Peyton's Sour Sky Hempy Grow 2014

Way to go Peyton! 330! I knew that plant would give you a goodly amount. Congratulations!

Thank you. I was quite surprised at the amount. Got everything hung up or sitting on a screen in garage. Can't wait for it to dry. Humidity was 35 percent when I got in there, and after hanging everything it got to and is still at 60 percent. Hopefully it drops a little as it dries. Feels weird not having a flowering plant anymore. Now I'm stuck with vegging plants lol
If I can get 3, then I'd be super psyched.

And I didn't really take any pics. I didn't realize how painfully long it would take to trim it all, so I didn't take time to take pics. My buddy who helps me showed up a little late, and the hockey game was distracting. I'll grab some pics today of the stuff that's drying and the base of my plant where all the damage happened. Gonna make some hash out of the trim this weekend.
It took me 14 hours and I still took pictures wuss! LOL :thumb:
Yeah, my laziness is a beast. I grabbed some pics of it hanging up and of the stem where it was split and the wires got absorbed into the branches. I'll post them in a little while
picture time!

this is where the stem split

where the wire was absorbed by branch

a calyx growing out of a fan leaf

and pictures of stuff hanging around
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