Perennial strains?

Sorry, Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, flowering herb. to make their claims work they would of needed to cross breed with a perennial plant. I'm sure if they had done that we would of heard about it alot more than seed banks selling them.

If you Google "Doggies Nuts Seeds", you will find people have been asking the same question for several years all of the net.

I'd say don't waste your money.
Many annuals can be grow perennially. It has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with environment. No matter what you'll see a huge decrease in vigor during the second season and I wouldn't even try it outdoors except in USDA Zone 10b.
Sing lee WTF? So anyways the second season of flower is much much less! Plus it's too much work from the trim to tree again! Perennial seeds sounds like bullshit! Clones and seeds take so fast anyways PLUS there's so many strains to choose from! Who wants to always grow the same shit!
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