PCaddict Does Bandaid Haze, Panama Haze, Neville's Haze & 79Xmas Bud

He is hiding in the corner trying to light thigs up and he watches over things for me. There are some small ones in some of the pots. They are working away in the garden Lol
Stumbled my way over, PC, I admit I did not read the past pages but will be following from here!! Glad you got your technical difficulties worked out!!
Glad to have you along for the ride. Yeah just look at the pictures and you will be caught up but this is a good spot to join in. Not much on the previous pages a couple Pics and some B.S.ing around
Welcome Shed, Glad you found me. I hope the others find me. I left a link on my old journal. I would try to tag everyone but I know I would forget a few with my CRS brain. Maybe after a bit I will tag those who haven't showed up yet.
I saw the link in your old journal that I thought was your current journal. I thought I was gonna get in on page 1 for a change. Then realized this has already been here for a month! :laughtwo: Oh well, I'm here now. :)
Well here is a couple shots of the girls in the 8x8
I'm in PC. Let me pull up a chair and watch......
Welcome guys I am glad you found my new journal. I kind of ran two journals together and it got confusing so I will just use this journal from here on out.
How ya like that AC PC? I got one just like it. I bet it works well in the tent.

I Love it. It is keep my 8x8 in good shape. I am going to have to put it on a timer because it is dropping the temps too much during lights out. She is dropping all the way down to 61 but I have it set to 76 It has not climbed over 80 and most times it is 76 or 78 in there.
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