Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I want a good bit of stem for roots to start from yes.


I've left a much smaller amount of the side-shoots when cloning in coco. Had good (can always be better) results.

Will make sure to try with more left on it.

When you have the camera out next time, would you be so kind and snap another photo of it?
Save the first one for reference and "don't forget" material when it gets time to take some clones.
I’ll try to do a tutorial when I take cuttings.


I've had good results using RootRiot cubes or coco and using a rooting simulator based on the plant hormone auxin. Tested a few different methods and setups until I got it right. Plus, sales of Clonex have been forbidden in this country due to some strange chemical restrictions, and shipments from outside have been getting stuck in customs according to some sources. But I've done fine without it.

However, never had high success-rate with only water. Would be very interesting to know a bit more in detail how you do that. No stress with that from my side. Much time until my plants are big enough for cuttings. Thanks again
I always just take a cutting and put it in a water bottle in my kitchen window, South westerly facing window so lots of sun all day and they always get roots. I have a couple pictures over on my journal a few pages back
I’ve always had my best luck doing it that way @PCaddict Do you change the water daily?
No I don't change the water until I start to see a little green in the bottle I think that helps get what the roots need to build I also put the bottle in a south western facing window so they get lots of sun shinning through the bottle
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