PeeJay's Prudent Home-Brewed Organic Soil - Outdoor Out of Sight Deck Grow

Weekly update:

The last week or so has not been the greatest weather-wise. First we were under high pressure and had hot temperatures and low humidity for several days. Now we have been having cool, clouds, and rain for three days. The plants are doing well, though. I removed Beta and the neglected clone from the greenhouse to take pictures. Alpha is too big to safely get through the door any more.

Here are Beta and Neglected clone with a 25# bag of Yum-Yum for scale.


Beta is doing fine. I suppose if I had to do it over again, I would not have subjected her to LST. Frankly, I don't think there is anything low stress about LST. I'm happier with Alpha who was simply topped several times.



A couple of close-ups of Beta. She is taking making trichomes seriously.



Neglected clone is doing well and has started flowering like the others.



Alpha is getting quite large. The first picture was taken from the top down with the camera on the widest angle possible and pressed against the 6'6" peak of the greenhouse roof. You can see my foot in the bottom right corner for some scale.






Both plants were top dressed with a mixture of fresh flowering soil, worm castings, Yum-Yum, and high P guano this week. It's kind of funny, both plants are producing predominantly 3 fingered leaves - don't see that much.
PJ, I'm loving that structure of Alpha. Every thing is gorgeous though.
This is how PJ works his magic folks. :cheertwo:

It's like small batch wine or whiskey. Hand-crafted to perfection by one loving individual. Sweat, blood, and tears go into this mans weed :)

Can't wait to see the beautiful boquet of flowers these plants are going to make.

Yum :yummy: :thumb:
That's why he's my new Soil Coach Lester.
This is how PJ works his magic folks. :cheer:

It's like small batch wine or whiskey. Hand-crafted to perfection by one loving individual. Sweat, blood, and tears go into this mans weed :)

Can't wait to see the beautiful boquet of flowers these plants are going to make.

Yum :yummy: :thumb:

Lol, Lester. What have you been smoking? I want some. Thanks! But, you'll scare Reg off with that blood sweat and tears talk. I'm more of an observant, easy going parent than a Tiger Mom. A decent environment, nutritious whole foods, and a patient unflappable nature.

Very nice peejay, very nice. :dreamy:

Thanks Cheese. Your handle and avatar always remind me of losing my government cheese virginity. Back in the early 80's on my first foray into the world of higher education I had to walk past a church to get to campus. One day as I was strolling past I noticed a big sign out front. They were having a government surplus commodity distribution - free food! The whole thing had been on the news a lot. It was a big deal. I decided to go get me some tasty commodities. I got flour, dry milk, honey, real butter, and a huge block of pasteurized processed cheese.

All I needed was a little baking powder and with the flour, butter and dried milk I was making what my roommates dubbed Reagan biscuits in honor of the president who thoughtfully released the food from some dark, secret warehouses. They were great with govt. butter and honey or cheese. Good times.

At the time Reaganomics was leading to scads of people being cut from public assistance rolls in the name of making government smaller. "If they're hungry, let them eat cheese!"
lol...I got out of college in '81. Took a 3-month trip to Denver via New Mexico. I only had 2 friends and they both made fun of the "groceries" I brought to our condemned hovel we called an apartment. But they sang a different tune when we all had a full belly for less than 79 cents each after adding a box of generic elbow noodles and calling it mac & cheese.

mmmmmm. :smoke2:
I grew up on Government cheese. Gov already knows this. We had a previous convo about it.
So funny. During college my boyfriend (at that time) rented a house with his brothers and would cook for us. Euchhh. We called it macaroni shizit, without the shiz.

It was elbow macaroni, American cheese, and horrible fish put on top and baked with a few tomatoes. It sounds almost good, but Mark just looked over at me and asked why do I have a look of disgust on my face as I type! Ah, the old college days. Those were also the days when gasoline was 20 cents a gallon.
You are a youngin. I can remember 16 cents a gallon and cigarettes were 25 cents a pack in the machine in the bar! I did a lot of bar flying back in my days of Brooklyn past.

Public transport was 10 cents. I remember when it went up to 15 and my grandfather was screaming in Italian on the fire escape to the block. It actually looked exactly like A Bronx Tale with the bar on the corner and the mobbed up guys. A slice and small Coke was 25 cents.

I also only made 105 a week as a file clerk at that time. My first job.
Both plants were top dressed with a mixture of fresh flowering soil, worm castings, Yum-Yum, and high P guano this week. It's kind of funny, both plants are producing predominantly 3 fingered leaves - don't see that much.

When a cannabis plant flowers they will go from producing fan leaves in vegetative growth with as many as 11 blades to as few as 1 blade in flower.
Ok, Mother. I got the junk out of the greenhouse. Where the junk used to sit I have a 6" Vortex fan installed in a 30 gallon tote muffled with old clothing. The fan pulls air through a spanking new Phresh filter. Intake is through the open top-flap on the north side of the greenhouse which is under an overhang and is typically shady and cool. Filtered air is blown out the bottom on the south side of the tent. With the greenhouse essentially closed up temps are holding about the same as ambient air outside the tent. Will this be acceptable, Mom?


Gotta say that I ordered the filter from sponsor Perfect Gardens. It was $30 less with free shipping than the local hydro shop wanted for the same filter even before the 5% discount I received using the 420mag discount code. I got it in two days. JJ does a great job.
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