Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Sorry to be late to the party Penny but so happy to see you are settled and growing again. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing your new garden.
They're looking nice and green and happy. :thumb:
I find it easier waiting now that I have some jars in the freezer, first run was a real torture test, lol. Hope they sprout soon.
The early grows can be a torture test
Yes, lots of drama for me with my pH problems. Thought I was going to lose them all a few times.
Yup, things seem pretty dialed in finally and my allergies got so bad I had to break down and get a humidifier today as the humidity was around 25%. Made a world of difference to my itchy eyes and hopefully it helps with my P98 leaf canoeing. I should have got one long ago.

Just went back in your thread where you were talking about the Black Cuban Haze. Very cool. Looking forward to how they turn out.
Cool. I should be flipping my P98 in a few weeks and looking forward to the coffee and chocolate terps you predict. You are a walking strain encyclopedia.
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