Autos - How Much Will Reduced Light Hours Hurt Yield?

What I would like to do is to be able to run two side-by-side grows, with ten plants or so (to help account for any variations, since we can't exactly just grab identical clones from a mother plant) of the same strain in each grow room. The goal would be to provide the same amount of gross light per day to both sets of plants - but by giving one set, IDK, 16 or 20 hours of light, and the other side the same amount, only in 12 hours per day of lighting.

The only problem with such an experiment is that there is, after all, an upper limit to the amount of light-energy that a cannabis plant can process at any one time. Which I suppose means that I'd have to use that for the 12 hour/day side and then reduce it by the inverse of the greater amount of hours that the other side received. IOW, I wouldn't be able to "max out" the side that was receiving more hours' worth of light per day, because the plants on the other side wouldn't be able to process a greater amount of light. Err... If that makes sense.

Unfortunately, I have neither the money nor the space to perform such an experiment. And I might be just a wee bit lazy ;) .

I would love to see someone else do it, though.

EDIT: BtW, my auto-flowering experience, if written about in longhand, would fit onto the head of a pin. I tried some years back, but they weren't very good (or tasty, either). I did grow a couple in the corner of my (crowded) grow room that has been stuck on vegetative lighting for months too long, and got a rather small amount from each. I gave all of that harvest away except for two bowls of one plant, which were okay, I guess. The person that I gave it to hasn't complained (and said thank you, of course), but he hasn't exactly begged me to give him any more, so... IDK? I do have a few auto-flowering seeds left, and will probably try to germinate and grow at least one of them the next time I start fresh from day one (with new plants in the vegetative phase). I thought about trying to grow one by itself, which would give me the option of starting it, well, NOW (lol), but I'd only be able to light it with some CFLs or 4' fluorescent tubes. "Some" meaning 256 or less watts, and probably significantly less, because the total electrical capacity here is very, very low. IOW, I could probably grow it in a Dixie cup, lol, and not harvest any less than I would otherwise. And that would feel to much like wasting one of my limited number of seeds. But, still, it's tempting. I'm pretty sure that it's too late in the year to attempt to grow one outside at my location. Especially in the woods. I could, in theory, grow it in a five-gallon bucket and either carry it inside when the weather turns cool or rig up a redneck greenhouse, but we try to be kind of clandestine around here. I wish that I had thought to do so a month (or two) ago, but like they say, if wishes were "fishes," lol.
Okay well just trying to get a feel of everything I won't pretend to know things if I don't . But that's really is the fun thing about indoor growing is playing around and studying . I know now what I got to do going forward ..
Okay well just trying to get a feel of everything I won't pretend to know things if I don't .

I just took a quick glance at your grow journal thread. I read the first post, and saw that it was your first true cannabis grow. Then I skipped ahead (since even I cannot quickly read 2,000+ posts, lol) to the end and started scrolling backward until I saw pictures. It looks like you've got some pretty happy plants. Congratulations!
I just took a quick glance at your grow journal thread. I read the first post, and saw that it was your first true cannabis grow. Then I skipped ahead (since even I cannot quickly read 2,000+ posts, lol) to the end and started scrolling backward until I saw pictures. It looks like you've got some pretty happy plants. Congratulations!

Thank you I'm
Trying. My better grow for auto is outdoors early miss auto. Best plant to date I've grown .
King's Outdoor Promix-Coco Battle

King's Outdoor Promix-Coco Battle
You live in Canada, I see. What is your typical growing season like. Both in terms of average weather (if your location's average isn't merely a point on the scale that is never hit, because you tend to suffer extremes all over the scale), and the date that you tend to need to have your plants out of the ground before the possibility of the cold killing them becomes too high?

