Pigeons420 Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I think we leave the 1 hp drill in the wood shed this time and try just a little electric mixer hey...!? I personally think that mixing method was a little harsh and we might have ended up with more green matter then we maybe should have..... Especially considering the process should be repeated multiple times ( they say like 3-4 runs) Just an iderrr..... We dooo need another hash party sooner then later!:thumb:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Lookin like more harvest comin up soon, for one anyway,, woohoo,, give er pidger,, cheers pal,,:Namaste:

Pidger, please,, those bubble bags,,, would you think they are relatively efficient,, or is more simply a safer way to make hash,, but not so efficient,, efficient I mean by getting all the golden trichomes,, does this work well, in your opinion????:Namaste:

Yea Bubble Hash is definitely the least evasive way to produce it. There's no harsh chemicals and it's safe. However, it's not the most efficient or effective way. If you use solvants or chemicals like butane it's far more effective but not as clean for the environment or as safe. But the product would be arguably better.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Lookin like more harvest comin up soon, for one anyway,, woohoo,, give er pidger,, cheers pal,,:Namaste:

Pidger, please,, those bubble bags,,, would you think they are relatively efficient,, or is more simply a safer way to make hash,, but not so efficient,, efficient I mean by getting all the golden trichomes,, does this work well, in your opinion????:Namaste:

Nivek, find your way to Llama's journal, it's in Miscellaneous because he had an uncontrollable need to share more than a cannabis grow. :laughtwo: He recently advised me to buy the bags that are all mesh instead of the ones with vinyl. The vinyl breaks down after a few rigorous uses and small pieces find their way into the hash, polluting it to the point of being unusable. He's got years of experience at it. Then there lembatoast, who wraps it up in silkscreen silks and beats the hell out of it. Well worth checking out his journal. He's got a great tutorial on it that he did sometime in November, if memory serves. That's actually the method I'm going to try when I get home to the leaves drying from my last harvest. That's the way growchick did on her harvest too, and got an amazing quality of kickass hash she used to make the most delicious-looking caramels with Celtic sea salt.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Mmmmm I love bubble hash! The 73 micron is my favorite. One thing I do differently is on the first run I don't use a drill, I will just hand mix everything for a minute or 2. This results in a smaller yield on your first run but the hash you get is so pure it comes out white. I also took a 5 gallon bucket and drilled about 100 1/4 inch holes in the bottom, I use this as the first screen I run my material through. Doing this will increase yield since it's easier to wash your hash into the first bubble bag and makes it much easier to wash the hash out of the first bag with less veg material.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

That's great info Marz! By hand seems genius because it's a soft approach and not so rough. Hear that Budz? Sounds like hash this weekend!!!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015


Here's a quick little snippet of what it takes to do a little training in the Koupe!


I don't train everyday but I definitely train multiple times a week. When your training your girls you'll find that they rebound quickly and training is a process that will occur almost the entire time during veg. With that said, I only do any training of this type in veg and not in flower.
During veg the plant is focusing its growth production on roots and foliage. This is the time to train the plant to your specific liking. When the plant is in flower, you do not want to train the plant using LST or HST in this fashion. This process during flower will only stunt your plants and prevent optimal bud formation and growth because the plant is splitting its focus from bud production to bud and veg production.

Why LST?
I've learned since my first grow, that if you want to maximize yield, you need to train the plant to produce as many bud sites as possible. Low stress training is a great way to get more light to the lower parts of the plant.

Here's how I like to do it:

Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Do you want to bend everything? Just some of it? Is she is her final pot?
I find that if you want to train your plant, that it's easiest if she's already in her final pot. This will eliminate having to transplant when the plant is huge and unmanageable.
So, take the girl out, put her on the table and have a good look at her. What are you thinking?... Have a rip. Here we go!

Get your hands dirty!
This is the girl being manipulated today.


Bend bend bend.


Bend the stocks and hold them there for a second. Then let go and repeat to the other sides.


