PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Pictures of what I have going now. The first 3 pics that doesn't have labels are the Bandaid Haze. Two are going strong and my PH and NH are doing well also
Off to a great start PC
Those BH are really taking off now. I have two good ones and the other is showing promise She wasn't looking good yesterday but she has perked up today so its looking like I will have 3 of those,,, Yip EE :yahoo: :high-five:

Hay Penny what is the Buzz like on the BH ?
I just received a dog toy , so anyway I got some unexpected things. That's always good but I can't remember who sent the dog toy if it was you please let me know
I am such a dits ... Those came from my order of some ACE seeds , so they are Panama Haze
It’s almost all head high with no body. It’s the kind of weed that lets you clean your whole house before you realize you’ve been at it for 2 solid hours. Lol
Now that's the kind of Buzz I am talking about. I need a boat load of that kinda bud.
I have dropped 2 Carnival seeds and 2, 79 Xmas Bud. I don't have any Indica and though I probably will only smoke it once in awhile I am really excited for both strains. The Xmas bud is regs. This will be my first time growing regular seeds so I am going to need some assistance in figuring out sex. I don't want to mistake a boy for a girl and him knock up my girls. I hear Carnival is just like it sounds. It makes you feel like you are at a carnival. and the Xmas bud just lays you out in euphoria, Heavy Narcotic buzz
Hey, PC! I'm looking forward to this grow. Never seen a Xmas Tree.

I have a question about haze plants. Do they all require long grow cycles and lots of vertical space? Do all haze plants have to be run on 12/13 (I think) from the beginning?

I've want to run a Ghost Train haze, but I don't know if I can pull it off within my space limitations.
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