I don't have any of those CKS Early Miss Auto seeds. Unless the few "Assorted Auto-flowers" that someone gave me happen to include it. I confess that I'm sort of hoping for their versions of Jack Herer, Amnesia Haze, Trainwreck, and perhaps White Widow - and NO Dwarf Low Flier, because that name causes me to assume a tiny little plant with a tiny amount of bud. But, again, your plants look happy and healthy, so I wouldn't mind seeing that strain appear. If they germinate/sprout. I tried to germinate two earlier in the year and they didn't break ground, but I didn't place a great deal of effort into it. I sowed them directly into the soil, and may have sent them too deep when I watered. IDK. They were given to me in an open non-commercial container (little Ziploc), so I do not know the history. The person who had them would have stored them decently, I think, but I got the feeling that they had been given to her. So who knows.

Speaking of "who knows," it's a shame that mixed seed packs don't have each seed individually labeled.
You live in Canada, I see. What is your typical growing season like. Both in terms of average weather (if your location's average isn't merely a point on the scale that is never hit, because you tend to suffer extremes all over the scale), and the date that you tend to need to have your plants out of the ground before the possibility of the cold killing them becomes too high?

I don't have any of those CKS Early Miss Auto seeds. Unless the few "Assorted Auto-flowers" that someone gave me happen to include it. I confess that I'm sort of hoping for their versions of Jack Herer, Amnesia Haze, Trainwreck, and perhaps White Widow - and NO Dwarf Low Flier, because that name causes me to assume a tiny little plant with a tiny amount of bud. But, again, your plants look happy and healthy, so I wouldn't mind seeing that strain appear. If they germinate/sprout. I tried to germinate two earlier in the year and they didn't break ground, but I didn't place a great deal of effort into it. I sowed them directly into the soil, and may have sent them too deep when I watered. IDK. They were given to me in an open non-commercial container (little Ziploc), so I do not know the history. The person who had them would have stored them decently, I think, but I got the feeling that they had been given to her. So who knows.

Speaking of "who knows," it's a shame that mixed seed packs don't have each seed individually labeled.

To be honest this is all new to me. First time growing outdoor . However, im using silica blast twice s week fir out door grow as well as spray neem oil time to time . It's all s learning curve to me. ..
TS...I've got 2 malawi auto's in with photo's which I will prolly flip in 10 days(60 days)...I have the option of another space and light, but think I'm just gonna leave them and see how it goes...will let Ya' know how that goes...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
I've got 2 malawi auto's in with photo's which I will prolly flip in 10 days(60 days)...I have the option of another space and light, but think I'm just gonna leave them and see how it goes...will let Ya' know how that goes.

Thanks. I didn't know that someone had crossed (I assume) Malawi Gold with some kind of ruderalis-containing plant. Might be an interesting thing to grow. Have you grown it before under a full traditional (veg) lighting schedule so that you'd be able to tell if there's a significant difference in yield? If not, that's okay, your input will still be appreciated and useful (as usual).

Wake 'em up at da H00D!
Thanks. I didn't know that someone had crossed (I assume) Malawi Gold with some kind of ruderalis-containing plant. Might be an interesting thing to grow. Have you grown it before under a full traditional (veg) lighting schedule so that you'd be able to tell if there's a significant difference in yield? If not, that's okay, your input will still be appreciated and useful (as usual).

Wake 'em up at da H00D!

Well...whether it is or not a MG auto for sure...who it from MJ Seeds (Canadian outfit)...their description was more sales pitch than informative genetics...but I ran across someone here who grew it last year and it turned out quite nice(funny thing...when they arrived...were in CKS packaging and I don't see them listed on their site)...mine have a nice structure...although one is quite more squat and bushy...but...they both show promise, so I'm kinda' tempted to throw them in my other cabinet to maximize potential...I dunno' for sure yet what I'll do...