Give her one of these! (The shadow makes my hand look weird) :rofl:



She'll look a bit rough but she loves it! She'll look something like this :thumb:


My intentions here are to open up the outsides and allow the middle to have more access to the light. All that middle growth will be as strong as the outside growth in no time.

Get that plant opened up! I've noticed that these plants are hardy creature and they can handle just about anything. And not only will they handle it, they'll bounce back even stronger. I find that I will sometime repeat this process twice a day some times and other times I won't have to do it for a week or so.

I hope this helps give you an idea of how hard or how soft you can treat these girls.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015


Here's another quick glimpse of how I strip the bottom growth off the plant (Lollipopping). I do this in order to ensure that the plant focuses attention to the stronger growth. I've noticed from harvest to harvest that at the bottom of the plant there are small insignificant buds that form that take a lot of extra time to trim and harvest. Not only are they a pain in the ass to harvest, they also suck energy from the top of the plant.
I'll probably lollipop once or twice in veg. Typically the second time is just before I send them to flower.

Here's a look.


There's not much on this girl but this is also the first time I've trimmed her up. When she's ready to go to flower I will take another look and remove small branches and leaves rather then these small little things.

Here's how it looks on PineApple Express (Auto). It's becoming clear which shoots are the strong ones and which aren't going to make it. So, I remove the insignificant growth.







It's a little more difficult on the PineApple Express because it's tough to tell which is bottom insignificant growth and which is just low growth that has yet to take off. But I'm pretty sure I'll keep her in veg for another 2 weeks and I know that in that time the smaller growth won't catch up.

I feel it's important to state that: aside from LST and Lollipopping I don't do any other kind of defoliation. I believe that the rest of the growth on the plant plays a crucial role in the health and function of the plant. The plant needs leaves to grow and if you remove more than necessary, I feel it will have negative affects on the growth and health of the plant.


Thanks for taking a peak folks!

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

i lillipop, always did,,

but i never knew i was doin that,, always wondered what lollipopping meant,, and i get it too, clever me,, making the thing look like a lollipop stick,, ha,, great stuff pidger,, thanks:thanks:

while on the subject,, i think i might have come to the conclusion that those bottom two branches might not be worth saving either, for my situation,, seems they can be considerably smaller than the rest,, sometimes anyway,,,

my thinking,, the two bottom branches are good cloning possibilities,, and of course,, the first branches to become big enough to clone as well,, a win win win win,, for me,, :cheertwo:

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

i lillipop, always did,,

but i never knew i was doin that,, always wondered what lollipopping meant,, and i get it too, clever me,, making the thing look like a lollipop stick,, ha,, great stuff pidger,, thanks:thanks:

while on the subject,, i think i might have come to the conclusion that those bottom two branches might not be worth saving either, for my situation,, seems they can be considerably smaller than the rest,, sometimes anyway,,,

my thinking,, the two bottom branches are good cloning possibilities,, and of course,, the first branches to become big enough to clone as well,, a win win win win,, for me,, :cheertwo:


That's a great way to think of it. If I was a little more familiar with cloning I assume I would do the same thing and use the bottoms as my cloning materials!

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yep, it was those bottom two that I took off for cloning too, but then I went on vacation, so they came to nothing and dried up in the cup. :straightface: Great tutorials Pigeons. :high-five: How many tops are you trying to achieve? You also use Atrain's ponytail method don't you?

Using the method that Graytail taught me with my Carnival, I don't top until they're about 12"-14" tall, then they only take a few days of bending and tucking to get at least 12 very decent tops in a sweet, level canopy. At the time I top I also do a thorough removal of all extraneous growth that I can tell won't be productive at the level I'm seeking. With my lights I was looking for no more than 18" thick on the canopy, so everything up to the top sixth to seventh node from the top came off. You witnessed the results. Even with an early harvest she yielded 59 grams dry of incredible buds. And so easy to do. I'll get more next time. :battingeyelashes:

Doc Bud taught me to get in there at the flip and take out just enough leaves and small branches to be able to see through to the dirt. Repeat that once more in bloom and you end up with strong, trichome-rich buds.

