flight, I got the whole taste,, and it was unreal good,,buzz was good too but I forget how good, good tho,,maybe more positives, I will think about it more later,,:Namaste:

Negatives,,, hardish to use,, hard to clean, too dern finiky for a lazy ass like me,, but,, i have yet to try it with me own herb,, so,,,

Guess what I will be charging up and trying tonight,, yep,
Magic flight,, take me awayyyyyyyy,,,,:thanks:

Hahaha, that's what I got too! Not a Midnight express..... Lol. The little wooden box!? It s the shit hey!?!:circle-of-love::thumb:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Hahaha, that's what I got too! Not a Midnight express..... Lol. The little wooden box!? It s the shit hey!?!:circle-of-love::thumb:

Heya budz,, ha,, little wooden box, yep,, thats the one,, nice machine, no doubt,, labour intensive is all,, gonna try again,, taste so good, worth another shot,, cheers budz,,:Namaste:
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