...This is my first go at doing auto's...have harvested a West Coast OG and a Pineapple Express, and although the yield was a lil' less than I expected, the quality is all fairness to the strains...they were grown under a cfl/led unit I threw together while waiting for the weather to warm up this spring
as well as heading in an organic direction...Personally...I wouldn't base a whole grow on auto's...but they are fun to play with...and yeah...would like to wake da Hood up...surprised Triggs keeps it up...gotta go in my baggie of passwords and see if I can find my last one!...lolool...see Buick...Lee...PO sometimes online at a couple places...JM and BellBoy as well...would luv to come across CK someplace...don't go slumming anymore, but wonder if he's still raising hell somewhere!??...lolool...anyways...time to fire up the Q...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
were in CKS packaging and I don't see them listed on their site

Well, I was thinking that they did wholesale business in Canada as well as retail; maybe MJ Seeds quietly uses that for their house brand, IDK. Or did the ad page for the strain have a (different) breeder listed? I guess a surprise is fun sometimes, and might occasionally be even better than we are looking for.

I'm kinda' tempted to throw them in my other cabinet to maximize potential...I dunno' for sure yet what I'll do...

Put some in each, lol. Observe and report the differences in development (et cetera). I'd be interested in the data, and surely others would as well. And it could help you get the most out of the things.

This is my first go at doing auto's.

I don't have enough experience to mention. Just a few fillers in random grows' shadiest vegetative corners, and in small containers :rolleyes3 .

Personally...I wouldn't base a whole grow on auto's...but they are fun to play with

That's my impression for indoors. If one cannot conveniently light-proof a grow area, that'd be another reason to go with them, I guess. Outdoors... yeah, maybe. A sativa won't finish outdoors here unless/until we push the polluted atmosphere past the point where it'd be impossible to stop it from worsening out of control until it's a near twin of Venus' (so I guess I'll have to stick around for the next 10-15 years :icon_roll). If some kind of sativa X ruderalis (or ruderalis X sativa) cross could finish early in the year, smell like a sativa, taste like one, have the effect and strength of one, and tend to not have a ceiling - like a good sativa doesn't - then it'd be worth growing. I've seen mention of longer-flowering "super auto-flowers." Maybe that's what the breeders are looking for, IDK.

...and yeah...would like to wake da Hood up...surprised Triggs keeps it up...gotta go in my baggie of passwords and see if I can find my last one!...lolool...see Buick...Lee...PO sometimes online at a couple places...JM and BellBoy as well...would luv to come across CK someplace...don't go slumming anymore, but wonder if he's still raising hell somewhere!??...lolool...

Ah, I think he might have made a promise that it'd be around as long as he was. I might have been a little glazed at that point, though, so I couldn't swear to it. Yeah... Place was kind of busy (well, inhabited :;):) when I got banned, but when I got around to contacting someone about that through channels it was, well... at first I wondered if ol' smellyarse had gone nuts and banned everyone :thedoubletake:. But even he wasn't there, lol. It was like an old hacker's home - after everyone had finished getting old. That's about the only non-cannabis forum I visit any more (and the only cannabis-related one I'm a member of is this one, of course)... Kind of chilled - and calmed down a little ;) - in recent years. Feels kind of weird thinking about it now... 200,000+ people hitting the forums we used to hang out in, and that was just one... err... hobby. Seemed like I knew half of them at least to speak to. Speaking of which, I wish that I'd kept the nearly infinitely long thread about the lost sock from Future. The woman I was with at the time and I laughed so hard through parts of that that the mailman stuck his head up to the screen and asked if we were okay, ha ha. I think I was medicated all through many years at that point - or, at times, off my meds. I was surprised to see ROTTEN™ pop up in da 'Box. I think D_K posts in a thread once in a while. I haven't heard anything from Rtoo in ages, maybe not since I've been back, IDK. He could keep me on my toes sometimes. And I miss arguing with, well, everyone, I suppose. I figure we'll hear from a few around the time that the maple sap starts flowing....
I don't talk to ROTTEN™ much anymore...I do have him on Skype,,,He has health issues...but ignores them as best he can, and continues to work his ass off...of all the characters back in the day...He is one of my faves...always straight to the point...and IMHO,...most often BANG ON on any topic...cheerz....h00k...:hookah:
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