PeeJay's Prudent Home-Brewed Organic Soil - Outdoor Out of Sight Deck Grow

Yup, I'm fine - some fun new school/work projects going on and am very busy in a good way. On top of that I have company arriving tonight. I've been trying to get ahead on things so I'll have time to spend with the visitor. I need to update sometime soon!
Have a great visit. Company is one way to get the house cleaned! :)

You know GF, I've tried to get my brother to clean my place when he visits, but if anything he just makes a bigger mess... Is there some sort of secret to getting company to clean the house you can share? :;):
The difference between men and women, possibly, is that women understood what I meant! LOL

In other words, I CLEAN my house before company gets here. Stays clean while they are here. Then we live again. My home is very clean, but I'm a bit disorganized at times...Mark would say, I'm a hoarder, but not even remotely close.
OK, an update. As mentioned I've been busy and haven't been paying attention to the plants. I watered them last monday and hadn't really looked at them all week. I was kind of shocked by what I found. First of all, Alpha has been yellowing off like crazy. Perhaps the soil is out of gas after 15 weeks? There is also some yellowing on neglected clone and Beta, but not as bad as on Alpha. Everyone is roughly half done flowering - 4 to 5 weeks left and there is more yellowing than I'd like to see. The whole crew got a big dose of 2-3-1 fishy ferts and a shot of cal mag today. Overall things are getting nice and chunky and resin production looks good. Oh! The mites are back, too, so everyone also got a dose of Azatrol.

Here's Alpha and a part of Beta.


Even with the yellowing they still look good Coach.
I added the LI Growers Mix to our soil mix. Soon I'll be transplanting the last two of the 2nd wave of Street Girls & when I do I'll be needing your assistance on the Bat Crap.

The :420: Soil Stars lead by Coach PJ.... :cheertwo::cheertwo::cheertwo:
Some more pictures from today:



Wow you must be a close neighbor of mine :) our plants look like they are in the exact same stage of natural outdoor flowering, I suspect our harvests will be within a week or two of eachother's. Here's a couple of my bud sites that remind me of yours. (sorry lol, my pics are considerably worse than yours)
best of luck with the mites...idk which I hate more, my new caterpillar enemies or mites, who I've tangled with too many times >.<

Morning PeeJay... I got the soft rock stuff in the post yesterday but I can't remember what you told me to do with it so if you would refresh my memory it would be so greatly appreciated. I will mix the medium up again this afternoon and post up the pics of the soil... Thank you again so much for all your help.....:circle-of-love:
Denise and Reg, I'm soory I haven't been on much or answered your questions. Things have been very busy. Denise 1.5 - 2 cups of the soft rock phosphate in the flower soil will be good. Reg, I saw you went about a tablespoon a gallon of the guano, that is about right too.

I'm about 2 weeks away from harvest. Beta will be ready first, followed by neglected clone Alpha is brining up the rear. Neglected clone has gone the whole way in 3 gallons of flower soil without any additional nutrients. The other two were in the flower soil for almost two months before flowering and have needed a couple of heavy flushes as well as fishy ferts (2-3-1) and top dressing. They have also been getting SeaCon kelp foliars. It's hard to get whole plant pictures in the greenhouse, but here they are - Alpha first, then Beta, and finally, neglected clone.



Thanxx for the response Coach. I figured that little of a dose wouldn't hurt. It's better to under estimate than over estimate. Good to know I was right on point.
Plants are looking frosty...
Thanks, Reg. Yup they are packing on resin like mad. The weather has been ideal. I tried a sample off of Beta yesterday. It's going to be a nice haul.

It looks like your plants are enjoying the soil mix!
It looks like your plants are enjoying the soil mix!
Without a doubt! I think it was a little over the top because a few of the seedlings I planted in it had some yellowing leafs at the start but grew out of it within a week or so. Anyway I added another 3 cups of peat moss & now anything I bury in that soil loves it. I stopped PHing my tap when watering the plants in our Soil Mix without any complications.
When you're right you're right.
I also have been preparing for my next Organic Soil Mix. I've saved up a dozen eggshells and have a 3gal pot with top 1/2 full of dead cannabis leaves & banana peelings (only 4 bananas worth).
What I would like your opinion on is whats a good natural source of Calcium to add along with Epsom Salt every 3rd or 4th watering for the extra Cal/Mag demanded by plants flowering under LED panels?
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