I love it when you go into teacher mode. :laughtwo: :circle-of-love:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I am going to top my plants like that this round. I've got a couple girls I would like to try this out on. It's something I haven't tried yet and I'm intrigued to see if it's something I can emulate.

I do perform the ponytailing. Although it's something I did before I knew what it was called. So nice having people introduce new techniques. What a beautiful community we're all apart of. Glorious!

:Love: MUAH :Love:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

The hardest part Pigeons, is waiting her out. Keep the nodes nice and tight and somewhere around 31 cm or so, as Graytail tells it, "she'll look like she wants to spurt upward, but I'm going to stop her". Haha! I love the way he tells it. :laughtwo: At that point, it's obvious where you want to top her. By then the plant is strong enough that she shows no attitude other than the joy of the training and the side branches are ready to train. With both Carnival and the Jamaican Dream it was like they were playing a game with me. LOL! In both cases the canopy was established within four days and the Carnival stayed consistently flat all the way through.

You can do it Pigeons. You're a talented and intuitive cultivator. :Love:

Fighting off a cold that's been trying to take over all day. The dog was still insistent on that second walk though, so maybe a little nap is in order now that we're back. I have a night at the movies with all the ladies planned. Being without my meds is compromising my immune system response I fear. I may not win this fight.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Mind iffin I make one more point,, re, lollipopping, defoliation, or messing in amongst the branches and leaves in general,, please,, :Namaste:

If any small leafish material is left in or on the soil,, it can promote mold,, has happened to me,, i thought it would be OK, just providing more organic matter,:cheertwo:

Wrong,,mold, in a hurry too,,,, i think there might need to be other circumstances existing for the mold to act so quickly, but i have personally witnessed said mold,, just a heads up to keep er clean in there,, ya never know when yer plant might get into an accident,, :winkyface:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

That's great info Marz! By hand seems genius because it's a soft approach and not so rough. Hear that Budz? Sounds like hash this weekend!!!

Sounds like a date buddy, I m so stoked to check out Marzbadrock s techniques, this could be an all night affair but if it's what I think it's gonna be, totally worth it! Thanks Mars... Reps on that little tid bit to the Bubble Hash community!:thumb: Quick question, how much material are ya mixing in a batch at a time? I guess with the holes in the bucket process it ll let you do a lot more ehh?:Love:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Mind iffin I make one more point,, re, lollipopping, defoliation, or messing in amongst the branches and leaves in general,, please,, :Namaste:

If any small leafish material is left in or on the soil,, it can promote mold,, has happened to me,, i thought it would be OK, just providing more organic matter,:cheertwo:

Wrong,,mold, in a hurry too,,,, i think there might need to be other circumstances exhisting for the mold to act so quickly, but i have personally witnessed said mold,, just a heads up to keep er clean in there,, ya never know when yer plant might get into an accident,, :winkyface:

There's a difference between bud mold and the microbes that decompose organic mulch nivek. An organic gardener gets excited to see the mold on mulch. It means you have life in your soil. You don't have an organic soil though, do you? Oops! Sorry. Ignore this then. :battingeyelashes:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

There's a difference between bud mold and the microbes that decompose organic mulch nivek. An organic gardener gets excited to see the mold on mulch. It means you have life in your soil. You don't have an organic soil though, do you? Oops! Sorry. Ignore this then. :battingeyelashes:

Really sue,,? I did not know that,great information, thanks,, mold scares me to smokin more,,:lot-o-toke:

Sue, as a persuer of cloning success, this I found, and i pass on to you,, maybe i had a soil issue, I do not know exactly where the mold came from,, but,, had some new clones,, and they were attacked by mold so fast,, it floored me,, must have been spores in the soil???? You would know better,, but it was no contest,, first round knock out,,mold medal winner,, mold,,:cheertwo::adore:

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