Are you going back in cutting? My friend just said he got an offer to work at a meat shop on the Bahamas and they paid great too? The Kid', well he just turned 21,,, that I took underwing from next door,, now Chris took him as an apprentice cutter down at an Albertsons.
Shame they just bought a condo,,, err''a glorified apartment. So his hands were tied.. Man, I love that place. I use to help as a kid with my Great-Uncles down there in Florida that have a small charter fishing fleet. I use to keep the bait boxes full and rig lines and clean the boats. Go out in the evening with a sling net for mullet and shrimp for bait.
I lived down there when I was like 12-13. The best fishing I ever seen.. School dolphin, we use to catch 100 before a shark wood come to bust up the schools.. You could always go out and find fish,, alot of them. Besides, have some beautiful water. Unlimited visibility makes for a great place to dive.. Snorkle or tanks.